Chapter 0247

“Did you hit your head while you were away, Son? I am the alpha of this pack until I say otherwise.”

“No, you are not. You are not fit to be alpha. You have not been for 26 years, when you relinquished

control to Margie. Too many pack members and wolves have been hurt because of your selfishness and

neglect. It ends today.”

“Who do you think you are to be talking to me this way?” I roared as I stood up. “I am still your alpha and I

am still your father. One more disrespectful word and I will disown you, cut off your trust fund, and

declare you a rogue,” I threatened.

James did not flinch.

“Sit down, Father.”


My body sat down. I fought it all the way, but I could not prevent it. Suddenly, I started to feel alarmed.

What the f&&k was going on?

“What did you do?” I asked him.

“Cool, isn’t it? It is an alpha command but supercharged. It is so powerful that just a little bit of energy

and even a grown alpha like yourself succumbs to it. You don’t even have to feel the weight of it to be

controlled by it.”

“You are not an alpha,” I interrupted.

“Oh, but I am Father. And as of today, I will be the alpha of this pack.”

As he said that, he pulled his collar back just slightly to expose the mark on his neck.

My stomach dropped. “YOU ARE MARKED?”

James smiled triumphantly. “Yes, I am. And before you even think about doing anything, let me say this:

You will not mind-link anyone. You will remain seated until I am done talking to you. And when we are

done here, you will go to the party and keep mum about our conversation. You will not tell or signal

anyone about our chat or what I’ve told you.

What the hell is going on? I quickly extended a mind-link to Beta Robert, but to my horror, the mind-link

would not go through. I then tried linking several other security guards and even Jane, but still I got


“How did you do that?” I asked angrily.

“You mean the alpha command? Oh, that’s easy. You see, the mark on my neck is from my mate. My true mate. The one that you all but left for dead. The one that you gave up searching for and tried to prevent me from finding. Not only is she the love of my life, but it turns out that she is special and powerful. And

that makes me powerful as well.”

“What the f&&k are you talking about?”

“Lily. I am talking about Lily.”

I started laughing. “Lily? As in Stephanie’s sister, Lily? Have you lost your mind?”

James’ face turned suddenly turned stoic.

“I have already spent more time here with you than I intended to. I asked for this meeting purely out of courtesy. I will be the alpha of this pack by the end of the day. The only question is whether you will agree to a peaceful transfer of power, or whether you would prefer that I take it from you in another way.”

I tried to stand up again, but I could not. What the f&&k.

“Why would I voluntarily hand the pack to you? You are a disappointment. You do not have the strength

or the ability to run, this pack. You are a joke. The pack would be better off in the hands of anyone else

but you. And Lily? As Luna? Give me a break. You spent years poisoning the pack against her. Even

after discovering that Stephanie is alive, no one will ever respect her. She is weak, useless, and she has

no wolf.”

James stood and slammed his fists against my desk. Then, seemingly trying to gather himself, he walked

around to the front of my desk and leaned against it, staring at me with rage in his eyes.

“Let’s try this one last time, Father. You are not fit to run this pack. You know it, and I know it. You have

ten seconds to make your final choice. Give me the pack voluntarily and spare yourself some

embarrassment, or sit back and watch as I take it from you.”

My gut told me to listen to him, but there was no way in hell I was going to let him waltz in here and take

the pack from me. Jane and I had too much at stake.




James frowned.

“Remember that I gave you the option. Enjoy the party, Randall. I know that I will.”

James headed towards the office door. Just before he walked out, he looked back at me. “You can get

say anything to interfere with what happens at the party.”

I would never admit it to anyone, but I was now scared. Very scared.

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