Memphis – Brothers At Arms MC, #3
Memphis – Brothers At Arms MC, #3

Memphis – Brothers At Arms MC, #3

15Chapters 305Views 8Bookmarked Completed Status




Just when we think we’ve beaten the odds, we find a new wrinkle. The forgotten Raggetti’s, the oldest and the youngest members of that family come under our protection.

The oldest, Alfredo Raggetti tells us about the head games his father liked to play and who he liked to play them against, but then we found one of his head games was very real. The gold we found was only a sample of what was actually there. We had to call in the Family and the head Leon Vincinti had to come to take it back.

The youngest member of the Raggetti family was a whole other story. Her name is Delaney and she may be mouthy and stubborn but she’s also beautiful and she’s mine. Now I just have to keep her.


We’ve been coming to the old place for years, more years than I want to remember anyway. Only this time, we got caught by the MC that lives here. Grandpa and his shine! I swear.

Then we find out about their troubles with my brothers and Lord help us, they aren’t the type to let my brothers walk all over them. That’s when grandpa tells the MC the story of our family and my great grandpa. His own dad liked to play the same kind of head games with the Family.

The MC wants nothing to do with some of the loot my great grandpa left behind but they didn’t want my brothers to get it either. So they call in Leon Vincinti, the head of the Family. Well they say if you’re gonna go big, go straight to the top. And they did.

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