Chapter 543

He was seated in a very princely manner with his hands resting on the table. A cold gleam of ice shone in his eyes, but he was 110t looking at her. Perhaps she had misheard?

Sylvia pursed her lips and wondered if she should ask if he was talking to her just now.

Her opportunity was lost when several teachers approached her and asked her enthusiastically, “Ms. Sylvia, would you mind sharing some of your insights in painting with


Sylvia dismissed the idea of asking Thomas and smiled back at them. “Okay.” She took the time to talk with them. Soon, she was entranced by the conversation to a point where she no longer noticed the way the man looked at her only a short distance from her.

Before even realizing it, Sylvia had chatted with them until it was noon.

They only wrapped things up after Christopher informed them that it was time for them to get something to eat.

Thomas was still sitting near her. Sylvia walked with him and several teachers towards the dining room where they had lunch.

On the way to the dining room, he kept a respectful distance from her just like the other teachers did

Upon reaching the dining room, they found an occupied table and sat down. He was seated right next to her, but they did not exchange a single word throughout the entire meal. He had a cold and unapproachable temperament as he always did. Sylvia heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed to her that she must have misheard what he said to her just now.

After lunch, Sylvia and the others returned to the venue to continue their discussion. It was around evening when Christopher announced the conclusion of the seminar. Since it was also dinner time, he had made reservations at a nearby restaurant and invited everyone to dine with him.

Everyone went to the exit in an orderly manner.

Sylvia walked to Christopher and said to him, “President, I have children at home waiting for me, so I'm afraid I won't be joining you for dinner.” Christopher did not try to pressure her and was very understanding of her circumstance.” Alright.” Shortly after that, they stepped out of the hotel. What came into view was a world covered in white. Thick layers of snow clad everything. It was on the trees, all over the asphalt, and on

top of cars. Snow was still falling from the sky Christopher expressed thoughtfully, “Sylvia, be careful driving on the road.”

“Alright,” Sylvia answered before turning to Thomas to inform him, “Thomas, I won't be having dinner with everyone. I need to head back first.”

Thomas peered at her and answered in a vaguely expressive voice, “Be careful on the road.”

“I will. You be careful on the way home after dinner too.”


With that, Sylvia went straight to the parking lot.

Thomas stood still and watched her.

Several female teachers were eyeing him the entire time as well. Noticing that he did not leave yet, they immediately went up to him and asked, “Mr. Carter, arent you leaving yet?”

"We're going to drive to the restaurant. Why don't you get in the car with us as well?” Thomas withdrew his gaze from the direction of the parking lot and answered briskly, “I won't be joining dinner. Something came up at home.”

With that, he turned and strode off very quickly, barely giving time to the teachers to elicita response.

Sylvia quickly drove back home, To her surprise, Isabel and Liam had returned. They were still wearing the same outfit from this morning and were playing in the living room.

Isabel was lying next to Aunt Tonya watching television while Liam was seated next to them with a toy in his hand. Upon noticing Sylvia returning, the two of them turned toward her in perfect synchronization. “Mommy, you're back!" Isabel jumped off the sofa and ran to her. Liam rose as well. Sylvia kissed and hugged them in turn before asking, “Why did you two come back so early today?”

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