Chapter 319 

Witnessing Connor confront Sharon, Mia couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. 

Sharon’s expression tightened. She hadn’t anticipated Connor being so straightforward, 

Could it be that Connor harbored lingering resentment because Timothy called off Maya’s 

engagement the last time? 

What might unfold next? Would the Lane family consent to Maya marrying into the Barrett family? 

Shooting a cold glance at Timothy, Connor redirected his gaze toward Mia and informed, “The 

surgery today is expected to be prolonged. 

“I recommend that family members wait outside until we finalize suitable arrangements. You can 

take turns being with Mrs. Barrett Senior.” 

Mia understood that Connor had spoken those words with her well–being in mind, advising her to 

look after herself. 

Mia had foreseen the prolonged duration of today’s surgery. Having secured permission from her 

university, she was determined to remain at the hospital for the entire day. 

Connor exited the hospital room soon after. 

The Barretts also emerged and, likewise, left the elevator, making their way toward the operating 


Since patients were instructed to utilize the exclusive elevator, this was the route they had to take. 

Surprisingly, they came across Maya waiting at the elevator entrance 

Upon spotting Maya, Sharon displayed a hint of surprise. “Ms. Lane, I didn’t expect to see you at the hospital today.” 

“Given that Mrs. Barrett Senior is undergoing surgery today, I believed it was important to pay her 

a visit. 

“However, upon reaching the elevator, I was informed that no one outside the Barrett family was permitted entry.” 

Maya mustered a somewhat strained smile. She was unaccustomed to being treated in such a 


When she arrived earlier with Mia, despite being stopped herself, Mia managed to walk in without 


+15 BONOS 

The bitter taste of humiliation was hard for Maya to bear. 

Sharon’s expression stiffened. “I’m sorry, Ms. Lane. I’ll speak to the bodyguards. After all, you shouldn’t be treated as an outsider.” 

Maya looked at Shelly and expressed her frustration, saying, “I tried calling and texting you, but you didn’t respond.” 

Shelly quickly clarified, “On my way here, I had switched my phone to silent mode to avoid disrupting Grandma during her surgery at the hospital. 

“I’m sorry. If I had been aware sooner, I would have come to pick you up,” Shelly explained. 

After saying this, Shelly exchanged a knowing glance with Sharon. 

They were aware that Timothy was the one establishing the rules, and neither of them had the authority to overrule the security guards and permit entry. 

To uphold her dignity, Sharon instructed Shelly to ignore Maya’s messages. 

Nonetheless, they couldn’t disclose this information to Maya. 

Upon hearing Shelly and Sharon’s explanations, Maya felt somewhat relieved. She needed to restore some dignity, especially in front of Mia. 

Looking at Timothy, Maya expressed with feigned concern, “Tim, don’t worry. With Connor in 

charge of the surgery, everything will go smoothly.” 

Maya had to emphasize to Timothy that Connor was the one conducting today’s surgery, subtly reminding him of this favor. 

Sharon swiftly chimed in, “Absolutely, I trust your brother’s medical expertise.” 

Maya followed suit, wearing a smug smile. She deliberately cast a glance at Mia, unable to hide 

her triumphant expression. 

Regardless, the Lane family played a pivotal role in making Laura’s surgery possible. 

Mia maintained her composure, fully aware that Maya was deliberately showing off. 

However, Mia was willing to overlook these matters as long as Laura’s surgery proceeded without 


Wearing a cold expression, Timothy glanced at Maya and uttered, “You may leave.” 

Maya stared at him incredulously. She hadn’t expected Timothy’s initial words to involve sending 


Was Timothy unaware that Connor would be performing today’s surgery

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