Chapter 441

Indeed, Odell had always cared about Tara.

When Tara saw Sylvia fall silent, she deliberately sighed and said, ” So what if Odell likes you? Not only does he care about me the most, but the person he trusts the most is also me. Look, you went through so much trouble to get Odell to remarry you, but he doesn't trust you at all. I'm sure that you've been telling him this entire time that I was the one who harmed that old hag, but what happened? Not only did he not believe you, but he even broke your leg. I feel a little sorry for you.” Sylvia only felt her chest tighten.

The things that Odell did to her these days flashed in her mind one by one.

No matter how she explained, he did not believe her.

He put her under house arrest, used her as an outlet, broke her leg, trampled on the wooden sculptures she carved for the children, threw away her paintings...

His cold, hateful, and terrifying face flashed through her mind.


He was the one who wanted to remarry. Why did he refuse to trust her? Why would he rather trust Tara than her?

Sylvia did not know whether it was because her leg hurt too much or because the night breeze stung her eyes, but her tears suddenly poured out.


At the same time, the calm and dark sky above Cloudy Heart Lake suddenly burst into huge fireworks.

The gorgeous fireworks covered the sky, illuminating the entire lake.

Sylvia did not know if it was a hallucination, but she suddenly saw a familiar figure standing on the opposite shore.

The man had a sturdy figure and was dressed in a suit.

However, his face was cold, and his frigid aura made others not dare to approach him.

As Sylvia thought about it, her body suddenly crashed into the water.

Pain and the icy water assaulted her from all directions.

She lost consciousness after struggling a few times.

At the shore.

Odell had already reached for a while. Unexpectedly, Sylvia was missing from Violet and the two bodyguards!

Violet's eyes were red. “Mrs. Carter was right here when I went to buy snacks. She clearly said that she'd wait for me here. Where did she go?”

The two bodyguards also quickly came running from somewhere else.

“Master Carter, we've searched all around but couldn't find Mrs. Carter. No one has seen her either.” Violet said anxiously, “Mrs. Carter is very recognizable in a wheelchair. How could no one have seen her?”

The two bodyguards also looked puzzled and gloomy.

Odell frowned and looked at the hill next to him.

The two bodyguards and Violet followed his line of sight and looked over.

One of the bodyguards immediately said, “We'll go check it out immediately!”

Odell ignored him and stepped forward to go to the small hill.

At that moment, fireworks exploded in a flurry of bangs, and the entire Cloudy Heart Lake was illuminated by gorgeous fireworks.

Odell looked up. Through the light, he saw a figure falling from the top of the hill. The figure fell along with a wheelchair.

His tall figure froze.

The box he had been carrying in his hand also fell to the ground with a thud.

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