Chapter 1622 "Hey, is this Dad?" To Terence's surprise, the call connected, and a voice resembling Hannah's cthrough.

"Hannah, why is it you?" Terence asked in surprise. “Isn't this Mackenzie's number?" "Are you asking about Mackenzie? She's in trouble." "Trouble? What happened?" Terence was stunned.

The voice on the other end, similar to Hannah's, trembled as she replied, "Emmanuel made it to the finals of the Grand Martial Showdown, but they were all assassinated last night." "What?!" Terence's eyes/widened, feeling like he might faint.

"Sir, are you okay?" Chapter 1622 Assassination "Old Mr. Quillen, snap out of it!" Marilyn and Alfred quickly supported him. Alfred immediately gave him a pill.

It took Terence a while to regain his senses.

"Marilyn, what tis it?" "Sir, it's four in the afternoon. You've been out for 10 hours." Marilyn said anxiously. "You seem to be in danger. Shouldn't we take you to the hospital?" "No need!" Terence waved his hand, forcing himself to stand with their assistance. "Alfred, please arrange a flight. We're heading back to Chanaea tonight. I need to check on the Quillen family." Sure, Old Mr. Quillen." Alfred nodded and left to make arrangements.

"Sir, I'll get you something to eat and drink to replenish your energy." "Okay." Terence waved his hand.

Marilyn walked away.

Chapter 1622 Assassination Terence sat down on the sofa weakly, preparing to rest, but his eyes suddenly widened.

The coastal hotels, on Octara Island were low-rise, with the beach behind the balcony.

At this moment, someone climbed up with a weapon.

Their faces were hidden, their eyes filled with malice.

"Alfred! Alfred!" Terence shouted urgently.

However, the assailants were faster than him, rushing towards him with knives.

Terence was too weak to escape.

"Sir!" In a split second, Marilyn shielded him with her back.

Blood dyed Terence's face red.

Chapter 1622 Assassination "Marilyn!" Terence exclaimed.

This was the second tshe saved him.

"Sir, take care of yourself!" Marilyn held the assailant's knife, buying tfor Terence.

Another assailant aimed for Terence's head.

At the critical moment, a burst of energy knocked him away.

Alfred's strike sent him crashing into the wall, coughing up blood, and dying instantly.

"Leave one alive!" Terence kept his composure.

He wanted to know who sent the assassins to kill him.

Alfred nodded and broke the right leg of the other assailant.

Unable to escape, the assailant stabbed himself with the knife, refusing to be Chapter 1622 Assassination captured alive.

Approaching him, Alfred checked his breath and confirmed he was dead.

"D*mn it!" Terence couldn't care less about the assailant. He shŒÐ M Marilyn gently. "Marilyn, how are you? Marilyn, pull yourself together!" Covered in blood, Marilyn weakly opened her eyes, smiling.

"Sir, I might not make it. Before I die, I have one request. Can you grant my N request?" "Marilyn, you speak! Whatever your request, I will definitely grant it." Terence was also excited. Marilyn's deep affection and loyalty to him made him unable to betray this girl who had saved his life twice.

"Sir... I... I'm a woman... The biggest wish in my life... is...

is to have a m el husband. Can you... Can you promise me... to be your wife and givelegal status?" Marilyn said weakly.

Tue, 4 Jun Chapter 1622 Assassination "What?!" Terence trembled violently.

Alfred also looked at him in astonishment.


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