Chapter 0186

Author Note: Slightly Steamy Scene Ahead,

(Lily POV)

“I love you, James Anderson.”

James continued to look at me as though he was afraid that I was going to take it back.

“Say it again,” he asked.

“It again.”

He gave me a dirty look. “Not what I meant, you tease.”

I laughed. “I love you, James Anderson.”

Before I knew what had happened, James switched our positions so that I was laying flat on my back

while he hovered over me.

“Say it again,” he growled.

“A bit needy, aren’t we?” I teased him again.

“Again, Lily,” he demanded.

I looked deep into his blue eyes, wanting to make sure he could see and feel the sincerity in my own..

“I love you, James Anderson.

“I love you too, Lily Brogan.”

As soon as he said the words, he smashed his lips against mine. The longer the kiss lasted, the stronger

the sparks became. By the end of the kiss, the sparks felt almost as strong as they had the day that we

first discovered that we were mates.

ur kiss continued to get heated./James eventually moved his hands to my waist, and then his fingers gently grabbed the hem of my shirt. He stopped kissing me just long enough to ask me for permission to keep going, which I readily gave him. I knew that I wanted more,

James gingerly removed my shirt. I felt James’ warm hands travel up my sides, moving closer and closer to my bra. As he did so, his kisses moved from my lips to my neck. As he gently sucked on the place that. he would

eventually mark me, I moaned and arched my back, eager to feel more and more of his touch.

And then James’ phone went off.

“Ignore it,” James growled as his fingers reached the snap of my bra. His lips traveled lower down by


Just before he reached where I was hoping he was headed, his phone buzzed again. And again. And


I started to pull away. “Ignore it, please,” James pleaded. “It is probably just my parents or your sister or I

don’t care who it is. Whoever it is can wait.”

I nodded, not wanting our moment to end. James resumed kissing my neck. I felt the lust overtaking every ounce of my self-restraint. Rose purred happily in the back of my mind. I reached for James’ belt, knowing I wanted us to take that next step.

And then my phone buzzed. And James’ phone buzzed. And both of our phones rang.

I gently pushed James back.

“I swear, I am going to kill whoever it is that interrupted us,” James growled.

I smiled. “Let’s just see who it is. It might be important. If not, we can get back to where we were, I


James sighed as he moved away from me and reached for his phone. I got up and went over to mine.

“Mine was Charlotte. She wanted to confirm that we are on for dinner at Bellizio’s at 8 pm., Who was

yours from?” I asked.

James shook his head in disgust. “Your sister and Dr. Hyder.”

“What did they want?”

“Your sister wants to know where I am.”

“You told me she has been sending you messages like that since you left. Why do you look so disgusted?”

“Because she has apparently now decided that I left the wedding venue because I was torn between my

feelings for her and for Sheila. She thought it would help me make up my mind if I knew that Sheila is a

big sl ut. She also sent me a video. I do not dare watch it, but the frame makes it look like it is the video

of Nick and Sheila.”

“Oh my Goddess.”


“Why would she send that to you?” I asked, as I put my bra and shirt back on.

“Why would your sister do half the things that she has done? She is sick and twisted. I honestly do not know how you turned out as normal as you did.”

“Oh, I am messed up too, don’t worry. But I think my mother’s focus on Stephanie for the first half of my life and her absolute hatred of me during the second half sort-of spared me the worst of it. My mother. did not try to manipulate or mold me the way that she did Stephanie.”

James frowned. “I do not know if any of them are redeemable, Lily. All of them have done so many horrible things. Are you going to be okay if the Movement’s plans succeed and your sister and mother are given life sentences… or worse?”

I thought about it for a moment. “I do not know,” I responded honestly. “But I would rather have them in

a dungeon than out there hurting other people. What about you? How are you going to feel about your parents getting punished?”

James ran his hands through his hair. “I have thought about this a lot. Honestly, my parents may not have p personally done a lot of the things that Sheila, Stephanie, and your mother did… but they allowed it to happen. They were either criminally negligent or intentionally indifferent. Either way, my parents are just as guilty as the other three. If not more so. Your mother never would have been able to become

what she became but for my parents’ help.”

I went over to James and hugged him. “Whatever happens, we will get through this together, okay?”

James wrapped his arms tightly around me, and I felt him nod against my hair.

“What did Dr. Hyder want?” I asked.

“He sent me the address to send the chocolates to. He also wanted to know if I talked to Andrew today.”

“That is a weird question,” I said, looking up at him.

“I know.”

“What do you think he was getting at?”

“I have no idea. But obviously I did not talk to

Andrew today. I have been with you almost every second

since I woke up, with the exception of when I was in the bathroom or shower. In fact, I have not talked to

him at all since I called him from Hawaii.”

“Do you think we should call Dr. Hyder?”

“No. Maybe it is nothing. Why don’t we go and mail those chocolates before the post office closes,” he



Just then, a thought occurred to me. “You know, after we go to the post office, we will have some time

before dinner. Would you want to stop by the Wolf Packers’ stadium and take a tour?”

“Well, sure, I would love to. But aren’t they closed for the off-season?”

“Yes… but if you know the right people, you can still get in.”

“And you do?”

I smiled. “Yes.”

James immediately gave me that boyish, fanboy smile of his. “Lead the way.”

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