Chapter 40

Kimberly couldn't believe any of this. Her mom was a werewolf. All of this is crazy.

“I'll get us more coffee” Christine suddenly announced, walking to the coffee maker.

They hadn't realized that their cups were almost empty until Christine spoke up. They were glad she did because, it helped ease the rising tension. She refilled all the mugs before joining them again. Alan took a deep sigh and continued.

"As werewolves, we usually find our mate at age eighteen, unless it takes longer due to some reasons” he explained, stealing a glance at Roy who had his head low.

Kimberly caught him as he glanced at Roy and she couldn't help but do the same and noticed he had his head low. She realized from Alan's statement and Roy's current position that he hasn't found his mate. She instantly felt pity for him.

"And what are those reasons?” she blurted out, immediately regretting it, but she couldn't take it back even if she wanted to, because she was sincerely curious to know why Roy was still mateless. “There are several reasons... One being that a werewolf's mate may not be from the same pack. Another reason could be that its mate is younger. That is, she probably hasn't come of age, so he'd have to wait. But, the most likely reason is if the mate was... if she was human”

He glanced at his nephew, whom he noticed was staring at Kimberly who was lost in her own thoughts, probably still trying to process everything.

“Hailey turned eighteen and as predicted, Hugh was her mate. She locked herself in her bedroom for several days without food, getting everyone worried, especially Hugh who wanted to be with his mate. The next thing she did after that shocked the entire pack...”

Kimberly's ears perked up at that statement. She stared at Alan with expectant eyes as she desperately wanted to know what her mom did.

“Please, go on” she encouraged him, as she noticed he was a bit hesitant to continue

"At the ceremony where Hugh would be coronated as alpha of the pack and Hailey as his Luna, she rejected him as her mate. She knew she was hurting her mate and her wolf, but she still went ahead with it... She opened up about her relationship with your father and apologized to Hugh before leaving the ceremony. It was a blow to everyone, because that has never happened. To make matters worse, she ran away, leaving only a goodbye note behind... Hugh was livid, his wolf went crazy for weeks. Weeks turned into months. With each passing day, he was hopeful that she'd come back because of the bond they shared, but she didn't... After three years of waiting, he gave up” Kimberly was now in tears. How could her mom do such a thing? She could just imagine how embarrassed and disrespected Hugh must've felt.

"Why did she do it?”

That was a tough question for Alan to answer, since Hailey only confided in him with her secret. It wouldn't hurt anyone if he told Kimberly. Besides, she is her daughter. Taking a deep breath, he decided to answer Kimberly's question since it was now in the past.

“Besides falling in love with your father, Hailey didn't want to be with Hugh because his father was a merciless alpha. She feared Hugh would turn out to be like his father”

“Are my grandparents still alive?” Kimberly asked in a quiet voice.

“They were murdered by an outraged Hugh” Alan sadly replied.

He felt bad and mad at himself for not putting much effort in preventing that from happening. Kimberly on the other hand couldn't help but feel guilty for what her mom did. She wouldn't deny that she loves her dad and wouldn't trade him for another, but, her mom should've known better than to do what she did, hurting so many people in the process.

“I'm sorry” she apologized in a whisper

She felt like she had to do it on her mom's behalf.

"Hey, there's no need to apologize. What happened then was no fault of yours” Alan took her hands in his, in a comforting manner.

“There is more you need to know”

This statement catches Kimberly's attention because she thought the story had come to an end. “This isn't about your mom. It's about you...” Alan continued when he noticed the confused look on her face.

“I think you were blessed with your mom's healing abilities”

“How is that even possible?” she confusedly asked

“The other day you tended to my cut. I discovered some minutes later, after you dressed it, that the cut had completely healed”

Roy spoke up for the first time since they started this conversation.

Kimberly couldn't help but feel her body tingle with excitement at the sound of his voice. She has yearned for that voice for days now.

“Kimberly concentrate’ she mentally scolded herself.

“Isn't that some sort of gift you guys have? How can you even connect that to me?”

"I slowed my healing process so you wouldn't get suspicious. I didn't heal myself. You did”

She was now staring at his gorgeous face and those captivating eyes. They always seem to make her get lost in them. She quickly tore her eyes away from him and stared at her hands. How could this be? She was only a doctor some weeks ago and now she is being told of some supernatural power she suddenly possessed. This is crazy.

“This is insane” she chuckled, trying to wave off this new information like it was nothing. Meanwhile, she was freaking out on the inside.

Alan could tell that Kimberly was nervous and was only trying to cover up. He decided to ignore her current state and tell her everything she needed to know. It was best to reveal everything now, rather than wait longer.

"Healers are highly regarded in any pack in the world because of their gift, as they help werewolves heal a lot faster during battles... most especially their mates. They personally heal their alpha mates with severe wounds because the healing process for severe wounds are different”


“If the warriors don't respond to healing, probably due to the extent of their injury, they leave them to heal by themselves, no matter how long that would take. But in the case of an alpha, it's rather simple for their mates. All they have to do is mate with them, although they become weak after that... But aside from the weakness they would feel after, the alpha is safe”

What does that mean? Kimberly wondered. She thought during her school days that the word “mate’ was the way or process in which animals reproduced. Wait, was that what he meant by “They mate with them’? Oh God, this is getting more confusing.

"So, you're trying to tell me that I'll be mated to some werewolf alpha?” she nervously joked, internally hoping that since she was human, none of that would apply to her, but the serious look on Alan's face and was it sad or defeated look on Roy's face told her otherwise.

“I'm not mated to anyone, right?”

"You are, actually... To not just one alpha, but two.”

Kimberly's eyes went wide with surprise

“What do you mean by two?” Roy asked through gritted teeth.

“Is there something you're not telling me?” he continued, his eyes flickering from grey to yellow. “Roy, please, calm yourself. I planned on discussing it with you later today. That was before you showed up at my house” Alan explained, hoping to calm his nephew, whose wolf was fighting to take control

“Kimberly is mated to you and... alpha Hugh of the white moon pack”

It took a lot of strength from Roy to stop himself from shifting and running into the white moon pack to rip Hugh apart.

"He sent for me two nights ago. I didn't want to go at first, but his beta insisted that it was important, so I had no choice but to go see him”

“And you didn't think it was important to let me know?” Roy growled, already in a half shift, causing Kimberly to flinch away from him.

This was the first time in all her life she came face to face with something as scary as this.

"After what happened the other day, I didn’t want to get you involved... I felt it was too dangerous to take such a risk” Alan calmly explained with his head low in respect.

“That is no excuse!” he yelled, reaching for his uncle's neck but Christine was able to stop him in time before he does something he'd later regret.

“Roy, baby, please let him go. I beg you” she pleaded, soothing his back, hoping that would be enough to calm him.

His head jerked towards her direction and she realized that Roy wasn't in control anymore. She instantly fell on her knees, with her head low.

“Please, alpha. Please don't do it” she shakily begged

Kimberly watched all of this in pure shock. She noticed a trembling Christine stare at her with pleading eyes, like she had the power to help. What was she expecting her to do in a situation like this?

Christine mouthed “Please help’ when Roy dug his claws into Alan's neck. This is frightening. Is he going to kill him? Why isn't Alan doing anything to free himself? Kimberly wondered.

"What does he want?!” Roy growled in a voice that wasn't his.

This voice was ten times deeper than his voice. How is that even possible? She stared in horror at his extended teeth.

"Answer me!” he yelled, digging his claws deeper into Alan's skin.

Kimberly couldn't continue to watch this madness. He is going to kill his uncle with the excuse of some wolf.

“Roy, stop!” she blurted out, to her own surprise.

She was shocked at how serious she sounded, when on the inside, she was slowly passing out from what she was witnessing.

His head jerked towards her direction like he did with Christine, causing her to whimper in fear and take a few steps back. This wasn't Roy, but some monster.

“Let go of him” she calmly said, after mentally composing herself, staring directly into those yellow orbs.

She soon noticed his eyes flicker from yellow to grey and the look on his face softened as he gently let go of his uncle, his claws turning back to normal as well as his face.

Kimberly could see the guilt written all over his face. He knelt beside his uncle, who was now on the floor coughing and trying to catch his breath, his wounds slowly healing.

“I'm sorry, uncle. You should've stopped me” Roy said with pain in his voice.

He knew his uncle would've been able to stop him, but why didn't he?

“I knew you would be upset with me and was prepared for whatever comes with it” Alan managed to say

“I could've killed you, Please... stop me next time”

He brought his uncle to his feet and guided him to the stool he was previously seated on.

Christine handed Roy a glass of water, which he gave to his uncle.

Kimberly on the other hand, was still in shock. How could someone transform into something hideous and cause such terror, then turn back to normal and act like that never happened, all in less than an hour.

She caught Roy stealing a glance her way and for the first time she could really tell what his eyes held, because it was that obvious. He looked guilty and at the same time, embarrassed.

“I need to go for a run” he quietly told his uncle, but Alan held his hand in time to prevent him from leaving.

"You need to know what Hugh wanted”

Roy glanced at Kimberly again before he hesitantly nodded, waiting for his uncle to explain everything.

"He told me you had his mate and I was beyond surprised... Hailey can't be in our pack, even if she was truly back, I kept telling myself”

Roy couldn't understand a word his uncle was saying. Why would Hugh accuse him of having his mate when he doesn't.

“The night you were attacked. Hugh asked his beta to bring his mate to him. That was the reason why they were lurking around the borders” he explained, staring at Kimberly.

She felt like disappearing. This was all to scary to be true and she didn't want to be a part of it.

“He threatened to retaliate the death of his warriors if you don't hand over his mate, but I was able to convince him to give me some time to speak to you... to find out if you really had Hailey"

"Well, as you can see, I don't” Roy angrily said

"Unfortunately, Roy, you do. It's Kimberly”

“She's mine!" he growled

“I understand how you feel, but this is a complicated situation” Alan said, giving his nephew's shoulder a light squeeze to calm him.

“I never thought this was possible... it had only happened once, and that was centuries ago” he mumbled to himself

“Uncle, what are you talking about?”

"Centuries ago, an alpha lost his mate. She was murdered by some rogues. For months his wolf went crazy until it went dormant, then the pack knew they were slowly losing their alpha... but suddenly, he found another mate, who was also mated to another alpha. This came as a shock to everyone who heard of it. I guess he was favored by the moon goddess”

"So, what are you trying to say?” Roy asked with furrowed eyebrows, not getting where his uncle was going with this discussion.

“Roy. I think Hugh is getting the same favor” Alan sighed

“What is Roy going to do?” Christine asked, embracing a trembling Kimberly, who was already in tears.

"From what we were told. The first alpha to mark and mate the lady in question became her mate” “What are you implying? That I don't have a say in this? I'm just going to be a puppet and let anyone do what they want with me? How am I sure all of this isn't some fabricated story? How can I be so sure that you guys aren't just using all of this to keep me here?!” Kimberly sobbed, running out of the kitchen.

Roy wanted to go after her but Alan stopped him.

"Give her some time to take everything in” he instructed Roy, who hesitantly obeyed.

“So what are you going to tell him?” Roy quietly asked, rubbing his temple.

Everything he learnt about today was beginning to mess with his head.

“I have no idea”

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