Chapter 0120 (Joey POV) I have been assigned to guard the packhouse ever since we got back from Hawaii. I am grateful for the post, because it gives me a good perspective on what the higher ranked wolves are up to. Unfortunately, I am starting to see things that worry me…. as in, a lot of things. I mind-link my mate. “Babe, something is going on. Something big.” “What do you mean?” “Sheila has been prancing around the pack house happy the last few days. HAPPY. Why would she be happy?” “Have any wolves discovered their mates recently?” “No.” “Anyone have surgery lately?” “Not that I am aware of.” “Has she been to the care home?” “No.” “Anything else out of the ordinary?” “No, except that Sheila’s mom is spending a lot of time here too. They have also had a tailor here measuring Sheila for a dress of some kind. Oh…. and today they have been looking through bridal magazines with Margie and Jane.” “WHAT?!” “Yeah….” “Oh, Goddess. Joey! Why didn’t you say that first?!? They are planning Sheila’s wedding! We cannot let them force James to marry that b&&ch!!” “Maybe they plan to marry Sheila off to someone else?” “Like who?” “Me? Aiden? I don’t know.” I heard Jessica growl through the link. “Not. Funny.” “Believe me, Babe, the thought of marrying anyone other than you makes me nauseous. And the thought of marrying Sheila makes me want to…. I will not finish that sentence. But maybe there is another explanation.” “No, there isn’t.” I did not reply right away. I knew my mate was probably right. She usually is. Of course they want to marry James off to Sheila. This is what we have been afraid of, and what we have been working to avoid. I rubbed my neck. “Look, Babe. Sheila and James will not get married. We will think of something.” “Okay. I trust you, Joey. Have there been any sign of James?” “Not yet. Alpha Randall ordered him to come back six days ago, but so far he has not shown up.” “I bet Alpha Randall is not happy about that,” Jessica said, chuckling. I laughed as well. “I am pretty sure I have seen steam literally coming out of his ears,” I confirm. “Well, when he gets there, please let me know. I have a package to deliver to him. I will head straight over there.” “A package? From who?” “I don’t know for sure. There is no return address label on it. Normally, I am supposed to throw unmarked packages like this away.” “So why haven’t you?” “Because…. the handwriting on the label looks familiar. I may just be imagining it, but I am hoping….” “Has it already gone through the x-ray machine?” “Yes,” “And does your wolf smell anything odd about it?” “No.” o “Okay. Hide it somewhere so others in the mail room will not see it. I will let you know when James gets here.” “Thank you. Love you, Joey.” “I love you, too.” I cut the link, and sent another prayer to the Moon Goddess that we would not have to go back to our original plans, before we discovered that Lily was the Goddess-chosen Luna of our pack, (The next day) (James POV) And I am back. Here I am, standing just outside the border to West Mountain Pack. It is funny, years ago, when we would go on trips or to conferences, I-could not wait to come back here. This was my home; this was the place that I felt the most comfortable. But now? Now I feel like every time I am here I am entering the twilight zone. Nothing feels right; nothing feels true; everything feels like it is hiding something from me. How did I not notice all of these things before? my way to Sighing, I force myself to cross the border and make the packhouse. It would be faster to drive, but after the taxi driver dropped me off, I turned down the border guards’ offers for a ride. I could also shift into Luke, but neither he nor I are eager to get back. The long walk will be good for our nerves and for our growing anger. I briefly think about stopping by my waterfall, but I know that my father has had wolves watching my every move since I arrived at the border. The last thing that I want to do is ruin that special place with the guards’ watchful presence. So instead, I continue my journey to the packhouse. Once I arrive, I head up to my room. I know that proper protocol would be to visit my father first, but I have no interest in observing proper protocols anymore. At least not with him. To my surprise, Jessica-Joey’s mate- is waiting outside the door to the alpha suite when I arrive. She appears to be waiting for me. “Jessica?” “Good afternoon, Sir. This… this package arrived for you. Normally, we are supposed to toss packages without return mailing addresses, but… I thought maybe you would want this one.” Jessica hesitantly hands me a small square package. As I look at the mailing label, my heart sk ips a beat. “Thank you, Jessica. I appreciate it.” I open the door to the alpha suite and Jessica turns to leave. However, before she can, I notice all the Stephanie portraits and mementos everywhere. “Jessica, your mate is downstairs yes?” She nods. “Would you ask him to come upstairs. I am hoping that you and him can help me with a small project.” Jessica looks at me curiously, but then confirms that they would be happy to help. H While she waits for Joey at the entrance to the alpha suite, I go to my bedroom, put my suitcase on the floor, and gently place the package on my bed. I am dying to know what is inside of it, but I have to get this project done first. I grab three large duffle bags out of my closet. Joey knocks on my bedroom door and I toss him and Jessica each a bag. “What are these for?” Joey asks. “I want every single picture of Stephanie, and every single memento of hers, taken down and placed in these bags. Anything that will not fit, you should take down and create a small pile on the floor.” I watch as Joey and Jessica exchange looks. They are smiling. I do not bother to ask why… at least not right now. Fifteen minutes later, the three of us are about halfway through removing Stephanie from the alpha suite, when I hear a screeching voice that I unfortunately know all too well. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?121212212121212171* 

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