Chapter 1677 Suddenly Turned Dark Chapter 1677 She desperately hoped Yasmine would tell her that her mother was still alive. Unfortunately, Yasmine answered truthfully, "The one who killed your father was an assassin from the Redback Assassins, who has already been killed by Emmanuel. Pursuing this now is meaningless. As for your mother, she was captured by the Great Saint King over twenty years ago and has not been heard from since. She's likely met a grim fate." Mackenzie's cold gaze showed a rare hint of vengeance as she gritted her teeth and said, "Then tellquickly, where is the Great Saint King now?" "I'm sorry, Your Holiness, I don't know," Yasmine replied honestly. “I'm the chief advisor of the Airspace Group. Although the Airspace Group and the Holy Fire organization are brother organizations, they are fundamentally different. I can't even track the movements of the Airspace Group's leader, let alone the Great Saint King." Mackenzie wanted to continue questioning but was suddenly struck by morning sickness.

1:29 Sat, 15 Ju Chapter 1677 Suddenly Tumed Dark "Your Holiness, you need to rest! If anything happens to you or the baby, we can't afford the consequences," Yasmine said quickly, instructing her subordinates to take care of Mackenzie.

She had already given Mackenzie enough information for one day. There had to be ssuspense left for when they reached the Dark Night Islands. Although Mackenzie held the title of Saintess, she had no real power. Yasmine's respect for her was one thing, but using her was another matter. Now that Yasmine was leaving, Mackenzie could do nothing about it. Having boarded the proverbial pirate ship, she still wanted to find out more about Teddy's relationship with the three major organizations for Emmanuel, which meant she needed to be patient.

"Faster! Hurry up!" At this moment, Emmanuel and Hattie had arrived at her private airport. “Emmanuel, are you sure you don't needto send someone with you?" Chapter 1677 Suddenly Turned Dark Hattie asked, genuinely concerned. Not only was Mackenzie her best friend, but Emmanuel's mission might be crucial to her own survival. "Either Blake comes with me, or no one does," Emmanuel stated clearly. Although he had never been to the Dark Night Islands, infamously known as Devil's Island, he knew from Quintus' letters and soutside rumors that it was undoubtedly a perilous place. Ordinary people would be of no help and would only meet their end there. Blake, at least, could be a reluctant helper and a 'guide,' given he was rumored to be an 'outcast' from the Airspace Group.

"Haha, you can go alone then! I'm not into guys, and I don't want to risk my life with you!" Blake laughed. Knowing more than Emmanuel, he had no desire to accompany him on a suicidal mission-it just wasn't logical! "Would you reconsider accompanying him?” Hattie pleaded, knowing Blake stayed with her out of sentiment, not for money. She couldn't order him around like an employer, as he could leave anytime.

Chapter 1677 Suddenly Turned Dark "Oh, you're so annoying!" Blake groaned, scratching his head. It was hard to refuse a beautiful boss' request.

"Let's go!" Taking advantage of Blake's hesitation, Emmanuel gave him a hard shove, pushing him into the cabin.

Seeing Mackenzie's signal moving farther away, Emmanuel had no tto waste and personally piloted the helicopter.

"Sh*t, you can fly a helicopter?! You're something else!" Blake looked at Emmanuel with newfound respect. Not only was he better looking and a better fighter, but he could also fly a helicopter?! Blake could only destroy aircraft, not operate them.

Emmanuel ignored Blake's thoughts, m simply saying, "Sit tight and don't stand up!" Then he set the speed to maximum.

"You're a madman!" Blake clung tightly to the cabin as the helicopter accelerated to over 250 miles per hour, feeling like it was going to break out of the atmosphere.

Chapter 1677 Suddenly Turned Dark

After several hours of flying, the sky began to darken.

en. Just as they were about. to catch up to the target, Mackenzie's signal suddenly vanished.

What's going on?! Emmanuel's heart skipped a beat as he sped up, heading to where the signal had disappeared.

"What's happening? Why did it suddenly turn dark?" Emmanuel was astonished, feeling as if he had traveled through time. It had been afternoon, but now it suddenly seemed like the dead of night..


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