Chapter 0191

(Lily POV)

I knew immediately when Derek Ab bott walked into the restaurant. No, it was not the look of both hope and fear on Charlotte’s face. Nor was it the way that the restaurant staff immediately ran to the front door of the restaurant and began fawning all over the male who entered. No, I knew immediately when Derek Ab bott walked into Bellizio’s because James immediately got his “fan-guy” face on.

It was the same face he had when we took the tour of the Wolf Packers’ stadium and two of the human baseball players happened to walk by. They gave me hugs when they saw me I met them previously- and instead of getting jealous or possessive, James immediately mind-linked me begging me to ask

them for their autographs.

Both players were more than happy to sign an autograph for James. But, instead of just signing a random piece of paper, they suggested that they sign baseballs. And instead of just picking any random baseballs to sign, they suggested that they play catch with James in the field, and then they would sign the

baseballs they played with.

Seriously, I was glad that James was just 26 years old, because otherwise he seriously would have had a

heart attack. The way that his face lit up was like a 5-year-old seeing Santa Claus for the first time. It was

both heartwarming and a little creepy. They played for over an hour, and I practically had to force James

to leave the stadium afterwards so that we could get back and changed for dinner with Charlotte and


After that experience, it was easy for me to tell when Derek arrived because James’ face changed


Going into the dinner, I really was not sure what to think of Derek. My first interaction with him had not

been pleasant… but he also met his mate while she was straddling another male, so I could not really blame him for his behavior. On the other hand, I had been a little uneasy when Charlotte told me how it went when she saw him at the event on Monday. He had basically repeated that he was not interested in having a “sl utty mate,” but he said would be willing to give her a chance if she “brought her Daisy-like

friend” with her for dinner.

I did not like being called a “Daisy-like friend” given who he was obviously comparing me to, but more than that I was unsure why he would make giving Charlotte a chance contingent on me going to dinner with them. It just felt… weird. But I was willing to do it, in part because I love Charlotte… and in part because I knew how excited James would be.

My uneasiness with Derek Ab bott did not wane any when he sat down at the table. Bellizio’s was one of the fanciest restaurants in town, and it had a strict dress code that fell somewhere between casual

in wearing ripped jeans, a baseball hat, and a hoodie sweatshirt with his own signature logo on it.

I was internally rolling my eyes as we stood to greet him. Derek acknowledged all of us with a combined nod and took his chair next to Charlotte. I saw her looking at him hopefully, but he barely glanced at her.

Instead, his eyes were laser-focused on me.

“Who is this?” Derek asked, nodding his head towards James.

“James Anderson,” James replied, offering his hand for a handshake.

Derek ignored James’ hand. “Who are you?” Derek asked.

James put his arm around the back of my chair, and proudly told Derek that he was my mate.


Seriously, Derek was behaving like the stereotypical spoiled celebrity. So far, his behavior did not seem

to bother James though, so I kept quiet.

“I do not see a mark,” Derek replied matter of factly.

At that point, I felt just a flash of unease from James, so I quickly jumped in. “Not every wolf immediately

marks their mate. You and Charlotte are a great example of that. Many wolves choose to wait until their

wedding days or ceremonies.”

“Charlotte and I are not a great example of anything.” Derek responded coldly.

I saw Charlotte’s face fall, and that flash of unease in James quickly became a simmering sense of

concern. (Total sidenote, having never been mated before, I have to say. Being able to feel James’

emotions as our bond repairs itself is really, really cool.)

Thankfully, after that initial awkwardness, we ordered dinner and the conversation at the table seemed to go okay. Of course, part of that may be because the conversation largely consisted of James asking Derek questions about himself. They talked about Derek’s favorite cars, Derek’s experience with other drivers; races that Derek had won; and a bunch of other things that went right over my head. Charlotte tried to jump in a few times, having spent hours countless hours researching him at that point. Derek was polite and tolerant with her, although not overly friendly.

very animated

James must have sensed my growing sense of concern, because in the middle of some very conversation about the differences in car engines, he suggested that we dance while waited for dinner to arrive. I immediately welcomed the idea.

“How are you doing?” James mind-linked me as he pulled me close to him on the dance floor.

“Better now,” I replied honestly. “I am just a little worried about Charlotte.”

“Yeah, her mate is a Grade A A&&hole.”

I started laughing. “What?” I linked back. “How can you say that? You have been fan-girling him since he


“I have not.”

“Yes, you have. ‘Oh, Derek, I love your ten cars.’ ‘Oh, Derek, you were so great in that race.’ ‘Oh, Derek, what was it like to be in that commercial? You were fangirling like there was no tomorrow,” I teased.

James twirled me around and then pulled me close again. This time, he made sure I could feel a certain lower part of his. “In case you have not noticed, I am very much a guy. I cannot ‘fangirl.’ I can, however,


I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Seriously? That is the distinction that you are drawing? Is ‘fanguy even a


James smiled. “Yes. But fanguy or not, I can still recognize a Class A A&&hole when I meet one. And

you are 100% right. I do not like him for Charlotte, or any female really.”

“You should know. Alpha wolves know everything there is to know about being a&&holes,” I teased.

James laughed in the link. “Exactly. It takes one to know one. Who better to know how to classify the

rank of a&&hole we are dealing with.”

After a few more spins on the dance floor, we saw staff bring over the dinner plates so we headed back

to the table. Charlotte had a happier look on her face, so I was hopeful that she and Derek had talked and

things were on a better footing now.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

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