Chapter 0223

(Lily POV)

“Charlotte, what are you doing?” I asked.

We were standing in the middle of the flight lounge while we waited for the flight crew to get the plane

ready for us, and she had just ordered a beer from the bartender.

“What are you talking about?” she asked me innocently.

“You hate beer.”

“So does Brady.”

“Do you really think that ordering a beer is going to pi ss him off?”

“No. But it will send a message.”

“And what message is that?”

“That I am mad at him.”

I sighed.

“Charlotte, I do not think ordering a beer is going to send that message. But even if it is, if

Brady after knowing him for less than a day, why are you going to his pack with him?”

“Because I still really like him. And my gut says that I should.”

are mad at

I reached up and checked her forehead for a fever. When I found none, I turned her around and lifted her

hair, checking for any sign that she was wearing a mask. 1

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I am just wondering what happened to my friend. You are not running a fever and you do not appear to

be wearing a mask. So my next question is whether you are under some sort of spell.

Charlotte gave me an annoyed look. “There is nothing wrong with me, Lily.”

I raised my eyebrows at her.


“You are one of the most confident she-wolves that I have ever met. And yet it has been less than a week


since you offered to get breast implants to make Derek happy, and now all of this

with Brady. Where is my

“Oh, those were just doubt-snaps.”


“Yeah, you know. Doubt-snaps.”

“What is a ‘doubt-snap’?”

“Pretty sure it is in the medical dictionary, little miss l-want-to-be-a-doctor.”

“Pretty sure it is not, Charlotte. Now what are they?”

“Brief moments of temporary insanity characterized by extreme self-doubt and insecurities. Usually brought on by hormones or the mate bond. Doubt-snaps come on fast and go away just as fast, leading

the sufferer to return to their normal sassy and confident self. Can happen to humans and she-wolves


“Spoken like a true doctor’s daughter,” I laughed. “Now say it again in plain language.”

“Sometimes when I am around males-especially hot males, and apparently also around my mate- I get

a little caught up in the moment. My insecurities come out and I am willing to do almost anything to keep

the attention on me, But then, after I have a chance to think about things, I snap out of it. That is what

happened with Derek. Offering to get breast implants was not my finest moment, nor was chasing him

around, but I snapped out of it and rejected his a&& once I realized that he was crazy and obsessed with


Then I met Brady and we got drunk together. Somehow, despite the fact that we were drunk, I feel like we really bonded. I feel like we get each other. And so yeah, we slept together last night and then I agreed on

a whim to go to his pack with him.


then I was super hurt and insecure when I found out that you were the one that he told me he loved. Especially right on the heels of Derek.

But more than being hurt, I was legit pi ssed that he wanted to try to break up the mate bond between you and James. I may not have known you very long-and I apparently do not know the full complicated story of you and James- but it is pretty d&&n obvious that you two belong together.

So, bottom line: I had a few doubt-snaps with Brady too. But they passed really fast. I believe you when you say that Brady only thought he loved you. And I know that you love James.

So now I am just angry. Not enough to change my mind about going, but enough that if Brady wants to get back into my pants, he is going to have to find a way to prove himself to me. Until then, I am going to. have a little fun at his expense.”

I shook my head, not sure what to say. I did not know anyone who thought quite like Charlotte. Whoever she ended up with was going to have their hands full.

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