Chapter 518

The uncomfortable silence lasted until they reached lise gates of Odell’s house Odell got out of the car and went to carry the sleeping Isabel in his arms

Sylvia, meanwhile, carried Liam out of the car

They walked into the house together and went to the children’s bedroom, the one that Sylvia usually slept in with them

Upon entering, Sylvia placed Liam on the bed and turned to Odell, “lust put Isabel down, I'll take care of them.”

Odell did not answer. He deftly put Isabel on the bed, before going to the dresser where he sound two sets of pajamas

Sylvia was bewildered by this.

She watched as he promptly removed Isabel's little boots, coat, and trousers, all in an orderly fashion, and proceeded to put her in one of the pajama sets.

Then, he did the same with Liami, taking off his shoes and clothes before putting on the pajamnas for him

In no time, both siblings had been placed in the middle of the bed, and carefully covered with the quilt.

He did all of this as if he had done it all his life.

Sylvia frowned at the sight of this, she supposed that he had taken over these duties during her absence

That was when his large shadow loomed over her as he approached her He touched her head gently and said softly. “You should get some rest as well.”

Sylvia's immediate reaction was that of revulsion.

However, before she could back away, he withdrew his hands and walked out He departed very quickly and the door was shut gently The room became quiet

Sylvia closed her eyes in annoyance

When she opened her eyes again, the coldness in the depths of her eyes remained

In the early morning, the sound of Aunt Tonya knocking on the door to wake them up for breakfast broke through the silence of the room.

Sylvia went to the living room with the children.

Odell was already waiting for them. Just like yesterday, Odell and Sylvia took Isabel and Liam to kindergarten after breakfast. Inmediately afterward, Sylvia left on her own to continue with the cleaning and tidying up of

her new place. In the evening, she met Odell again when she went to the kindergarten to pick the children up. After they had picked Isabel and Liam up, they headed back to the car. Odell drove. After they pulled out of the congested road, he asked, “What would you all like to eat tonight?” Sylvia was quiet Liam did not answer either. Seeing that neither of them wanted to offer up an option, Isabel immediately stated, “I still want to eat hot pot.” “No,” Sylvia protested, “We already ate that yesterday. We can't eat that again.’ The taste of hot pots were too rich. Isabel and Liam were still young so eating this kind of meal should only be eaten once in a while, but not too often. Isabel pouted, “Noodles then.” Odell asked, "What noodles?"

Isabel turned to Sylvia, “Mommy, it's that tasty noodle shop that we went to before. I can't remember the name.”

Sylvia stated, “Chowder’s, it's in the old district.” “Okay.” Odell glanced at her in the rearview mirror, then the car picked up speed.

On the way back from dinner, Isabel and Liam fell asleep again. Just like the night before, after returning to the bedroom, Odell changed them into their pajamas one after the other.

There was nothing Sylvia could do to help, so she only watched silently. Odell covered them with the quilt and walked over to her. She subconsciously took two steps back

The look in his eyes darkened, before he looked into her eyes, “Tomorrow is Saturday, would you like to take them out somewhere to play?”

Sylvia answered, “Sure.”

"Get an early rest, we'll leave tomorrow moming.”

With that, he left.

Noticing that he was about to leave, Sylvia suddenly blurted out, “Tomorrow is the third day.”

He paused, “I know.”

Then he went outside.

Sylvia went to the bathroom to wash up.

The next morning, Sylvia was woken up by Aunt Tonya just like the previous two days.

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