Chapter 532

Sylvia chuckled at this sight and woke up them gently. “Isabel, Liam, it's time to wake up.” Liam was the first to open his eyes, Isabel woke up right after that and drowsily burrowed herself into Sylvia's arms

Sylvia sat down on the edge of the bed and shared an intimate hug with both the kids for a moment.

After they had fully woken up, she helped them get dressed. When they had washed up, they went to the living room. Aunt Tonya had already made breakfast for them. She made Eggs Benedict which was one of both Liam and Isabel's favorite dishes,

After breakfast, Sylvia took them to kindergarten.

Their days were simple and carefree, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

It was soon Friday. Sylvia arrived at the gate of the kindergarten around evening, just in time to pick up Liam and Isabel. Then, she took them home.

While Aunt Tonya was busy with dinner, Sylvia played with the kids in the living room. Isabel was lying across her arms, her attention fixed on the cartoon she was watching. Liam sat next to her and was fiddling with a Rubik's cube.

Everyone was quiet and occupied with their activities.

Suddenly, Liam set the Rubik's cube aside and had an absent look on his face.

Sylvia noticed something was wrong and asked him, “Liam, what's wrong?”

Liam turned to her, “Mommy, it's Friday, why isn't Daddy coming to see us?”

"Yeah, the big baddie hasn't shown up for several days.” Isabel turned away from the screen and echoed the same sentiment, “He didn't find some other woman, did he?"

Sylvia shot them a look and gently patted the top of Isabel's head before informing the two of them, “He's very busy with work. Maybe he just doesn't have time to come here.” Liam frowned. Sylvia caressed his forehead and suggested carefully, “Give your Daddy a call if you miss him.” When Liam looked silently at her, Sylvia smiled softly in return. “Okay,” he answered with a flash of suspiciousness in his eyes.

It did not seem like Mommy and Daddy fought, but he could not shake off the feeling that something was going on between the two of thein.

At night, In Llam and Isabel's room, Sylvla told them bedtime stories as usual. 11 did not take long for Isabel to begin snoring, and Liam had shut his eyes as well.

Seeing that they were almost asleep, Sylvia gently pecked their cheeks with a quick kiss and left their room. Immediately after she went out, Liam snapped his eyes wide open. He sat up with a ruminative look, then he got his phone and deftly dialed Odell’'s number. The call was answered rather quickly. Liam heard Odell's scratchy voice from the other end of the phone, “Liam, why are you calling me at this hour. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?”

"What are you doing?” Liam asked. “Working.” “Are you busy?" “Yeah, what's wrong?” Liam inquired, "Did you fight with Mommy?” After a few seconds of silence, Odell responded, “No, things are fine with your mother.” “Then, why aren“t you coming to visit us?”

“I've just been busy these days.” After a pause, Odell offered, “It's Saturday tomorrow. Is there anywhere you want to go to tomorrow?” Liam thought about it for a second and asked, “Are you going to take us somewhere tomorrow?”


"Sis is already asleep. Why don't you ask her tomorrow after you get here?” “Alright, now you go to bed as well.” Liam hung up and lay back under the covers. He closed his eyes and put his arm around his sleeping sister's shoulders.

The next morning, the sun rose at the same time as usual.

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