Chapter 313 “Yeah, I'm at home.”

“I'll pass by your house while running some errands. I'm almost at your gate. Why don't we go for a meal later?” After a pause, he said, “I asked Sherry too, and she'll join us.” Sylvia thought and answered, “Okay.” Anyway, Odell was with Tara, and he probably would not look for her today.

She still owed Edmund a meal.

Not even two minutes after she hung up, her doorbell rang.

Sylvia saw Edmund's car on the road when she came to the door. He was wearing black sunglasses. When Sylvia walked to him, he leaned half of his body out the window and showed a crooked smile. “Lil Syl, get in the car.”

Sylvia smiled and got into the car. Edmund then started the engine.

Sylvia did not think he would arrive so soon. She asked curiously, “What errands do you have here?” Edmund's eyes darkened under the sunglasses. He replied, “Some business. You won't understand even if I told you.” “Okay.” Sylvia stopped asking. Edmund pursed his lips and glanced at her through the rearview mirror. Sylvia wore a white shirt and black slacks, only having a windbreaker on the outside. Her hair fell on her shoulders naturally, and her bare face was delicate and fair. However, she looked indifferent, totally devoid of the happiness that should be there after getting newly married. Recalling the scene where she and Odell walked out of the City Hall, and she left with a cold face after Odell helped Tara up, Edmund frowned. He stepped on the accelerator. Sylvia was shocked by the sudden increase in speed. She quickly asked, “Edmund, what's wrong?” Edmund curled his lip. “I'm fine.” Sylvia said softly, “Can you go slower?” Edmund sucked in a breath. “Okay.” The car then drove smoothly on the bustling street.

After driving through a few streets, they stopped at a seafood barbeque restaurant not far away from Lush Heaven.

The restaurant was spacious, but it was a private restaurant. Only members could enter.

Edmund appeared, and the server in front of the door recognized him. The server opened the door for them with a smile and brought them to a private room on the upper floor.

Sherry, Harry, and Lloyd also arrived.

With a chatterbox like Sherry and Harry, the atmosphere soon got lively.

Sylvia smiled as she watched them order, thinking of telling Sherry alone about her remarriage to Odell after they finished eating.

At the same time, Odell brought Tara back to Lake Victoria Villa. After the car stopped, Tara refused to get out of the car. Her eyes were red from the tears, and she leaned on the car seat weakly, unable to get up. Odell could only carry her out of the car. Tara immediately hugged him tightly, her whole body clinging to him. Odell frowned and hastened his steps into the villa. Soon, they reached the living room.

When he wanted to put Tara down on the couch, she suddenly lifted her face and kissed him, her hand touching his face intimately.

Odell's face turned cold, and he avoided her kiss immediately.

Tara pressed her body to Odell and begged softly, “Odell, please pity me. Take me this once, will you? If you'll take me tonight, I'll never disturb you and Sylvia again.”

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