Chapter 239

Sylvia was stunned for a moment.

Then, she turned to go out, only to find a man standing by the door: He leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest, looking at her coldly. Sylvia shrunk under his gaze and asked, "Where's Isabel and Liam?” “They went out with Grandma.” Her throat choked with anger. “Then why did you say they were at home?”

She headed outside as she spoke.


The open door slammed shut by his hand. Sylvia suddenly stopped, looking at him in panic and confusion. Odell stood where he was, leaning lazily against the wall. However, his expression was frigid. He looked at her and asked, “Why didn’t you come to see the children for the past few nights?”

Sylvia's eyes flickered, and she said, “They went to see me during the day, so I don't have to come again at night.” She answered confidently.


Odell's lips twitched. “Is that so?”.

Sylvia straightened her back. “Yeah.” “They only went to your place for an hour or two a few days ago. Why didn’t you come over during those nights?” he moved his long legs and walked up to her as he spoke. His figure was very tall. He was much slimmer and thinner than Edmund, who blocked her at the intersection, but he gave off a stronger sense of oppression. It was like a huge mountain was looming over her.

Sylvia quickly stepped back. Odell continued to approach her. She backed up until her calves bumped against the edge of the children’s bed. She could not go back any further and could only stop. Odell came up to her, continuing to look at her with deep and cold eyes. He looked like he would not let her leave if she did not give him a good explanation.

"I..." she stammered and said, “I was just catching up on a painting the past few days, so I didn't come here.”

“Is that so?"


No sooner had the words left her mouth that her face was cupped in a large hand. * He lowered his head and asked her up close, “What were you working on these days?”

“Just a painting.” “Of what?” “Scenery.” “What kind of scenery?”

"A landscape.”

The corners of his lips tugged up. “Okay, show me that painting of yours now.” Sylvia was speechless. When she did not say anything, Odell pinched her face and asked, “Why aren’t you talking, hm?”

His voice was cold and dangerous.

It was obvious that he knew she was lying from the beginning.

Sylvia took a deep breath, at the end of her patience. “What does it matter to you what I draw? What does it matter that I didn’t come here the past few nights?”

Odell's eyes suddenly turned cold. “You're avoiding me, aren't you?”

He was clearly ignoring her words.

No, he was so engrossed in his own anger that he did not care about her questions.

Sylvia used all her might but failed to push him away. She pressed her hands on his chest and shouted at him, “Yes, I'm deliberately avoiding you. It's because you're a lunatic!” odell immediately pinched her face. Sylvia felt like her face was about to be deformed.

She frowned in pain:

His eyes looked at her, cold as ice. “I've been too nice to you, haven't I?”

Sylvia could not break free and felt incredibly oppressed. Then, she suddenly laughed.

She raised her brows and glared at him provokingly, asking with a smile, “Odell, didn't you used to get annoyed by the sight of me? Isn't it good that I don’t come over? That way, I won't be an eyesore. What's wrong with you now? Don't tell me that you've fallen for me, your ex wife.”

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