Chapter 0250

(Stephanie POV)

As James continues to approach, my heart beats faster and faster in my chest.

James is wearing a dark gray suit with a black button-up shirt and a black and silver tie. Antonio taught me a lot about suits over the past few years, and James’ suit is obviously custom and expensive. He

exudes power and authority.

Just as importantly, James looks incredibly hot in it. I mean, James was always good-looking, but this

I older version of James is just… wow. Greek go ds have nothing on this version of James. Had I known. that James would grow into this, I never would have left.

Hell, at this point, I don’t even want a th reesome anymore. If James can f&&k as well as it looks like he can, I will not need anyone else. Suddenly I feel like forgiving Sheila for sleeping with him; if Sheila’s mate

looked like this, I would not have been able to resist him either.

As James gets closer, I am surprised that I do not smell anything unusual, but I tell myself that it is probably just because there are so many people here. Or maybe it is just that my wolf is being a b&&ch

again and does not want me to be happy. That is possible too.

Whatever it is, there is unmistakable love and determination in James’ eyes, so I am sure everything is

fine. James gets within a few feet of me, and I step away from Lily and open my arms to embrace him.

But instead of embracing me…. he walks right up to Lily. He puts his hands on both sides of her face and

kisses her.

Um, WHAT?!?!?

My mind begins racing as I try to make sense of everything. Surely, I am just seeing things. James-my

James- cannot possibly be kissing my sister right now. My baby sister. My baby, crater-faced, annoying,

ugly sister.

No, this cannot be happening. I must stop this. Now.

“James? Um, hello? James?! JAMES!!! I am right here. That is Lily, not me,” I say loudly, trying to get his



I mean, it has been six years. Maybe he has forgotten what I look like? Lily and I are sisters so we do look.

alike. He must just be confused.

James ignores me and continues to kiss Lily. I look around for Lily’s mate. He must feel the pain of their kiss. He can help me stop this nonsense.

“James!!!!” I yell again.

“STOP! I am right here!!!” This time I scream at the top of my lungs. I do not care who else can hear me.

Still, James does not pay any attention. He keeps on kissing Lily.

“You are late,” I hear Lily say to him when they finally break apart.

“Yes, I am sorry, sweetheart. I had to track something down.”

“What was it? Is everything okay?”


James pulls a framed baseball picture out of his suit jacket. I recognize it as being one of the ones that I got rid of. I only remember it because it was signed and it looked new. I almost felt bad getting rid of it,

but it just did not fit the theme of our newly decorated room, so I tossed it anyway.

“Where was it?” Lily asked.

“Stephanie moved into my old room and got rid of a lot of my things. I had to track down the omegas and

find it. Thankfully, they had not thrown any of my things away yet.” find

Lily gives him a look. “We could have gotten you another one, you know,” she scolds him gently.

James holds the picture up to his heart. “No. This is the one that you gave me. This is the one that told

me that there was hope for us. This one means the world to me.”

Lily smiles. “You have gotten a little sappy, you know that right?”

James looks at her lovingly. “Only when it comes to you, my love.”

Lily stands on her tippy toes and kisses him again. The kiss quickly turns passionate. I swear I even see

him putting his tongue in her mouth. They are kissing as though they have forgotten that anyone else is in

the room.

I cannot believe I am sitting here watching all of this unfold. I should be doing something else to stop this

craziness, but I can’t. The shock makes me feel frozen. Nothing makes sense right now.

Finally, they break apart again.

“Are you ready?” she asks him.

He nods and takes her hand. He starts to lead her to the stage.

As they walk away, my brain finally starts working again.

“James!” I scream out. “What are you doing? STOP!!! SHE IS MY SISTER, NOT YOUR MATE!”

For the first time since getting here, James turns and looks at me. The love I had just seen in his eyes. when he was looking at Lily is replaced with disgust and hatred.

“Lily is my mate. My fated mate. My only mate. Our parents lead you and I to believe that you and I were fated, but they were wrong. They were manipulating us.”

What is he talking about?

“No! That is not true! You are my mate!” I protest.

James pulls down his collar, fully exposing the mating mark on his neck. My heart stops as I realize that it

matches the mark that I saw on Lily. Realization finally hits me.

“YOU MATE STEALING WH ORE!!!!” I scream out as I start to charge towards Lily.

I will kill her and then I will take my mate back.

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