Chapter 228 Isabel took the envelope and ran away to open it. Liam glanced toward the door and sat down on the sofa.

The two little ones’ mutterings soon sounded.

Isabel said, “Liam, what did Baddie give us? I can't understand it.” Liam said, “It's a land deed.” “What's a land deed?”

“It's a house. Dad gave us each a house.”

Just as they were murmuring to each other, Sylvia walked in from outside. She wore a sweater with a hat on her head. There was no makeup on her clean and fair face, but her bright smile and delicate features were more brilliant than the sun outside. Odell narrowed his eyes. Isabel and Liam, who were discussing inside the house, also saw her. Their large eyes froze for a moment.

Then, Isabel immediately scurried toward her like a little rabbit. "Mommy! Happy New Year!” She excitedly ran up to Sylvia who picked her up. Although Liam was not as excited as Isabel, his lips also curled up. He walked up to her and said, “Happy New Year, Mommy.".. Sylvia put Isabel down and hugged him too. Then, she took out two bulging envelopes from behind her back. Isabel's eyes instantly lit up, and Liam pursed his lips into a smile. Sylvia bent down and pressed the envelopes into their hands. She stroked their heads and said with a smile, “Isabel, Liam, this is Mommy's gift to you. I hope that you'll be happy and joyful every day.” “Thank you, Mommy!” Isabel puckered her lips and kissed her on the cheek. Liam went up and kissed her other cheek. Then, the little miser Isabel dragged Liam to the side to open the envelope. Sylvia went to the living room and immediately saw the man sitting on the sofa. He wore a casual black shirt and held a teacup in his hand, drinking tea.

When she looked over, he also glanced toward her. His gaze was as cold and indifferent as usual. Thinking about last night, she took the initiative to smile and said sincerely, “Happy New Year, Odell.”

Odell's eyes flickered. "Mm."

He still put on airs. Sylvia did not say anything else to him and went to Madam Carter. She smiled and said to the old woman, “Grandmother, Happy New Year. I wish you good health and luck.” "Okay, okay, come sit down.” Madam Carter had been waiting for Sylvia to come. She immediately dragged Sylvia over and asked with a smile, “Tell me a secret. Have you released any new work recently?” Sylvia smiled and took out a painting from the backpack behind her. The painting was not that large. It was the perfect size to be framed and hung in a room. The painting was of a winter scene with a red plum tree full of flowers standing amidst the snowy sky. Realistic snowflakes of different sizes fluttered in the painting, and the plum blossoms were so red and gorgeous that they looked real. This painting technique was Sylvia's usualstyle. It was realistic and not exaggerated, but beautiful, bold, and a bit wild. It was obviously a bleak winter scene, but it gave people a kind of steadfast and unwavering energy. In short, Madam Carter only took a glance at it and seemed to enter the world of the painting

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