Chapter 353 

“What is it,” prompted Timothy in a low voice from the other side of the line. 

Mia let out a wry cough. “I’m still trying to hall a cab at college. I might be late for more than an hour. Could you wait for me, please?” 

Timothy checked his wristwatch, a smile adorned his lips. But he used an impatient voice 

nevertheless, “Mia Bowen, how could you be late for our appointment? Are you doing this on 


“It is definitely not on purpose. Not a push–andpull trick either. I’m serious about the divorce. I swear!” 

The smile on his face vanished when he heard that. She seriously knew what to say at the bad 


He coldly said, “You said to meet up at 9:00 am, and you want me to wait for you in the end? Do 

you know how busy I am every day, Mia Bowen? Do you know how much I earn per hour? Can you 

pay me?” 

His counter caught her off guard. “How much? I can transfer you the money.” 

“I’m not going to wait. Be on time.” He hung up the call. 

Anxious, Mia called Timothy again but he didn’t pick it up. 

Left with no choice, she texted him, “I got a cab. I’m already on my way there. Just wait me for a 

little. I won’t take up much of your time.” 

Her message made his mood better. 

There was no way he would wait for her

At that moment, Heath came over with a document cautiously. “Mr. Barrett, your flight will take off 

in less than an hour. If we don’t leave right now, we won’t be able to arrive on time.” 

“Let’s go.” Timothy nodded. His steps were light and steady as she walked out of the office. 

Judging from the smile on his face, he seemed to be in a good mood. 

Heath had a vague guess about the situation. 

Ever since Mia got out of the car yesterday. Timothy had been in a bad mood. Heath actually 

expected a havoc day. After all, it was the day Timothy was going to divorce with Mia. 

+15 BONOS 

Yet. Timothy had been burying himself in work. Who would’ve known that he wouldn’t go to the courthouse at all? 

Heath overheard the phone call that Mia was going to be late. 

But Timothy didn’t tell her that he himself wouldn’t go to the courthouse at all. 

It was as it a wollt playing games with an innocent sheep. 

On the other hand, Mia headed to the courthouse by cab. When she arrived, there was no sight of 

Timothy at all. 

She went to the car park, but the result was the same–his car wasn’t there. 

Where was he

Mia pulled her phone out to reach out to him. 

“The number you’re calling is unreachable. Please try later…” His phone was turned off. 

Mia w 

was dumbfounded, wondering if he still remembered it was the day they would proceed with 

the divorce. 

She had explained her stance over the phone. How could he possibly just leave? 

In fact, the person who wished to get rid of her and divorce her was Timothy all along

He already waited for three years, but he couldn’t wait for an hour. Mia couldn’t understand him at 


She stayed for another half an hour outside the courthouse like a fool. She couldn’t reach him through the phone either. 

Angry, she texted him, “Timothy Barrett, what’s the meaning of this? Don’t you want a divorce? Perhaps you have felt guilty recently and fallen for me? That’s why you don’t want the divorce to happen?” 

She bombarded him with questions. The message alone might be enough to annoy someone as prideful as him

That way, he would explain the reason for standing her up. 

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