Chapter 480

Aunt Tonya stood still and glared at Tara. “Unless I die, don't even think that you can make me leave.”

Tara snorted and looked at her contemptuously. “Then you'd better be more respectful to me in the future, or be prepared for your life to become uncomfortable.”

Aunt Tonya pursed her lips bard.

Tara elegantly sat back on the sola and ordered, “Come and pour me a cup of Ica.”

Aunt Tonya endured her anger, swiftly stepped forward, and poured a cup of tea before placing it in front of Tara.

Tara took a sip before suddenly throwing the teacup at Aunt Tonya's licad.


The teacup hit her lead and fell to the ground, and the bottca also slowed down her face

Tara screamed in anger, “How could you pour such hot tea for me? Are you trying to scald


Aunt Tonya's eyes reddened in anger.

The tea was indeed hot, but it was not to the point wliere it was undrinkable. Tara was doing it on purpose!

However, when she thought of Isabel and Liam, she endured it,

She poured another cup and waited a short while for it to cool down. Then, she placed the cup in front of Tara.

Tara took a slight sip and smiled in satisfaction. “Get lost. I don’t want to see you now.” Aunt Tonya instantly turned around and walked out of the living room.

Tara grinned and looked around the living room.

She observed that the furnishings here were a bit old and had probably all been touched by Sylvia. When she moved in alter getting engaged to Odell, she would have to immediately replace everything.

Meanwhile, in the corridor behind the living room that led to Malam Carter's room.

Violet had been crouching there for some time,

She had stayed there from the moment Aunt Tonya had been called,

She had thought that Tara would say something to Aunt Tonya, so she had taken out her phone and recorded a video. However, slie had never thought that Tara would be so arrogant as to directly slap Aunt Tonya four times! After all, although Aunt Tonya was responsible for taking care of Isabel and Liam, no one had over Ircated her like a servant before. Even Odell was always pollie to her.


Violet was furious. After she returned to Madam Carter's room, sne immediately sent une video that she had recorded to Sylvia.

In Sylvia's room in Lush Heaven Hearing the phone ring, she put down the carving knife in her hand and picked up her phone.

After opening the video, she saw the Carter residences living room. Tara was sitting on the sofa as if she was the mistress of the house.

She saw Aunt Tonya walk into the room.

After Aunt Tonya said something to Tara, Tara walked up to her and slapped her four times.

Aunt Tonya seemed to swallow her anger, most likely thinking of the two children.

However, Tara still did not let hier go. She deliberately made things hard for Aunt Tonya and even threw a teacup at her head.

Even so, Aunt Tonya had endured and poured her another cup...

Sylvia stared at Aunt Tonya's reddened eyes and Tara's arrogant appearance in the video. The hand that she was using to hold the phone could not help but tighten, and her gaze also went cold.

At that moment, Violent sent lier another message. “Madam, please come back quickly. I saw Aunt Tonya crying.” Sylvia frowned and replied, “I'll be back soon. Please help me comfort Aunt Tonya.” Violet said, “Okay. I'll go to her after Tara leaves.”

Sylvia looked at the date. It was the 21st today.

There was still one week left before Odell and Tara got engaged.

The hand that she was using to hold her phone slook.

All the things she had experienced in those days and the past few years flooded her brain.

She had been framed and slapped sixty times, her children had been snatched away, she had been chased away, then she had been framed again and had her leg broken. In the end, her leg had been broken once again and she had been pushed into an icy cold lake... All these scenes, whether it was of Odell's indifference and distrust of her, or Tara's schemes or provocations to her, rushed through hier mind one by one. They lad done so much to her and were finally together. She just had to give them a big gift in return!

A week later.

It was a very foggy day in Westchester City. The sun had hidden behind the clouds since the carly morning, so it was gloomy and dreary.

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