Chapter 241 Sylvia suddenly remembered that she promised to go for dinner with him a few days ago.

However, what was “Lil Syl"? She thought about it and replied, “Tonight is fine. Where are we going to eat?”

Sylvia was not afraid of him. She was just afraid that he would bring people to her place and block her again if he was unhappy.

Furthermore, he was a gangster, so he could not be provoked. Edmund replied in seconds, “You choose. I'm fine wherever.” Sylvia said, “How about the restaurant I brought you guys to last time?". That way, she could run away easily if anything happened. However, Edmund was displeased. “Do I look that stingy?” Sylvia was speechless and thought, “Fine, I'm the stingy one.’ Edmund quickly said, “Elysian House, 7 p.m. I'll wait for you in the best private room.” Elysian House was a bona fide high- end restaurant. .

Since he wanted to be so extravagant, Sylvia did not hold back and replied, “Sure.”

In the evening, after sending the two little ones back to the old Carter mansion, she drove to Elysian House.

Two familiar men ran over as soon as she got out of the car. One of them had dyed yellow hair, and the other had green hair. They were obviously Edmund's little minions. When they saw Sylvia, enthusiastic smiles immediately bloomed on their faces.

“Ms. Ross, Mr. Price is waiting for you upstairs. Come with us.”

Sylvia smiled and followed them to the room upstairs. The lights were set to their brightest in the spacious room. Edmund wore a well-ironed suit and had a long overcoat draped over his shoulders. When Sylvia came in, she saw him sitting on a chair with his legs crossed and a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

At first glance, he looked like a mob boss from a noir film.

Sylvia could not help but snicker.

Edmund froze. Although he did not know why she laughed instead of being stunned by him, when he saw her beautiful smile, he also smiled in return. “Have a seat, Ms. Ross.” Grasshead slowly pulled out a chair beside Edmund.

Sylvia thanked him and sat down. Edmund raised his brows at Blondie. Blondie instantly shouted, “Waiter, bring the menu!”

A waiter immediately came in with a menu.

The menu was placed in front of Sylvia.

Edmund chewed his cigarette and said to her, “Lil Syl, order whatever you want. Don't hold back on my account.” The corners of Sylvia's mouth twitched. “Lil Syl? “He's acting very familiar.’ She said, “Mr. Price, you can just call me by my name.”


Edmund replied, “Then you have to call me by my name too.” Sylvia froze. The grin at the corners of his mouth looked a little evil, but in reality, it was rather silly. “Is he the gangster who committed great misdeeds that Sherry mentioned?’ Sylvia hesitated and called him, “Edmund.” “Yeah!” he answered loudly.

Sylvia pursed her lips. “I guess he's a silly gangster.’ She did not say anything else and casually ordered a few side dishes before passing the menu to Edmund Edmund did not order and threw the menu to Blondie and the others. “You guys can order whatever’you want to eat.” Blondie and the others said happily, “Great! Thanks, Mr. Price!” Then, they ordered all the most expensive dishes. After that, they started to order alcohol. Someone asked, “Mr. Price, what kind of beer do you want?” Edmund turned his head and looked at Sylvia. “Lil Syl, what kind of beer do you want?” Sylvia quickly said, “I don’t drink beer. There's no need to order for me.”

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