Josie frantically pushed Oliver away, only to find him pressing in again. Her heart raced as his bare skin confronted her. Oliver's handsome visage caused a mix of panic and confusion.

"Josie, don't be scared. I won't hurt you," he assured, though his body betrayed him, stubbornly refusing to cooperate.

Blushing fiercely, Josie nudged him with her arm. "Get up, Oliver. If you don't, I swear I'll be mad."

Oliver promptly stood, not wanting to upset her. In that brief moment of eye contact, he moved from the bed to sit on the couch. "Sleep, Josie," he murmured.

Josie lay in bed, the covers up to her chin, while Oliver stretched out on the sofa, now in a T-shirt.

With the lights off and the room at a comfortable temperature, Josie listened to Oliver's steady breathing and finally felt at ease enough to drift off. But when Josie fell asleep, Oliver joined her in bed. It was large enough for the two of them, after all.

He snuggled close, enveloping her in his arms, and peacefully they slept.

Waking up the next morning, Josie was bewildered to find Oliver beside her. "How did you end up in my bed?" she asked, puzzled.

Opening his eyes, Oliver realized something important. He could only truly sleep when he was with Josie.

"I haven't slept this well in ages," he said, his dark eyes reflecting her flustered expression.

Oliver held her close, still half in a daze. "Let me sleep a little longer."

Josie gently pushed him away as the clock on the wall struck nine. If they slept any longer, they'd miss work.

She got out of bed just as a knock came at the door. "Josie, are you up? Feeling alright?" came Hattie's voice from the other side.

"I just slept in a bit. I'll be down soon," Josie quickly replied.

"Rest up if you need to. Skip work if you want. I'll have the kitchen prepare some breakfast for you."

"Thanks," Josie called out before shooting Oliver a glare. "This is all your fault."

Already awake, Oliver sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze tender and indulgent. He looked so endearing in the morning, like a puppy waiting for attention.

Josie rushed into the walk-in closet, locked the door behind her, and changed into a fresh set of clothes. "Oliver, you figure your own way out. I'm heading downstairs for breakfast." With that, Josie made her escape, leaving Oliver to tidy up the aftermath.

By ten o'clock, Noel arrived at the office. Sammuel from procurement approached and gave Noel a once-over. They entered Noel's office together. "Sammuel," Noel began, "the factory folks wanted to see you. I spotted them waiting at the company entrance, so I told them to head back for now."

Noel glanced at Sammuel, a hint of a smile on his face. "You know, it's about time for a promotion."

Sammuel beamed with gratitude. "Thank you for your mentorship, Noel. I won't forget the opportunities you've given me."

Noel chuckled. "I'm off to see Ms. Josefina about this."

He walked to Josie's office door and pushed it open, only to be stopped by Kale.

"Noel, you're looking for Ms. Josefina, and don't knock?" Kale chided.

Noel scoffed. "Is a lowly secretary like you trying to meddle in my affairs? Bold of you. I can fire you on the spot, you know."

"I don't believe you would," Kale retorted just as Josie arrived. She overheard Noel's arrogant tone and greeted him with a frosty look.

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