Chapter 501 

Mia descended the stairs and happened to see Maya and Blake entering the elevator to go upstairs. 

It seemed like they were aware of Dana’s presence. 

However, the familiar bag hanging on Maya’s arm stunned Mia. 

Wasn’t that the limited edition bag she saw while shopping in the mall a few days ago? It was a gift from 

Timothy, but she didn’t accept it. 

To her surprise, it was now in Maya’s hands. 

Did he give it to Maya

Mia mocked inwardly. “Oh, right. We’re divorced. It’s understandable for him to gift her luxury bags.” 

After all to Sharon, Maya and Timothy were the perfect match. 

Still it didn’t will away the frustration in Mia. 

She withdrew her gaze and recentered herself, reminding herself that she had a family that loved her; 

that she was blessed. 

She left the area without a second thought. Whoever Timothy got together with had nothing to do with 

her anymore. 

On the other hand, Maya got in Dana’s way upstairs. She taunted Dana, “Having fun playing hide–and- 

seek? You think I will never find you?” 

Dana looked away cowardly before turning to escape, but Blake blocked her way. There was no way for 

her to get out of there. 

In the end, she pleaded with Maya, “Ms. Lane, I didn’t have a choice. The college wants me expelled, but I 

can’t let that happen. I’m an orphan. Someone sponsors my studies. It wasn’t easy for me to get into 

college. If I’m expelled, I’ll be done for.” 

Without a degree, a future of becoming a waitress or someone of the same echelon would be awaiting a 

nobody like Dana. 

Her future would be ruined! 

Dana initially thought that replacing Mia and becoming Maya’s friend could change her life, but it 

+15 BONUS 

unexpectedly brought her a great deal of trouble! 

Maya arched her brow. “That was why I gave you a chance. You’re the one who didn’t appreciate it.” 

“Ms. Lane, please help me talk to the college management. I will listen to you. I’ll do everything you say. I swear!” 

Maya frowned. She had actually contacted Kennedy, whose stance was firm about his decision; he wouldn’t revoke Dana’s expulsion. 

Yet Maya needed Dana to replace Mia. 

Maya said with composure, “Dana, you’ve violated the school rules. It’s serious. It’s a punishment for the deeds you did including the things you did in the past. You can’t blame me. If it was only because of this matter, I could’ve helped you.” 

A shimmer of hope flashed in Dana’s eyes. “Help me, Ms. Lane. You’re Ms. Lane. What is there that you 

can’t do?” 

“That is true. I’ll give you a piece of advice. If you do as I say and meet my family, it doesn’t matter if you 

study college or not.” 

Dana’s face fell at that. “You mean you won’t help me?” 

Her heart sank deep into the pit of her stomach. Maya’s true colors finally came to surface; she was 

merely using her! 

No matter how nice Maya sugarcoated her words, Dana had to make sure that she wouldn’t be expelled 

from college. 

Otherwise, her future would be ruined. 

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