Chapter 549 

The corner of Mia’s lips twitched involuntarily; she couldn’t help but wonder if Ramona’s reasoning had been impaired by their earlier altercation. 

As time passed, the rain outside persisted, pouring heavily without any signs of stopping. 

However, Antonio hadn’t arrived yet. Mia had just begun relying on him for transportation today and 

hadn’t had the chance to obtain his phone number. She couldn’t understand why Antonio hadn’t 


Without hesitation, Ramona insinuated with a mocking tone. “See, I told you so. Mia likely feels 

scared about letting that elderly man pick her up. She’s probably afraid that we’ll expose her/ulty and 

Frowning, Mia directed her gaze at Ramona. “Ramona, haven’t you learned anything?” 

Initially, Mia had contemplated informing her brother about the situation. 

Despite her dislike for Ramona, she had no desire to bring financial hardship upon her family. However, it appeared that Ramona needed to be taught a lesson. 

“With nothing left to lose, why should I hold back? Today, I’ll reveal your true nature! Who do you think you are, going from an orphan to a wealthy socialite? This isn’t some TV drama!” Ramona retorted 


She was consumed by madness, refusing to acknowledge Mia’s wealthy and influential biological 


Indeed, Ramona was convinced that Mia was fabricating the truth, insisting that Mia must be romantically involved with Irwin and that they had conspired with Antonio to orchestrate a deceitful 


To Ramona, Mia’s transformation from an orphan to a wealthy heiress seemed utterly implausible. 

Mia smirked in response, remarking. “Suit yourself.” 

Ramona was truly seeking trouble, Mia was prepared to oblige. 

Ramona taunted, “Mia, don’t act so smug. Where’s your driver? Why not ring him up and have him fetch 


Mia furrowed her brow and replied, “I still don’t have his phone number.” 

+15 BONUS 

After all, Antonio had only been recently arranged as her driver, and she wasn’t accustomed to being 

chauffeured around by someone else. 

Ramona scoffed, “Who do you think you’re fooling? Are you seriously suggesting that you don’t have your 

chauffeur’s contact information? 

“It’s quite late now, and despite this heavy rain, your chauffeur still hasn’t arrived to pick you up. Do your honestly expect anyone to believe your lies?” 

Growing more convinced of her theories, Ramona declared triumphantly, “See that, everyone? Mia doesn’t actually come from a wealthy family! It’s all a fabrication!” 

A classmate chimed in, “But what about earlier? Even your father scolded you over the phone.” 

With clenched teeth, Ramona retorted, “It’s evident that the elderly gentleman is Mia’s sugar daddy. colluding with Mr. Russ to orchestrate this whole charade!” 

In a subdued tone, the classmate remarked, “But considering the issues your family’s company is facing. is it truly appropriate for you to be so arrogant?” 

Ramona’s expression froze momentarily, a hint of guilt flickering in her eyes. 

Swiftly regaining her composure, she blustered, “Mia is nothing but a sugar baby; what accomplishments could she possibly have? 

“All I need to do is have a word with that old man’s wife, and Mia’s charade will crumble.” 

Mia regarded Ramona with a wry smile. “Initially, I was contemplating informing my brother when I returned home. After all, this issue is between us, and there’s no need to involve our families. 

“But since you’re so confident in your stance, by all means, go ahead.” 

Gina chimed in swiftly, “Mia, you’re too forgiving. Why show mercy to someone like her? Ramona has used her family’s company to mistreat numerous people. 

“Their financial troubles now are simply what they brought upon themselves.” 

Furious, Ramona sneered, “Mia, go ahead and boast all you want. Who would believe your sudden transformation from an orphan to a wealthy heiress? 

*After all, no one else has heard about this before. You can’t simply fabricate anything you please, can 


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