Chapter 231 

Upon reading those words, a chilling surge coursed through Maya’s body. 

What could “Termination of Adoption Agreement” possibly mean? 


ya couldn’t help but feel puzzled, struggling to comprehend the implications behind this unexpected message. 

Why would they contemplate dissolving her adoption agreement? 

Concerned, Sharon cautiously asked, “Maya, what’s wrong? You look so grim!” 

In response, Maya hastily turned her phone face down on the table, mustering a forced smile. 

“It’s nothing, just a bit of discomfort in my stomach. I probably ate something bad in the afternoon. ” she explained. 

“Let Dr. Levin take a look at you. Fortunately, it’s just a stomachache. I was concerned, thinking Dominic might have said something to upset you!” 

“No, Dominic just mentioned he’s too busy to join for dinner. He asked if I had eaten and advised me to rest early to prepare for tomorrow’s engagement.” 

Suppressing her anger, Maya continued to craft a carefully constructed narrative. 

Holding her phone, she rose from her seat, saying, “Mrs. Barrett, I need to use the restroom. 

Please go ahead and eat. You don’t have to wait for me.” 

With her phone in hand, Maya headed straight to the bathroom. Once alone, she closed the door. took a seat on the toilet, and reopened the document on her phone

She meticulously read through the content, word by word, and her heart sank. 

As it turned out, her initial reading was accurate. The document indeed outlined the termination of 

her adoption agreement. 

Upon signing, she would sever all ties with the Lane family and would no longer be considered part of the family. 

Tears welled up in Maya’s eyes as she dialed Dominic’s number, her voice quivering. “Dominic, did I do something to upset you? Is that why you want to push me away? 


been a part of the Lane family since childhood. If you cast me aside, what will my future hold? I fear everyone will mock me!” 

+15 BONOS 

“Maya, it’s not that you did something wrong. Perhaps it was a mistake on my part from the beginning. I shouldn’t have sought a girl of a similar age to replace my sister. 

“Now that you’ve grown into an adult and are about to marry into the Barrett family, your future is bound to be secure. So, I think it’s time to put an end to all of this.” 

Following an afternoon. phone call with Connor, Dominic decided to inform Maya about this matter 

ahead of time. 

Unexpectedly, Mia had taken charge of the engagement design for Maya and Timothy. As a result, there was a possibility that Mia might be present at tomorrow’s ceremony. 

This unforeseen development injected an element of unpredictability into the upcoming 


Dominic was determined to prevent Mia from discovering Maya’s true identity during the event. 

With Connor and Nathan also in attendance, Dominic wanted to avoid any potential misunderstandings or conflicts from occurring. 

In light of this, he decided to address the termination of Maya’s adoption agreement beforehand. 

Maya’s expression noticeably darkened as she absorbed Dominic’s explanation. 

In a choked voice, she pleaded, “Dominic, please reconsider terminating my adoption. I started as an orphan, and over the years, the Lane family has truly become my second home! 

“Even if I choose to marry Timothy, I will forever be a part of the Lane family. Please, don’t cast me aside!” 

Hearing the sadness and vulnerability in Maya’s voice, Dominic couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy. 

Thinking about Mia’s past hardships, he gently refused, stating, “It’s not about pushing you away. If you ever want to come back in the future, you’re always welcome.” 

“Dominic, may I ask why you’ve suddenly decided to terminate my adoption? Is it because of my upcoming marriage?” 

Maya couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something she had overlooked. 

Indeed, her brothers‘ recent actions and behaviors have taken on a somewhat unusual turn. 

During this period, Maya had been residing in Bern City, attempting to sow discord between Timothy and Mia. 

+15 BONOS 

Her ultimate goal was to orchestrate their divorce, paving the way for her seamless entrance into the Barrett family. 

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