Regina was taken aback. She couldn't help but think Lena had lost her marbles. What on earth was she raging about?

Regina was no match for Lena's fiery temper. Under that intense scolding, she didn't dare utter a word of protest. Instead, she quietly downed two glasses of orange juice, one gulp after another. Holding a glass of pomegranate juice, Regina spoke up with trepidation, "Miss Lena, I think I'll pass on the pomegranate juice."

The pomegranates used weren't exactly fresh-they were meant for Josefina's consumption.

Was Josefina's refusal turning into her obligation?

Regina's face was the picture of bitterness as she murmured, "Miss Lena, I'm quite full already."

"You said it was nutritious, didn't you? Refusing to drink it would be quite the snub to me."

Lena's assertiveness left Regina with no room to argue, and so she finished off two glasses of the pomegranate juice.

Lena watched Regina's compliant demeanor with a sense of triumph, her irritation dissipating, leaving her feeling much more relaxed.

After her shower, Josefina's phone began to ring. It was Walter from House of Adams calling.

"Josie, don't forget about the thing I mentioned. Day after tomorrow, 10:30 AM, you need to be at the hospital as a judge. But relax, I know you like to keep things low-key. I've spoken to Ellory-you can just watch the live stream, no need to be there in person."

"Thanks, Grandpa Walter."

"Ah, kiddo, no need for formalities with me. The clothes you sent fit me like a glove."

"I'm glad you like them."

Walter chuckled heartily, "Josie, make time to visit. My latest research has made some breakthroughs. Don't be a stranger, come by when you can."

"Sure, I'll swing by once I wrap up things here."

"Ah, I'm looking forward to it, kiddo. It's getting late. You should rest up."

With the call ended, Josefina dried her hair and settled on the couch to tie up a few loose ends. By midnight, she finished her tasks and drifted off to sleep in her bed.

Oliver returned home to find Brandon there, sitting in the living room looking utterly dejected.

Hearing footsteps, Brandon looked up, his eyes cloudy.

Oliver knew something was about to unfold. He walked over and sat across from Brandon, his expression indifferent.

Brandon took a sip of his hot tea before speaking up, "Your father's birthday is coming up. Isn't it time to let him out? Is it right to keep him away?"

Oliver retorted, "Let him out for what? To embarrass you, me, or the Baldwin family business?"

Brandon held the tea, but suddenly couldn't bring himself to drink it. Oliver's words still had that sharp edge, as always.

"I know you're not fond of him, but for appearances' sake, we need to keep up pretenses. Rumors of discord between you two won't bode well for your relationship with Josie." Oliver's demeanor shifted instantly, "What does this have to do with Josie?"

Brandon, trying to lighten the mood, responded, "If the Baldwin family's image is tarnished, do you think the Harrisons would want Josie marrying into our family? They aren't looking for a marriage alliance for her. They'll want a man from a reputable, harmonious family for Josie."

Oliver remained silent, suspecting Brandon was manipulating the situation to have Rowan released.

Brandon continued, "We could throw a birthday soiree, and Josie could attend. Then everyone would know about you two, right?"

Oliver glanced at Brandon and begrudgingly agreed.

Having resolved the issue, Brandon sat in his car with a sense of relief and glee.

"No matter how bad things get, that's still his father. Look at how unforgiving he is. Only Josie seems to have him wrapped around her finger."

Bennett responded with a chuckle, "You always find a way, sir."

Brandon said thoughtfully, "It's not so much my doing as it is Oliver having found his Achilles' heel."

Indeed, Brandon owed Josefina a debt of gratitude.

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