Mile High (Windy City Series Book 1)
Mile High: Chapter 17

Stevie’s back is flat against the bed, her nails digging into the flesh at my back, as I grind my hips down onto her, rubbing my dick against her leg, needing to feel the friction. And as I do, I kiss her lips one last time.

Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love making out with this girl, but kissing is too intimate. Doing it while in the act does something to these chicks’ brains where they attach themselves, thinking it’s more than just a fuck—even though I make that loud and clear every time. So, I keep the intimacy to a minimum. Tonight is about getting off so I can finally stop fucking my hand to the image of this curly-haired girl as I have for the last few weeks and move on. Tonight is unattached sex to get it out of our systems.

As I leave her lips for the final time, Stevie reaches over, tugging at the lamp on the nightstand and turning off the only light left on in the room.

Without looking up at her, my mouth works over the warm skin of her neck as I reach out and turn the light back on.

I bite and suck on the soft flesh on her chest, being sure to leave my marks low so she can cover it up with her work uniform tomorrow. And as I do, she reaches over and turns off the light once again.

“What are you doing?” I finally ask, lifting my face to look at her.

“Turning off the light.”

“Leave it on. I want to see you.”

“No,” she says, standing her ground, her gaze pleading with me.

I’m not an idiot. In fact, I would say I’m highly aware of both my own feelings as well as others. A near ten years of consistent therapy will do that to you. Even though I don’t give a shit most of the time, I can read other people like a book.

So, I’d be lying if I said the girl in my bed was completely confident in her body. The lack of eye contact while she was getting naked and the arms crossed over her chest were pretty loud and clear.

She’s an interesting combination of insecure and confident, the same as I am, but in entirely different ways.

But from what I know of the wild flight attendant, she wouldn’t want to be treated with kid gloves. So, I’m not going to. I’m not going to avoid the parts of her body she’s insecure about just to keep the attention off them. Instead, I’m going to touch every inch of her while I fuck her so hard she probably won’t even remember her own name, let alone what she doesn’t like about her body.

Even with the lights off, I can see that her nipples are pretty little peaks, begging for me, so I take her in my mouth, pulling a soft whimper from Stevie’s lips.

To be honest, I like everything that comes out of this girl’s mouth. Whether that be a gentle moan of pleasure, my name as she begs, or one of her smart-ass quips she can’t help but fire back at me. I like knowing that whatever is coming out of her mouth is because of me.

My breath swirls against her skin as I work my way down, lower and lower, my lips ghosting the delicate fabric of her panties. Stroking myself in one hand, I use the other to hook into the waistband of the lace, pulling it down slightly, ready to bury my face between her legs.

But Stevie places her hand on mine, stopping me. “You don’t need to do that.”

“I want to.”

“No, you don’t,” she laughs.

My brows furrow. “Yes, I do.”

She looks anywhere but down at me. “Well, I… I don’t really like it.”

I keep my stare on her, willing her to make eye contact with me. Finally, her blue-green eyes connect with mine, allowing me to read her like a fucking book.

She’s lying.

Maybe she’s self-conscious about having my face between her thighs, or maybe someone else made her feel like it’s a chore, but that’s definitely not the case for me. Or maybe she’s never had someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing while they’re down here. Regardless, she told me no, so it looks like I’m skipping this meal tonight even though I’ve been starving to taste her for weeks now.

Lifting up, I hold myself on one of my elbows, hovering over her. “I need you to be comfortable with me.”

“I am,” she quickly blurts out. “I am.”

“Well, then we need to get some things straight.” Her throat moves in a deep swallow from my words. “I’ve been thinking about this for weeks now. I don’t often wait that long for the things I want, but seeing you naked in my bed with this”—I cup my hand over her wet panties—“ready for me…fuck. I can’t wait to fuck you. But I’m not going to do it if you keep talking shit about your body.”

“I didn’t say anything—”

“In here.” I lightly tap the side of her head.

I watch as guilt forms on her features.

“You’re mine tonight, and all I see is this insanely sexy body ready for me. These tits”—I take a handful—“that I want to bury my face in all night. These thighs”—I squeeze the underside of one—“that I would love nothing more than to use as cheek warmers. And this”—I dip my fingers into the soaked lace fabric—“this pussy that is so fucking warm and wet.” Sliding a finger between her folds, I slip it inside her, causing Stevie’s back to arch and a whimper to leave her throat.

“This is all mine tonight,” I continue. “And I’m not going to let you talk shit about what’s mine. So, I’m going to need you to stop, or we aren’t doing this.”

Stevie doesn’t answer, nerves evident on her face.

I push my erection into her leg, letting her feel how hard I am. “I’m not kidding, Stevie. I’ll go take care of this myself, just as I have countless times over the last few weeks if you don’t start being nice to yourself.”

“You haven’t hooked up with anyone else over the last few weeks?” Her brows crease with confusion.

Dropping some of my weight, my chest lies flush on top of her bare tits. This isn’t a position I’m used to—too intimate. I’m not into eye contact or shit like that when it comes to sex, but this is before anything has really started, so I’ll let it slide.

“No,” I tell her honestly. “I’m not kidding when I say I’ve been thinking about fucking you for weeks now. You’re all I’ve been wanting.”

Stevie’s eyes widen with surprise.

“All of this.” My hand roams down her stomach, squeezing her leg before snaking around and cupping her ass. I hide my face into the crook of her neck, my words muffled against her skin. “So please let me have it.”

“Shit, Zanders. I didn’t know you were so obsessed with me.” A slight smirk lifts on her lips, a bit more confidence replacing the previous uncertainty.

Stevie’s soft hand runs the length of my rib cage before digging her fingers into my lower back and causing my dick to thrust against her. My eyes hood over as I repeat the movement, finding some much-needed friction.

“I’m going to fucking destroy your body tonight and hopefully some of those insecurities that don’t make any goddamn sense right along with it.”

The knowing grin that was lifting on her lips falls, her mouth gaping in shock instead.

“Can I fuck you senseless, sweetheart?”

Words have evaded the usual quick-witted girl, who instead silently nods in agreement.

“Good.” I stand at the foot of the bed, my fingers finding the waistband of her panties. “Lift your hips for me.”

She does as I say, and as the lace drops to the floor, I can’t help but admire the view. Even through the darkness, I can see the soft brown folds of her pussy glistening from here.

“So pretty,” I breathe out as my fingers find her, circling her clit and causing her to writhe beneath my simple touch.

I want to fucking devour her. I want to bury my face so deep between her legs, I’ll have to come up for oxygen eventually, but she told me no, so until she takes it back, it’s not going to happen.

Not that she needs much of a warmup. She soaked already, and my fingers have slipped inside of her multiple times with ease. Hopefully, she’s able to take everything I have to offer. It’s a lot for most women. In fact, most times, I have to hold myself back more than I’d like, but I have faith that Stevie can handle it.

Leaving for a moment, I grab a condom from my bag while Stevie watches me roll it on.

“I’m clean, by the way.” Not that she asked, but I get my shit checked on the regular and figured she should know.

She bites down on her lip as she stares at my condom-covered dick, salivating from where she lies on the bed. “Me too.”

“Turn over.” Stroking myself, I watch as she does what I say, getting on all fours. “Such a good girl,” I add with the slap of her ass. “Now, hold on to the headboard.”

Her slender fingers, decorated with tiny gold rings, hold on to the bed frame as she spreads her knees, giving me a perfect view.

I’ve been imagining this for weeks now. What her pussy would look like, feel like, but my imagination was absolute shit compared to the real thing. Skimming my palm over my jaw, I can’t help but shake my head in satisfaction. Because it’s real fucking pretty.

With my fist wrapped around my cock, I climb onto the bed, sitting up on my knees with Stevie’s ass right there, her legs spread for me. I dip two fingers into my mouth before grazing them over her core. When they disappear inside of her, Stevie’s head drops between her shoulders as she pushes into my hand, finding a rhythm.

“What do you want, sweetheart?” My focus is locked on my disappearing fingers, mesmerized by the whole thing.

“I want you to stop calling me ‘sweetheart.’”

My lips lift on one side, unable to hide it. “Not a chance. Besides, I have teammates on either side of these thin walls. You want them to hear me call you by name while I’m coming inside of you?”

Stevie doesn’t answer but instead moans at my words as she continues to roll her hips, meeting my fingers in pace.

Removing my fingers from her pussy, I wrap a fist around the base of my cock, tapping it against her clit. “Is this what you’ve been wanting?”

I slide my length against her folds, watching the condom coat with her arousal.

“Yes,” she begs. “Please, Zanders.”

“Then take it.” I grip her hip, line myself up, and push into her. I go somewhat slowly, letting her adjust to my size as I watch her knuckles turn white, holding on to the headboard.

Oh my God,” she cries.

My eyes roll back as she fully takes me, my fingertips curling into the skin on her hips as I try to hold myself back for a moment. “So good,” I encourage, but holy fuck, that doesn’t do it justice.

Great. Perfect. Five-star pussy is more like it. It grips around me, and I have to focus on not coming like a fucking teenager going through puberty.

Stevie’s head has dropped down, her chestnut curls running all over as she adjusts to having me inside of her. After a moment of pause, she pushes her ass back into me, needing the movement.

My first thrust is half speed, pulling a breathy, “Yes,” from her.

Putting a little more force behind the act, I pull back before pushing into her again.

“Oh my God, yes.” Stevie’s back arches, her ass up in the air.

It’s a real nice ass if I do say so myself. It’s plenty soft for my hips to ram into, and it bounces around every time I enter her. Filling both of my hands with it, anchoring myself, I thrust into her again, this time causing the bed to knock into the wall behind it.

“Do you like that, sweetheart?” Because fuck, I know I do.

“Mm-hmm,” she whimpers.

“You’re doing so good, taking all of me.”

Quickening my stride and finding a rhythm, I continue rolling into her. She’s fucking tight and does a perfect job at meeting me in pace, pressing her ass into me, asking for more. I bend over, my chest flush to her back and my lips to her ear.

“You like me, huh, Stevie girl?” I whisper, so no one else can hear her name.

“You’re annoying,” is followed by a needy cry, causing me to laugh.

“You think you could handle more?” I thrust into her again, this time even harder, watching her eyes roll back in pleasure.

“Is that all you got?”

She fucking loves pushing my buttons, even in bed, apparently. Which is fine by me. Give me a challenge, please.

Pulling out of her, I leave her empty.

“No,” she whines, her body trembling as she reaches behind her, trying to grab me. “No. I’m so close.” Her thighs clench together, needing to fill the empty ache.

“What do you say?”

“Please!” she begs, desperation filling her voice. “Please, Zanders.”

Fuck. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a better combination of two words in my life.

Wrapping one of my forearms around her middle, I hold on tight, needing to keep her upright. As my other hand covers her mouth, I fill her once again, giving her everything I got.

She screams into my palm, her eyes screwing shut as I pound into her.

“You like that,” I state because I don’t even need to ask.

She repeatedly nods her head as my hand keeps her quiet.

Over and over again, I fill her from behind, the consistent tempo causing my balls to tingle already. I keep my lips to Stevie’s ear, whispering dirty words as I watch the euphoria take over her pretty features.

One of my hands moves to her tit, massaging, kneading, and rolling her nipple with my thumb. My other hand focuses on her clit, circling, flicking, and getting her ready to come with me.

That is, until Stevie releases the headboard, takes my hand from her tit and instead, guides it to her throat.

I can’t help but smile against the skin of her shoulder as I lightly choke her, all the while I’m fucking her from behind.

This girl is an absolute wildcard. One minute she’s insecure about what she looks like, and the next, she’s asking me to choke her as I fuck her, her body at my disposal. But I guess that’s a little bit like the relationship we have with each other—moments of softness, surrounded by a shit-ton of banter and teasing.

“Shit,” I hiss out. “I really like fucking you, sweetheart.”

“Stop calling me ‘sweetheart.’”

The humor isn’t lost on me that I’m choking and fucking a girl that I ironically call “sweetheart.”

“Never,” I laugh.

Leaning back, my ass on my heels, I pull her with me, so she’s sitting in my lap and on my dick. Her back is flush to my chest as one of her hands reaches over, palm curving around my neck, needing to anchor herself.

I liked her body before tonight, but now, feeling it in my hands and on my cock, and knowing I can throw her around a little bit and not break her, I think I might be its number one fan.

“Are you going to come for me?” My lips ghost the shell of her ear.

Another whimper leaves her lips as she rests her head back on my shoulder, her eyes closed, and her lips parted in pleasure. Her freckled cheeks are flush, and her soft brown skin is glistening with sweat.

“I really want you to come all over me, Stevie. You’re doing so good.”

I continue to bounce her on my cock as cries fill the hotel room, some from me and some from her. One of my hands is still circling her throat, and the other is circling her swollen clit.

Her body begins to tighten and contract as her pussy squeezes me.

“Please come all over me,” I beg.

As I thrust into her a few more times, hitting that spot that causes her entire body to shake, I watch as the orgasm rips through Stevie, taking over.

Zee,” she cries, her fingers pulling at the gold chain around my neck, needing to grasp something.

That name is something only my favorite people use, and you’d think it’d cause me to pause. But instead, hearing her say it as she comes all over my cock, does nothing but bring my own release.

“Fucking hell—” I call out, trying to hold myself back.

And just then, I do something I’ve never done before. Two of my fingers leave her throat, turning her chin to face me. Pressing my mouth to hers, I come inside of her, needing her to swallow my cry of her name, so my fucking teammates don’t hear it through these thin-ass walls.

Our mouths move and gape together as we ride out our highs, Stevie ever so slightly continuing to bounce on my dick. Her fingertips dig into the nape of my neck, pulling me into her as I kiss her with everything I have left. I hold on to her slightly damp body, refusing to let this end just yet.

There’s a whole lot of eye contact I didn’t plan for as we both come off our highs.

“I needed that.” Stevie rests her head back on my shoulder, her eyes closed as she catches her breath.

Her pretty freckled face is glowing from her orgasm, and her lips are swollen from my assault. She drops herself to lie on the bed, completely satisfied and content, her curls sprawled across the white sheets.

“No, you needed me,” I rephrase with a slap of her ass.

Quickly standing from the mattress, I head into the bathroom, discarding the used condom in the trash before looking in the mirror. The usual gloat and ego are missing from my post-sex glow. Instead, stress is evident on my face.

Because I liked that way more than I should have.

I always like sex, who doesn’t? But that felt like I just had a hit of something I’m going to continually need in order to curb my quickly growing addiction.

The way she can keep up with me, both in bed and with words. Fuck. I thought I ended the chase, but now I think I may have started a whole other game that I’m never going to win.

Did that kiss fuck with my brain instead of hers? And why do I want to cuddle up next to her soft body before round two?

Heading back into the main room, I promptly plop my naked self onto the bed next to her, but before I can pull her body into mine, she slips off the mattress and ducks into the bathroom, which is fine. She’ll be back in a second.

Stevie’s glowing bronzed body comes strutting out from the bathroom a couple of minutes later, and I fully expect her to come right back to bed with me. Every chick tries it, but this is the first time I actually want someone to hang around and relax with me while I get ready for another round.

But instead of coming to me, she heads back to the couch, finding her discarded clothes on the floor.

Leaning up on my elbows, my bare-naked frame on full display, I furrow my brows while watching her redress. “What are you doing?”

Stevie slips her legs into her jeans, rebuttoning the waistband. Which is the exact opposite of what I want her to do.

“Getting dressed.”


A small laugh escapes her as she reclasps her bra, taking away my perfect view. “Because I can’t exactly get into my Uber naked, now, can I?”

“Why are you leaving?” I restate my question. “You can stay here.”


“We said this was a one-time thing,” Stevie notes, thankfully ignoring the last part of my statement as she pulls her shirt over her head.

“I was thinking more like a one-night thing. With multiple orgasms packed in there.”

“Look, Zanders, that was fun.” Stevie ties up her dirty-ass Nikes. “But you’re my client. I work for you so that probably wasn’t the best idea.”

I’ve spent this entire season so far trying to remind Stevie that she works for me, and now she decides to get it through her head? Right when I want her to forget about it?

“See you tomorrow.” She turns towards the door.

Jumping off the bed, I cup my dick, unable to throw any clothes on while I chase her out the door.

“Wait!” I yell, following her into the hallway. “At least let me take an Uber with you. It’s two in the morning.”

Stevie continues down the hall towards the elevator. “Zanders, I’m a big girl. I can handle getting back to my hotel.” She steps into the elevator, pressing the button for the lobby.

I awkwardly run to catch up with her, all while trying to cover my cock with my hand. I have large hands, but I have a giant dick, and my version of covering it means it’s practically flailing around.

Stepping into the threshold of the elevator, I hold open the metal door with my free arm. “At least send me a message when you get back, so I know you made it okay.”

Stevie eyes my naked frame, a knowing smirk rising on her lips as I desperately stand here, needing something, anything from her.

“I’ll be fine.”

“I swear to God, Stevie. I will scream your name so fucking loud right now, every single one of my teammates will know you’re here if you don’t—”

“Okay!” she cuts me off. “I’ll send you a message when I get back to my hotel.”

I eye her a moment, trying to figure out what the hell went wrong in the time I made her come all over my dick to now, but I can’t read her. I really want to lean down and kiss her goodbye, but she seems hell-bent on getting away. I’m used to her running away from me, but I thought after tonight, maybe she’d stop.

Stepping my bare ass just a foot back, I let the elevator doors close with the wild flight attendant inside, but right before the metal doors close completely, I watch as Stevie leans her head back on the wall, regret covering her features.

What the fuck just happened?

Once she’s gone, the realization hits me that I’m butt-ass naked, and I just ran out of my hotel room without a key, allowing the door to close behind me.


I’ve never chased someone trying to leave my room. Typically, I’m getting dressed and begging them to go.

Glancing around the empty halls, I start my walk of shame to my best friend’s room across the hall from mine.

Knocking doesn’t do the trick, so I pound on the door with my free hand, needing to wake him up.

“What the fuck?” Maddison swings the door open, his mop of hair disheveled and his eyes barely open, laced with sleep.

“Oh my God,” he laughs, looking me up and down. “This is too fucking good.”

“I need to use your phone to call the front desk. I locked myself out of my room.”

“Wait right there.” Maddison turns back to his room, barely able to walk due to the hysterical laugher overtaking him. “The boys are gonna need to see this.” He holds his cellphone up, snapping a picture of me in the hallway as I cup my dick and flip him the bird with my other hand.

“Fuck you,” I mutter, letting myself in his room.

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