Chapter 317 

Mia was left in disbelief as she looked at the document handed by Laura. 

The revelation that her unborn child had been formally announced as the heir of the Barrett family moments ago had left her utterly astounded. 

Despite the initial shock, Mia attempted to reassure herself with the notion that this designation. was merely a verbal commitment, subject to change in the future contingent upon Laura 

successfully undergoing the surgery. 

Yet, to her astonishment, Laura had gone a step further, not only conceptualizing the arrangement but also preparing an official document. She even insisted on an immediate signature from 


Signing it would mean that the document now carries legal implications. 

However, Mia remained resolute in her refusal to have her twins take on the role of heirs to the 

Barrett family. 

Sharon’s eyelids twitched at the sight of the document. 

Swiftly taking it from Laura’s hands, Sharon’s anger intensified as she read through the clauses. It 

was so overwhelming that she almost struggled to stand upright. 

“Mom, why do you insist on having Tim sign this so prematurely? Don’t you have enough trust in 


“It’s not that I don’t trust him, but rather, I don’t trust other people. I’m well aware of the thoughts 

circulating among all of you. 

“Irrespective of what unfolds between Mia and Tim down the road, Mia’s child is the designated 

heir of the Barrett family, and no one can change that.” 

Sharon remained hesitant. “But what if it’s a girl?” 

“Regardless of whether it’s a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter!” 

Laura’s unexpected proposition just before her surgery caught everyone off guard, particularly Sharon. Helplessly, she gazed at Timothy and pleaded, Tim, could you go have a conversation 

with Grandma?” 

Sharon was firm in her stance, discouraging Timothy from signing the document. The situation seemed to be a trap

Originally, the plan was for Timothy to finalize his divorce with Mia after Laura’s surgery. However, by signing this document, there was a potential risk. 

Mia could resort to cunning tactics to evade the divorce and possibly even contemplate conceiving a child with Timothy, creating a complex and undesirable situation, 

#15 BONOS 

Sharon was resolute in having Maya as her daughter–in–law, and she couldn’t allow Mia to impede her plans. 

As Timothy took hold of the document, he uttered in a steely tone, “Grandma, I disagree.” 

Mia felt an immediate sense of relief. It was imperative that the document remained unsigned. 

Sharon promptly added, “Exactly, Mom. Signing it now wouldn’t be appropriate.” 

Laura fixed her gaze on Timothy and sternly inquired, “Why do you disagree?” 

“Grandma, I’m ready to put my signature on it, but I prefer to wait until you’ve emerged from the operating room. I won’t sign it before then.” 

Mia was taken aback by Timothy’s unexpected response, observing his profile with disbelief as she tried to discern his expression. 

The fact that Timothy had agreed was beyond Mia’s comprehension. 

Sharon’s expression shifted to one of unease as she heard the news. Tim, how could you possibly agree to this?” 

If he were to give his consent at this moment, what implications would it have for Maya’s future? Would her future son not be deemed worthy of inheriting the Barrett Group? 

Timothy remained indifferent, disregarding Sharon’s concerns. 

He casually placed the document beside Laura, remarking, If there are so many unresolved issues, perhaps you should personally address them. 

Depending solely on paperwork might not be the most effective approach.” 

The atmosphere grew strained as Laura and Timothy locked eyes, each unwilling to yield. 

The escalating tension hung thick in the air. 

The two formidable figures of the Barrett family confronted each other, and those present dared 

not utter a word. 

Mia held Laura’s hand and gently spoke, “Grandma, I believe Tim has a good point. Let’s wait until 

after your surgery to discuss this. We have enough time, and there’s no need to rush at the 


+15 BONOS 

“No, it has to be signed immediately. Otherwise, I won’t proceed with the surgery,” Laura abruptly expressed her frustration. 

Timothy pursed his lips tightly and retorted, Grandma, perhaps this isn’t the time to be so 


“At my age, can’t I be a little wilful? Just sign it. It’s such a straightforward matter. Are you seriously going to disagree with me on this?” 

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