Chapter 0193

1 am going to kill him,” I mind-linked James.

“Not if I do so first.”

I took a deep breath. I was incredibly angry at Derek right now, but I also found myself getting strangely turned on by how James was responding to the situation. Her

we were with one of his celebrity idols,

and yet James was no more willing to put up with Derek’s behavior than I was.

“Please… we have to change the subject,” I asked.

“So… what is your book about?” James questioned.

Suddenly, the look on Derek’s face changed. There was now something slightly creepy about it.

“The book is about a female without a wolf who tries to steal her sister’s mate after her sister is attacked

by rogues,” he explained seriously.

I gulped hard. “Oh, a romance book? I would not peg you for the romantic type.”

“No. Horror.”

I gulped again. “Will it all turn out okay in the end? Happy ending?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well, the wolfless sister is killed and the other sister gets her mate back, so yeah. Happy ending. But not

for everyone.”

I was now no longer willing to ignore how uncomfortable I felt. I stood up, as did James.

“You know what? I just remembered that I left something at the stadium that I need tonight. It is nice to

meet you again, Derek.”

“You have not finished your dinner,” Derek protested.

“That is okay. I am not that hungry anyway.”

James threw some cash on the table. “Charlotte, would you like to come with us?” he asked her.

“Yes, would you?”

Derek put his arm around Charlotte’s chair, and I watched as she melted by the gesture. Charlotte looked at Derek with goo-goo eyes and then looked back at me. “No, I would like to stay here with Derek for a

little while longer.”

Derek gave me a half-smile. “Do not worry about your friend, Lillian. She will be fine.”

“I do not want to leave her, James,” I linked.

“I do not either, but we cannot carry her out of here against her will.”

I sighed. “Charlotte, will you please call me when you get home? I will be waiting for your call. Do not

forget, okay?”

I then gave Derek a look of warning. “Charlotte, if you do not call me within two hours, I will come out looking for you, got it?”

Charlotte smiled. “I will be fine, Lily. But yes, I promise I will call you.”

James and I were quiet all the way back to my apartment. I think we were both trying to process what the Goddess had just happened. It was obviously not nearly as serious as some of the things that had happened at our pack, but it was still unsettling.

Once we were back inside, sitting next to each other on the couch, I turned to him.

“Did you get the same strange feeling that I did from Derek?”


“What do you think it was?”

“I don’t know.”

“Does Luke have any guesses?”


I frowned. “Rose doesn’t either.”

“What do you think we should do?” he asked me.

“About Charlotte or in general?”


I sighed as I put my head on his shoulder and started playing with his fingers. “I don’t know what to do

about Charlotte……


“How did you know that there was a ‘but’ coming?”

James gave me a cheeky smile. “Because unless I am crazy, I smelled the faintest scent of arousal there

at the end.”

I blushed.

“It is not my fault.”

“Oh? Well, tell me… Were you getting turned on by the discussion of big breasts?” James teased.

“No, you a&&hole. I was getting turned on by the fact that my mate is a good person. That he was willing

to stand up for moral decency even in the face of one of his celebrity idols.”

“Is that all it takes to turn you on?”

I did not respond. Instead, I let out a small sigh as James started to trail his fingers up my exposed thigh

and along the hem of my dress. James then looked me in the eyes, silently asking me for approval as he started to slowly climb his fingers even higher up my dress!

“So… what do you think WE should do?” he asked me in a husky voice.

Feeling his fingers reach my most private area, I let out a tiny moan. “I think… we should finish what we

started earlier.”

James picked me up bridal style and headed towards my bedroom. “I agree.”

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