Chapter 334 

Sharon smiled knowingly. “Ms. Lane, as I mentioned earlier, Mrs. Barrett Senior’s surgery has been successfully carried out. 

“Tim’s respect for Mrs. Barrett Senior is what led him to endure Mia’s presence for so long. Now that the surgery is finished, it’s only a matter of time before Mia is promptly shown the door.” 

Maya’s expression turned smug as she remembered something. “But what about Mrs. Barrett Senior’s heir agreement?” 

“No need to worry. Mia isn’t pregnant. That document is merely worthless paper.” 

After pondering for a moment, Maya felt much more relieved. 

Mia descended the stairs to join Connor, and together they headed home. 

As Mia sat in the passenger seat, her mind churned with thoughts of Maya’s accusations earlier. The memory of being labeled a harasser by Maya stirred a deep sense of disgust within Mia. 

She was well aware of Maya’s questionable ethics but hadn’t anticipated them sinking to such depths. 

Connor drove cautiously, attentively monitoring Mia’s expression. He feared that Mia might have uncovered their true identities during her altercation with Maya. 

After some time, Connor gathered the courage to inquire, “Mia, what did you and Maya discuss earlier?” 

Mia’s expression shifted slightly, a hint of awkwardness crossing her features. “Honestly, we didn’t talk much. I just escorted her upstairs to see Grandma Laura outside the intensive care unit. 

“We didn’t discuss anything important.” Mia couldn’t possibly divulge to Connor that Maya had accused her of harassment, could she? 

Upon hearing Mia’s response, Connor finally exhaled a sigh of relief. It seemed that nothing concerning had emerged from Mia and Maya’s conversation, easing his worries. 

“Connor, do you know Maya?” Mia suddenly asked. 

Connor swallowed nervously. “Well, I’ve encountered her a couple of times at the hospital.” 

Mia nodded in understanding. Given that Maya’s brother was a skilled surgeon, it was logical for 

Considering Connor’s employment at the same hospital & made ansatt det paths had 

crossed on occasion. 

“Why the sudden interest? Connor probed. 

“It’s nothing. I was simply curious. Maya seems to think there’s something romantic between us. and Timothy shares the same sentiment. Mis replied with a resigned smile. 

Connor felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead “S–So, how did you respond?” 

!! Mis disclosed their sibling relationship, Maya would undoubtedly be aware of it by this point. 

“I didn’t bother to clarity. If they want to misinterpret things, let them. It doesn’t really bother A glimmer of sarcasm flickered in Mia’s eyes. 

She had no intention of causing problems for Connor with Maya, and as for Timothy, Mia simply preferred to avoid the topic entirely. 

“Mia, why not just tell Timothy and Maya that I’m your brother?” Connor proposed. 

Observing Mia’s reaction, Connor felt a bit disheartened. He hadn’t been aware that Mia had kept their identities hidden all along. 

Connor and his brothers had always thought they were good at hiding their true relationship. 

Mia smiled faintly. “There isn’t much to discuss anyway. I’ll be departing Bern City and relocating to Nord City in a few months. It’s best to keep things brief to avoid any unnecessary complications.” 

“Mia, are you concerned about trouble for yourself, or are you worried about implicating us?” 

Connor suddenly understood Mia’s intention behind her words about disclosing limited information. It was clear that Mia was being cautious, trying to avoid any potential trouble. 

For a moment. Connor’s eyes welled up slightly. 

He never realized that Mia had been the one safeguarding their secret identities all along. concealing it from everyone. 

Meanwhile, Connor and his brothers had mistakenly commended themselves, believing they were skilled at hiding the truth. 

Mia offered a gentle smile. “Actually, it doesn’t really matter. I just prefer to keep unnecessary people from knowing too much.” 


*15 BONOS 

Observing Mia’s understanding smille, Connor swallowed nervously before speaking. “Mia, there’s something I need to tell you.” 

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