Chapter 428

At Sylvia's emotionless reaction, Odell grew even angrier. He tried his best to suppress his rage and asked coldly, “Did you hear me?”

Sylvia replied, “Loud and clear.”

Her answer was instantaneous but there was still no emotion on her face.

Odell's expression grew dark and he felt as if the raging fire in his body could burn the whole house down.

He asked, “Sylvia Ross, have I not been kind to you?”

Sylvia did not answer nor did she show any emotion.

Odell released her chin and turned around to flip her desk to the floor.


Everything on the desk, from her wood blocks and carving tools to the finished carvings, fell to the floor.

The two new carvings she had made for Isabel and Liam were also completely crushed by the table. Sylvia was shocked and began bending forward to pick up her things.


Her sharp teeth broke through his shirt easily.

Even when she could taste blood in her mouth, Odell held on tightly. Therefore, Sylvia could not resist sending him another glare.

Odell smirked, "Are you done?”

Sylvia sent him a piercing glare, her eyes rimmed red from anger. “Odell Carter, you are absolutely disgusting!”

Odell chuckled. “You made me angry first.”

“I've been doing everything that you told me to, what else do you want from me?!”

Odell pinched at her cheeks. “What I want is not for you to act as if you would rather be dead than be here, I want you to be like how you used to act.”

Sylvia scoffed. “Odell Carter, you broke my leg. Do you think we can go back to how we were before?”

“That was because you kept playing me for a fool.”

Sylvia pursed her lips.

She had long explained herself.

She did not want to repeat anything nor did she want to give Odell any more attention.

Odell threatened, “You better act properly from now on. If you want to continue acting like a mindless idiot, I'll make it so that you can’t carve anything!”

Sylvia turned her face away, not wanting to look at Odell anymore.

Odell instantly turned her face back to face him so that their eyes were meeting once more. At that moment, his phone started to ring.

He immediately released Sylvia to check who was calling

It was Cliff Bogard.

Cliff would never call so late in the day unless there was something important to report.

Odell quickly answered the call.

Through the phone, Odell hastily said, “Master Carter, Second Master Carter is coming back. He'll be on a flight tonight and is probably boarding the plane right now. He'll be arriving in Westchester City in the morning.”

Odell's eyes turned completely cold. “Why is he coming back?”

Cliff answered, “The person in charge of supervising him said that he didn't bring anything with him and is on the flight alone. He must have found out about Madam Carter's condition and is coming back to see her.”

“Understood.” Odell relaxed slightly and continued, “Send a few people to the airport to watch for him. As soon as he gets off the plane, I want a tight surveillance to be kept on him.” “Yes, Master Carter. I'll have it arranged at once.”

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