Chapter 237 

Maya had no intention of signing the document

Deep down, she had always regarded herself as the heiress of the Lane family. The chance to become engaged to Timothy also derived from her standing in the family. 

Hence, Maya was determined not to lose this advantageous position under any circumstances. 

Dominic pursed his lips. “There isn’t any additional rationale behind this decision. It’s simply the appropriate moment to finalize your adoption, in accordance with our initial agreement.” 

Before Maya could respond, Blake hurriedly entered and announced, “Ms. Lane, the Barrett family has arrived.” 

Maya’s expression turned uneasy. She promptly handed the document to Blake and turned to Dominic, pleading. Dominic, can we discuss this matter after the engagement ceremony?” 

Dominic nodded. “Certainly, Maya. However, concerning this matter, there’s flexibility only in terms of compensation. Everything else is non–negotiable.” 

Upon hearing this, Maya’s fists clenched tightly. Did this imply that, regardless of the circumstances, she would be required to sign the document? 

But, why? 

After dedicating herself for all these years and making significant contributions to the Lane family. why were they intent on pushing her away? 

Connor’s tone was cold as he retorted, “Maya, you’ve already benefited significantly from our family over the years. We don’t owe you anything.” 

With the discovery of their biological sister, Mia, who had endured years of suffering, the Lane family was determined to bring her back into the fold. 

They certainly wouldn’t tolerate anyone mistreating Mia. 

Hence, Maya couldn’t remain a part of the Lane family. 

After all, she was now set to marry Timothy and step into a prosperous future as his wife. 

Maya stayed silent and signaled to Blake to discreetly conceal the document, ensuring it remained out of sight. 

Just then, the Barretts entered the main hall. 

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Maya swiftly regained her composure and greeted, “Mrs. Barrett, you’ve arrived.” 

As she spoke, Maya cast another glance at Timothy beside her, a subtle anticipation in her eyes. 

If the engagement ceremony unfolded smoothly today, she would soon become part of the Barrett family. 

Timothy remained unfazed, his eyes scanning the three Lane brothers before finally settling on 


He recalled the morning when he called Mia, and Connor’s voice could be heard in the background. 

This incident had been on Timothy’s mind ever since.. 


Upon spotting the three handsome Lane brothers, Shelly’s eyes widened. Dominic may be married, but Nathan and Connor, both remarkable young men, were still single. 

If Shelly could marry one of them, it would be ideal. 

With a smile, Sharon took Maya’s hand. “Why are you still calling me Mrs. Barrett? It’s time to change that now.” 

Maya smiled with a touch of shyness, though her eyes didn’t quite reflect the same warmth. 

Shelly chimed in, “Maya, we’re going to be family soon. When does the engagement ceremony begin? You haven’t started getting ready. Do you have enough time?” 

“I thought I’d wait for all of you to help me out, you know? After all, I don’t have any female friends or relatives here in Bern City.” 

Sharon waved her hands dismissively. “No worries, we’ll assist you. Let’s go.” 

Maya nodded and turned to Dominic. “Dominic, I’ll take them upstairs for makeup and a change of clothes.” 


Dominic nodded, shooting Timothy a displeased look. 

According to Connor’s remarks, it seemed Timothy had ulterior motives toward Mia. 

Soon after, the main hall was left with four men. 

Three members faced off against a single opponent; it was evident that there was mutual animosity between the two sides. 

Breaking the silence, Connor spoke up, “Mr. Barrett, after your engagement today, you should 

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other women.” 

Certainly, Timothy must not entertain any feelings for Mia! Being a divorced man from a second 

marriage, he had no right to covet her. 

Timothy could discern the underlying message in Connor’s words. It seemed like a veiled threat, but Timothy questioned Connor’s authority to make such statements. 

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