Chapter 0180

(Brady POV)

I was sitting in my office, quietly wondering to myself whether this week could get any worse, when my week… well, immediately got worse.

I felt like I had enough to deal with already. My pack had been attacked, which not only resulted in loyal pack wolves being hurt, but which also interrupted some of the precious time that I had with my son. And not only had my pack been attacked, but also the attackers had made their way into areas of the packhouse that I had previously considered to be safe and sacrosanct.

On top of all of that, I had to deal with my father, with imposters infiltrating my security team, and with heartache relating to the increasing probability that I would lose Lily to that a&&hole James. 1

“You mean lose her to her mate,” Kalen corrected me in our link.

“No. I mean lose her to that a&&hole James. He does not deserve to call himself her mate anymore,” I

linked back.

“And you do?”

“YES!” I replied angrily..

“It took you two weeks to even notice that Lily left,” Kalen reminded me.


I immediately put up a block. I did not need to deal with Kalen right now. I hated how often he was right about things, and I hated how often he chose to rub that in my face.

Unfortunately, the exact moment that I blocked Kalen was the same moment that Evelyn decided to

barge into my office and confront me with more wild accusations. As much as I was not in the mood to

deal with Kalen, I was REALLY not in the mood to deal with her.

You may notice that I said “MORE wild accusations.” Ever since the day that Evelyn announced her plans. for Sammy to become alpha of Andrew’s pack, she had come to my office at least once a day to accuse me of failing her, my son, or my pack in some way. Some of her complaints had been legitimate, but most of her complaints were petty bullsh&t. Regardless, it was always something. She had come so often in the past couple of weeks that no one tried to stop her from coming in here anymore, and she did

not even bother to knock on the door.

I did not know what her sudden motivation was for acting this way; she had never acted like this in the past. Nor did I know why I allowed her to continue with the behavior.

Maybe it was because I spent years ignoring and being ignored by her, and this was the most we had talked in years. Maybe it was because a part of me was happy to see her everyday. Or maybe it was because I am just masochistic.

Either which way, with everything else on my plate, I was finally getting tired of both her and her behavior.

Not that she cared.

“Is it true?” Evelyn asked me angrily as she slammed my office door.

I rubbed my temples. “Is what true, Evelyn?”

“Were we attacked because of your floozy?”

“WE were not attacked, Evelyn. You are no longer a member of this pack, remember?”

“Cut the bull, Brady. We were here. The attack scared our son. He is worried that he is going to lose his father and that something is going to happen to him too. Did you know that the attackers even went into his room? Thank Goddess he was with me when the attack happened and he did not see them.”

I sighed. I did know that. It was one of the many things that really bothered me about the attack.

“I am working on beefing up safety protocols, Evelyn. We will make sure that they are unable to get

through again.”

“How can you say that? If it was so easy to just ‘beef up protocols, why did you not do that ages ago?

Why wait until our son was traumatized to take care of the problem? What kind of alpha are you???”

Great. So this was one of her legitimate rants. Again, just what I needed. More guilt and more reminders

of my failures. Seriously, she should have been mated to my father not me; they could have enjoyed. belittling me together. Too bad for her my father is in love with

my mother.

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