Chapter 331 

Mia was momentarily stunned as she caught sight of Maya. 

Why was Maya still here? After all, Laura’s surgery was over. 

Mia couldn’t shake the feeling that Maya’s presence at the hospital was merely a facade. Did she truly care about Laura, or was this just another act

A heavy silence settled over the room. 

Connor’s heart skipped a beat upon spotting Maya. Why was she here, too? 

If Maya approached and said something, it would undoubtedly spiral into a disaster! 

Connor was worried about what to do next. 

Upon noticing Mia standing alongside Connor, Maya was consumed by a wave of jealousy. How dare Mia seduce Connor! 

Regret washed over Maya as she reflected on allowing Mia to attend her engagement ceremony. Perhaps if she hadn’t, Mia wouldn’t have had so many chances to get close to Connor. 

Given Mia’s orphaned background, she would have never come across people of Connor’s wealth and status in her daily life. 

Maya’s expression grew notably grim, and with her teeth clenched, she strode forward. She was determined to reveal Mia’s true intentions today. 

Certainly, Maya was going to ensure that Mia understood the disparity in their social standings! 

As Maya advanced in her high heels, Mia’s eyes flickered with wariness. She knew that if a 

confrontation ensued between her and Maya, Connor would undoubtedly come to her defense. 

Connor had finally established himself in this hospital. If he offended Maya, he would undoubtedly also offend Maya’s brother, the esteemed surgeon in the Lane family. 

Such a situation would undoubtedly impact Connor’s future. 

Various scenarios raced through Mia’s mind. Although she was beginning to let loose, she was 

wary of allowing her personal affairs to jeopardize Connor’s career. 

In a sudden moment of clarity, Mia reached a decision. 

As Maya stood before her, Mia swiftly moved forward and hugged Maya. “What brings you here? Grandma Laura’s surgery has ended, and she’s been transferred to the intensive care unit. 

415 BONOS 

“She’s no longer in this area. Come with me. I’ll take you to the ICU so you can see her.” With her words, Mia guided Maya toward the nearby elevator. 

As Mia embraced her, Maya’s eyes widened in disbelief, Standing before Mia, she was taken aback by Mia’s actions, struggling to fully comprehend the situation, 

Just as the elevator doors opened, Mia, still holding Maya in her embrace, gently nudged her Inside. 

It wasn’t until the elevator doors were sealed shut that Mia breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Connor wouldn’t be able to catch up with them. 

Glancing at Maya nestled in her arms, Mia couldn’t help but blink. 

Their gazes met briefly before they both pulled away. Mia cleared her throat, choosing to remain silent. 

Maya shifted uncomfortably, adjusting her attire. “Mia, what was that for? Why did you hug me just now?” 

“I just noticed the elevator opening and didn’t want us to miss it,” Mia replied, choosing not to disclose her true motivations to Maya. 

Immediately, Maya let out a disdainful snort. “Mia, it’s clear you’re feeling guilty, isn’t it? Don’t think I’m oblivious to your intentions!” 

“I was merely escorting you to visit Laura. Don’t misinterpret my actions,” Mia retorted. 

As the elevator doors parted, Mia swiftly exited

Maya’s voice trailed after her. You’re obviously feeling guilty. You deliberately tried to whisk me away, didn’t you? Are you worried about what I might say to him?” 

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