Chapter 248

The meal was very lively.

Edmund wanted to send them back.

However, Sylvia refused and went back with the children.

She drove on the way back.

Isabel and Liam sat in the child seats in the back.,

Liam was quiet.

Isabel chattered endlessly. “Mom, what's that mister's name again?” Sylvia replied, “Edmund Price.” “What does he do?”

Sylvia did not know exactly what he did either, so she said, “I've only met him twice, so I'm not familiar with him yet, but he should probably be in business.” Isabel asked, “Is he a mob boss?” Through the rearview mirror, Sylvia saw the glimmering light in Isabel's eyes. She was anticipating Edmund to be a mob boss. Sylvia's lips twitched, and she smiled back at her. “I don't think so. He's just in business.” Isabel sighed. “Fine.” The car was quiet for a short time before she piped up again. "Although he’s not that fair and good-looking as Baddie, he’s quite interesting.” She gave“a serious evaluation of Edmund. “Mommy, remember to take me along next time if he wants to play again.” Sylvia smiled. “Sure.” The mother and daughter chatted happily, not noticing Liam's furrowed brows.

At night. Odell returned to the old Carter mansion as usual.

It was already 10 p.m. When he came to the living room, he saw Liam sitting cross-legged on the sofa alone, fiddling with a Rubik's cube. Odell's expression darkened as he asked, “Why aren't you in bed yet?”

Liam looked at him and said, “Dad, do you know a man named Edmund Price?”

Odell's expression suddenly went cold, and his body exuded a terrifying aura. “Why are you asking? Did he look for you?”

“If Edmund dares to trouble my children, I'll make him disappear from Westchester City immediately.’

Liam replied, “He didn’t look for me. He looked for Mom.”

Odell frowned.

Liam continued, “This morning, he went to Uncle Simon's exhibition and bought ten paintings, and Mom also treated him to lunch. However, he was like a fool and kept telling us childish jokes. Mom and Isabel were very amused, and Isabel likes him very much too. She told Mom to take her along when they meet again in the future.”

Odell looked gloomy. Liam said, “Dad, I think he likes Mom.” Odell's expression turned stormy. "Enough, I get it.” "Good." After Liam finished speaking, he held his Rubik's cube and went back to his room.

Odell stood where he was with a gloomy face.

“The kid waited for me to come back and tell me this..


“I know that it's impossible for me to like Sylvia. “But why does my chest feel so stuffy now? “It must be because I'm angry that Sylvia is being close to Edmund. “What kind of person is Edmund? “How dare she mix with people like him? She even brought the kids to have lunch with him!

'She’s incorrigible.’

Soon, he took out his phone and called Sylvia


The line rang several times before connecting. A woman's crisp voice sounded on the phone. “Odell, why are you calling me?” Her tone was polite and respectful.

Odell's eyes softened slightly, but he still said in a cold voice, “If I find out that you took the kids to eat with Edmund again in the future, you'll never see them again!”

After he spoke, the phone was quiet for a while. Odell asked coldly, “Why aren“t you saying anything?” Sylvia said, “Okay.” It was still very respectful

However, he felt annoyed.

After a moment, he growled, “You're not allowed to eat with him either!”



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