Chapter 0151

(James POV)

After the conversation with Lily, I was much too wired to nap. Instead, I opted to take a shower and mind-

link Joey to meet me at one of the local diners for lunch. The Hoffman diner, specifically.

Coming out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see Sheila in my room. It looked like she had been taking

things out of my closet and laying them haphazardly over my bed.

“What the f&&k are you doing in here?” I growled.

“Hello, my s**y future husband,” she responded in a suggestive tone of voice. “I was waiting for you to

get out of the shower.”

“Get out,” I yelled at her.

“Oh, darling, do not be like that. Margie told me the good news. We will be husband and wife in just a

couple of weeks.”

She came towards me and tried to put her hand on my naked chest. I shoved her hand away before she could touch me and quickly put on one of the t-shirts that had been thrown on my bed.

“Do not touch me, Sheila.”

Sheila rolled her eyes. “James, you know once we are married, you are going to have to get past your no-

touching rule.”

y life.”

“Until then, Sheila, let me enjoy what is left of my life.”

Sheila shrugged her shoulders and walked to the closet. She came out a moment later with another

handful of my clothes.


Sheila put the clothes in her hands on my bed. “Darling, relax. I am just clearing out a little bit of space in

our closet for my things. Once I am done making some space, I will leave.”


“And I said I would leave when I am done,” she responded defiantly.

I grabbed her firmly by her upper arm and shoved her towards the door. “I am hanging on by a thread

here, Sheila. Do not push me. I am only going along with this insanity because I have been threatened. If

you are not careful, I will look to solve the problem in a different way.”

“You could not hurt a fly, James. Everyone knows that.”

“You are welcome to remind everyone of that after I snap your neck,” I responded coldly.

Sheila recoiled at my statement, and then brushed my hand off of her arm.

“Fine, James. Have it your way. But you should know that your mother and Margie have agreed that you should be required to mark me during the wedding, just like it was done during the old days.”

Sheila then scanned my body with her eyes, pausing for an uncomfortable amount of time on the area between my legs.

“After the marking, you will make it up to me. You will not be able to resist me. I will enjoy ever last

ounce of you.”

Over my dead body, I thought. “Mine, too,” Luke linked.

With that, Sheila walked out the door. Good f&&king, riddance.

Joey was already waiting for me, by the time I made it to the diner. I slid into a booth across from him.

“This is a safe place to talk?” I asked him in the mindlink.

“One of the safest,” he confirmed.

“Did you accomplish the tasks this morning?” I asked.

Joey smirked. “Sir, you realize that it has not even been 24 hours since you gave me those tasks.”

“Your point?”

“They were not easy tasks, Sir.”

“Your point?”

Joey continued to smirk. “I got them all done this morning. Sir.”

I grinned. “Thank you. Now I have two more tasks for you.”

Joey raised his eyebrows. “What would those be?”

“First, I want you to find out if Sheila is really pregnant. And if she is, I want to know who the baby daddy

is ”

Joey visibly gulped. “If she is pregnant, do you plan to do something to the father?”

“It depends on who he is. Why do you ask?”

Joey rubbed his neck. Seriously, I need to get him to work on his “tells.”

“There is a possibility that Aiden is the father.”

“Aiden, as in guard Aiden who went with us to Hawaii?”

“Yeah, that Aiden. I kind-of convinced him to sleep with Sheila in order to keep her busy. And then I begged him to keep doing it when you did not come back right away.”

“Is Aiden bad news?”

“No, Sir. That’s the thing. He is not part of the movement, but he also isn’t a horrible guy. Or at least he is

ny more horrible than I am. He is a friend.”



“Is he on Margie’s payroll?”

“Not to my knowledge, Sir.”

“Then do not worry about it. If he turns out to be the father, I will adjust the plan accordingly. But first let’s confirm she is pregnant at all.”

Joey nodded. “What is the second thing?”

“It is more of a question than a task. I was thinking about everything that we were talking about last night, and I realized that there is a massive missing piece.”

“What is that, Sir?”

“Where has Beta Robert been in all of this? Does he know what Margie and Stephanie were up to?”

“I do not know, Sir. I am new to the movement, and the main times I have heard Beta Robert’s name come up have been to say he was on a business tri

or not home or busy. I really do not know what he


“Then let’s call it a task after all. I need to know how he fits in to all of this. Lily adored her father growing up. Before we take him out, I want to know if he was worthy of that love, or if he is just as bad as everyone else.”

“Got it, Sir. I will see what I can find.”

“While you are at it, I would like you to find out about Nick and Jenny, too.”

“Will do.”

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