Chapter 253 She had to go inside quickly and dry off. Otherwise, she would freeze. Sebastian nodded and went over with a guard to carry Isabel and Liar into the house. Soon, Sylvia and Odell were the only ones left in the yard. As Sylvia stood up and patted the snow on her behind, Odell gave her a side glance. Sylvia giggled. “Aren“t you going in?"

He looked at her coldly and asked, “Why did you come after eight tonight?”

She was stunned. She was a little late because she had grilled steak with Edmund, but... “Wasn't it you who said that I could only come after 8 p.m.?” Odell’s expression instantly turned cold

Sylvia quickly amended her words with a smile, “I went to the Art Association event this afternoon. The event ended late, so I came over a little late.”

Odell's expression eased slightly. Then, he turned around and went into the living room.

Sylvia followed him in, going straight to the two little ones’ room. After the two kids were carried in by force, Isabel scratched the door and clamored to come out.

When Sylvia entered, she instantly quieted down.

Sylvia smiled and said to the nanny who was taking care of them, “I'll give them a bath. You can go out and rest.”

The nanny agreed and went out.

Sylvia took off their coats and shoes and carried them into the bathroom.

The outdoor event held by the Art Association would last for several days.

The next afternoon, Sylvia went to the venue again.

Unexpectedly, Edmund was present as well. He was looking at one of her paintings when she arrived.

She took the initiatiye to call out to him. “Edmund.” He turned around and asked, “Lil Syl, why is there only one of your paintings here?” Sylvia replied, “I paint very slowly, so I don’t have many finished pieces.” He asked again, “Is this painting for sale?”

She said apologetically, “I've already given this painting to the Art Association.”

“I see.” His expression was disappointed.

Sylvia smiled and said, “I'll show you the other paintings.” “Sure.” He immediately followed her.

He listened to everything Sylvia said, looking like an obedient student. Meanwhile, at the entrance of the event, Tara was waiting for Odell. She meant to ask him to come yesterday, but he did not have the time. Therefore, she put in a lot of effort to get him out today.

When he came over, she immediately ran up and intimately took his arm. At the same time, her eyes glanced at the place where Sylvia had just walked over with Edmund, and said softly, “Odell, are you busy today? I'm not interrupting your work, am 1?" Odell said, “I'm not busy.”

“I saw a lot of good pieces today. Let me show you.”

Not long after they entered, a winter scene emerged in their line of sight. This painting was not placed in the most conspicuous position, but it was the most eye catching among all the paintings around. The painting was of a snowy scene in the city. It illustrated the prosperity of the city without losing the serenity of the snow. It screamed creativity, and the painter's skillful technique was obvious. Odell was immediately fascinated. A look of jealousy flashed in Tara's eyes, and she said with a smile, “Odell, this painting seems to be Sylvia's.” Odell's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at the sign below the painting which read” Sunflower”.

Then, Tara said, “I saw her just now. She seems to be with that man we saw her talking and laughing with outside the Elysian House's car park back then.”

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