Chapter 0270

Am I done dealing with the past? No. There is more work to be done and issues to be dealt with-

Including Sheila’s pup; Stephanie’s pup; my father; and Evelyn.

But for now I will take a short break from the drama and celebrate…. because tonight is an important

night. It is both my mate’s birthday, and Brady and Charlotte’s pre-wedding bash.

(James POV)

If you told me a few months ago that I would be spending my birthday voluntarily enjoying a beer with

Brady Hyder, I would have checked you into a me ntal hospital.

And yet here we are. Joey is here too. The three of us are currently at the bar, watching our mates on the

dance floor, taking bets on which one of us is going to cave and go to them first.

It is amazing how things can change.

It is also amazing how much I actually like Brady now… at least most of the time. Of course, it helps that

our mates are such good friends. It has forced us to learn to get along.

Lily, Charlotte, and Jessica have all practically adopted one another. They are as close as any sisters that

I have ever met. I seriously do not know how they have found the time to socialize given everything that has been going on at both packs, but they have, The wonders of technology I suppose.

“So tell me again why you are getting married tomorrow? Joey asked Brady, pulling me out of my


“Because Charlotte will not sleep with me again until we are married.”

“Again? So you slept with her once and it was so bad she won’t f&&k you again without a ring finger?

on her

Brady gave Joey the middle finger. “No, Beta, I made a st upid comment and she is punishing me. I’m tired of being punished; I know she is the one; and I’m not stupid enough to let her go. So… yesterday I decided to call her on her bluff. I suggested that we fly to Vegas after James’ birthday shindig and get married. She said yes, which I am pretty sure means she has been suffering as much as I have.”

I laughed. “I don’t know, Man. I am with Joey on this one. Ever since Lily and I first…. you know… I’m lucky if she can go 24 hours without it. No way could she go six weeks.”

Brady gave me a look.

“Too soon?” I asked, tipping my beer at him.

“Too soon,” he confirmed.

“When are you going to make an honest woman out of Lily?” Joey asked me.

I gave Joey a mischievous smile. “Funny you should ask me that, because I got myself a little birthday



hade sure Lily wasn’t looking and discreetly pulled the ring box out of my pocket.

“For you?” Joey asked.

I rolled my eyes. “You may want to lay off of the wolfsbane vodka, Joey. The ring is for Lily. Assuming she says yes, that will be my birthday present.”

“Oh, she will,” Joey said confidently. “She looks at me the same way Jessica looks at me.”

“Speaking of weddings… have either of you heard from Nick lately?” Brady asked.

“He texted me happy birthday this morning. I replied asking him how he was doing and he said that he has figured out where Jenny is, and he is on his way there. He seemed hopeful.”

A moment later, I caught Lily looking at me. I laid a $50 bill on the counter. “I lose,” I said as I headed her


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