Chapter 0161

(Lily POV)

James and I finally got off the phone around four in the morning. I humored him with all the details he wanted to know about Cody Wilson, as well as the few details I had about Derek Ab bott. (Derek is one of the rare werewolves who has found fame in the human world; he is a professional race car driver… and

Charlotte’s fated mate.)


Once we finally hung up, I tried to get comfortable on the couch. Unfortunately, Charlotte-who had stayed over, not wanting her parents to know what had happened with Derek-woke me up just a couple of hours later. She didn’t intend to wake me up, but it was hard for me to ignore her loud so bs and


Thank Goddess I had today off of work.

I made a cup of herbal tea and brought it to Charlotte, who was still laying in my bed. Charlotte sat up,

wiped her tears, and accepted the tea.

“Thank you, Lily,” she said through tears.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked as I sat down beside her.


“Okay. Do you want to watch a movie or something?”

“Why did he reject me, Lily? What is wrong with me? Why would he not want me?”

gave her a sympathetic smile. “Do you want the soft truth or the hard truth?”

“The soft truth.”

“There is nothing wrong with you. You are smart and beautiful, and you have at least 100 other positive qualities. Derek did not reject you; he just got upset. Give him some time and he may come around.”

Charlotte wiped a few more tears away. “Ok, now the hard truth.”

“When he saw you for the first time, you were straddling another male and making out with him. Of course, he was going to be upset. He is a hot-blooded male werewolf. Was he a jerk? Yes. But was his reaction completely irrational? No.”

“I am not a sl ut. I have slept with exactly two males my entire life, and I never make out with guys in public like that. But this was Cody Wilson! Most girls would kill for an opportunity to make out with Cody.

I reached over and squeezed her hand. “You do not have to convince me, Charlotte. I do not blame you, and I am on your side. But -wow-you clearly have a type.”


“If you have only slept with two males, that means 100% of the males that you have ever slept with have been professional baseball players. Then you made out with a famous hockey player, and you were mated to a professional race car driver. Your type is famous, James would be impressed. Heck, he already is and he only knows about Cody and Derek”

Charlotte laughed in spite of herself. “You told him?”

I nodded. “I am sorry; I hope you do not mind. It came up as I was explaining the whole Daisy situation.”

“What Daisy situation?”

“Sergio’s brother, Franco, got me confused with another female named Daisy. He showed her picture to

Sergio, who showed it to me.”


“And let’s just say that when I saw the picture of Daisy, I felt like I was looking at a ghost.”


“Because Daisy looks just like my sister who died six years ago.”



“So that is why you looked upset when you were talking to Sergio and his brother?”

“Well… that and the fact that I had just broken Franco’s brother’s arm in the hallway.”

“WHAT? Where was I when all of this was happening??!?!”

“Ummmmm, making out with Cody Wilson.”

“Oh.” Charlotte looked down in shame. “I am so sorry, Lily. I totally abandoned you last night. I should

have focused on you and our girls’ night instead of Cody f&&ing Wilson.”

1 gave Charlotte a sad smile. I was not going to argue with her about that. Had she focused on the girls

night she promised me, things may have worked out differently with her mate, too.

“If it makes you feel any better, I may not have found out about my sister had it not been for you

abandoning me.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. “You are not suggesting that that Daisy really is your sister?”

I shrugged. “Actually, I think she is. That is why I called James and told him everything that happened. They never found Stephanie’s body, so it is possible.”

“But how can that be? If she did not die, where has she been the past six years? What has she been


“I am not sure. The only thing I got out of Sergio and his brother is that she has been living in Spain with some guy named Antonio, and she has a pup. I was going to ask more questions, but then… well, the whole thing between you and Derek played out.”

Charlotte looked down. “I am so sorry, Lily, I

“Stop, Charlotte. I am not mad at you. Other than abandoning me for Cody Wilson, you did not do anything wrong. And I am pretty sure James would have left me for Cody too if he could, so apparently that is more Cody than you anyway. Let’s focus on what we are going to do about you and Derek.”

“There is no ‘me and Derek,’ Lily. I do not even know how I would find him if I wanted to.”

“He is Derek Ab bott, Charlotte. You do not need to find him; the pa paraz zi follow him around like lost puppies. You just have to pull up one of their blogs and you will know where he is.”

“But what is the point? He does not want me.”

“The mate bond is a powerful thing, Charlotte.”

“Easy for you to say. Your mate would never call you a ‘slu walk away 1

and you.”


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