Chapter 245 Isabel and Liam were also in the living room.

Sylvia went to them and played with them. At 9 p.m., it was time for them to go to bed

Sylvia went to their room.

After changing them into their pajamas, she watched them lie under the covers, and sat on the little chair at the head of the bed. She took a storybook and softly told them a bedtime story.

Soon, the little ones closed their eyes and fell asleep. Sylvia put down the storybook, kissed their cheeks, and walked out of their room. In the living room, Odell was still sitting on the sofa reading a book. He looked up at her when she walked over. Since she met his eyes, she could not pretend she did not see him. Thus, she said, “Isabel and Liam are already asleep.”

Odell hummed.

The sound was light with no extra emotion. However, there was obviously no displeasure either. It seemed like she still had to take the initiative to greet him. She could not pretend not to see him. She quickly walked out. Odell watched her figure and only withdrew his gaze when she walked out of the door. Suddenly, he realized that Liam had appeared at some point in time. Liam was in his pajamas. His two little hands clasped in front of him, and his large eyes sized Odell up.

Odell was startled and said, “Go back to bed.”

Liam did not move.

After staring at Odell for a while, he asked, “Dad, do you like Mommy?” Odell's expression suddenly changed. His dark eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes also turned cold.

Liam stood where he was and continued, “You were in a bad mood before Mommy came today, but you clearly look much better after she came and talked to you.

“I like Mommy too. If I can't see her, I'll be unhappy, but I'll be happy again when she comes. I can tell that you have the same feeling.”

His little face was very serious as he spoke clearly. However, Odell’s expression fell. He said, “I'll give you until the count of three. Go back to bed immediately.”

"Don’t worry. I'll leave after I finish speaking.” Liam then said, “I know that the love I have for Mom is familial love. It's different from your fondness for her.

“I checked before. If an adult likes someone else, they will want to get closer to that person. Remember in Glanchester City where you sneaked into our room to get close to Mom? Then, when we were playing at the park, you also deliberately approached Mom when Isabel and I were asleep. “That's enough to prove that you like Mommy.” Odell was speechless. “Isn't this kid usually taciturn and aloof? Why is he so articulate?” He frowned tightly. His eyes were filled with gloomy emotions. After a long silence, he said, “I don't like your mother. Go back to your room this instant and sleep, or I'll carry you back.” Liam pursed his lips and sighed. “It's not a shameful thing to like someone else. Why are you so embarrassed to admit it?”

Odell could not say anything. His throat felt like it was being blocked by cotton, making him choke up. Liam finished speaking and turned back to his room. Odell suddenly felt like he was shackled by something heavy. He sat stiffly in his seat. After a while, he drank the herbal tea in annoyance and slammed the cup back on the table. “Akid under the age of four wouldn't know what love is at all. “Sylvia is just a cheap woman who happens to be slightly talented and attractive. “If she hadn't sneaked into my bed, I wouldn't have been trapped by my stepmother and been forced to marry Sylvia, nor would I have separated from the woman I truly loved! “Her existence will only remind me of my incompetence when I was tricked by my stepmother. That's why it's impossible for me to love a woman like Sylvia! I'll never love her in my life!

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