Chapter 467

“Isabel and Liam just want to be with me, and I have a lounge for them to rest there. There's no one there at this hour, so it's quiet. Don't worry about it.”

Sherry simply wanted Sylvia to have a peek at them while they were asleep so that she would feel a little better.

Ben was forced to comply since the two little rascals clung to her. He hummed a reply and drove the car to Lush Heaven.

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at Lush Heaven's entrance.

Both Isabel and Liam were fast asleep. Sherry told Ben to carry Liam while she carried Isabel down from the car.

They went up to the first room on the second floor. Sherry knocked on the door before she opened it. The room was actually a spacious and well-lit bedroom.

Both Sherry and Ben then placed the two little rascals on the bed.

Sherry said, “Ben, you can go out now. I'll accompany them.”


Sylvia's expression shifted. She removed the girl's hand and stood up.

In the next second, the girl bolted up and hugged her at the back of her neck. The girl squeezed her as though she was afraid that her mother would abandon her. She even cried, “Mommy, please don't go!”

Sylvia pinched her puffy cheeks and wore a helpless smile. “You are still pretending to be asleep?” Isabel immediately opened her eyes to stare at her mother. She had not been sleeping from the start.

Liam realized they were exposed, so he also opened his eyes and sat up.

Sherry was surprised to find the two little rascals awake. She came over and asked, “You guys aren't asleep?”

Isabel giggled. “We faked it.”

Sherry was baffled. She looked at Liam, but he was calmly staring at Sylvia.

Sylvia then sat down in between them and hugged both of them in her arms. She asked, “Did you two ask Sherry to bring you here?”

Isabel looked at Liam who hummed a reply.

Sherry was still baffled about what was going on.

Isabel then said, “Bro found out from Violet's phone that Violet was chatting with Mommy, and he suspected that Mommy is here, so we thought of asking you to bring us here.”

Sherry finally understood what happened. The two of them had used her and the excuse of getting hotpot to locate their mother.

However, looking at their adorable expressions, Sherry pinched the two of them on their faces. “You two little rascals! *

They were two four-year-olds, yet they managed to string her along!

Isabel giggled silly.

Liam puckered his lips. “Aunt Sherry, thank you for bringing us to Mommy."

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