

The moment Daniel's words fell, Alice's face turned pale.

"Human trafficking gang? What on earth happened? How did they encounter a human trafficking gang? Didn't you arrange bodyguards for them? Don't you usually pay attention to the children?" "Are you focusing too much on me and neglecting the kids? You're too obsessed with being my husband. Tell me quickly. Is there anything else? Did they get sold to some remote mountain area?" Thinking about the possibility of the three kids being taken to the mountains by human traffickers, Alice couldn't hold herself back. Her tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Daniel hadn't anticipated that Alice would start crying suddenly. He was at a loss. He wiped away her tears while looking at Johnny, seeking his help.

Johnny also hadn't expected Alice to cry. He only saw her tough side.

Did those three kids really mean this much to Alice?

"Alice, don't cry... The situation isn't as serious as you're imagining." Johnny quickly reassured her.

"If it wasn't that serious, why were you two hesitating to tell me the truth?" Alice refused to believe them at this point.

She found them strange just now, and they seemed even stranger now.

The kids must have been in grave danger. These two men were scared of making her angry. So they dared not tell her.

Daniel's heart was shattered by his wife's tears, but he wasn't good at expressing his emotions. He didn't know how to comfort her.

Unable to find any other solution, Daniel held Alice in his arms. He patted her back gently and kissed the top of her head. Then, he said tenderly, "Alice, the kids didn't get abducted. Don't worry about them..." "Gosh, how can I not be worried? Daniel, did you lie to me again? Didn't you say that you wouldn't lie to me?" Alice said as she punched the man's chest with her fist.

With a furrowed brow, Daniel cast a slightly reproachful glance at Johnny.

He should not have listened to Johnny. He could have just told her outright.

Meanwhile, Johnny watched Alice cry and bury herself in another man's arms. He felt a strange mixture of emotions. He realized that his precious little sister really didn't belong to him anymore. Yet, at the same time, he was conflicted.

He didn't dare to tell Alice the truth about the children's situation because he himself didn't know how to explain it.

Those three troublemakers were as good as Alice in causing trouble when she was young.

Let alone him and Daniel. Even the entire police force was shocked by their antics!

After crying for a while, Alice finally managed to calm down. She held her arms tightly, her stern gaze fixed on Johnny and Daniel. "You have one minute to explain the whole thing to me!" Daniel looked at his wife earnestly. "Stop crying for now."

"Tell me the truth first!" Alice was on the verge of losing her patience.

Daniel rubbed his forehead and exchanged a glance with Johnny. Finally, with a tone that even he found slightly wistful, he said, "At first, the kids encountered human traffickers, but they ended up selling the traffickers."

"Pfft..." Josh, who had initially been out of the loop, realized what was going on and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

As expected of her kids. They did not disappoint the adults.

The kids sold the traffickers? That was unbelievable.

"Did they break the law by selling the human traffickers?" Alice looked at Johnny nervously.

She felt that Johnny wouldn't have struggled to tell her if they hadn't broken any laws.

Johnny pursed his lips and smiled. He pressed his fingers against his forehead and said, "Alice, their age doesn't warrant legal action. But... there's more to the story, and you must remain calm after hearing it." "There's more?" Alice became even more anxious.

Even Josh couldn't help but worry. What exactly was going on?



Chapter 270

Seeing the worried furrow on Alice's forehead, Daniel quickly hugged her. "Don't worry. The kids are fine. It's the human trafficking gang that's in trouble."

Alice found it hard to believe. The three kids were still so young, and the fact that they could manage to sell the human traffickers was already extraordinary. Could they possibly have done something even more surprising?

As it turned out, those three little troublemakers were capable of anything.

"Well... Not only did your precious little babies sell the human traffickers, but later on, they managed to outwit those traffickers and took down the entire trafficking operation."

Johnny said with a complicated expression.

If word got out, no one would believe it.

Three five-year-olds brought down a group of grown adults.

Moreover, those adults were evil human traffickers.

"Just before I answered the phone, they had led the human traffickers to lure another group of traffickers, and the members of those traffickers reported to the police... My team managed to find them after that," Johnny continued.

"No way, my babies are so amazing?" Alice's eyes lit up after hearing the story.

Pride replaced all her previous worries.

She really didn't expect her boys to pull off such a big feat.

"Alice, aren't you worried about them doing something bad?" Johnny was starting to get a headache. Just as he expected from his sister, she was actually proud of the kids after hearing the story. "No, I trust my kids. And if I'm not mistaken, they intentionally made one group sell out the other, and reporting to the police was also part of their plan."

Alice believed her kids had set up the two human trafficking teams to be caught together.

Johnny and Daniel were worried that the kids would go astray and end up in jail. Suddenly, realization dawned on them.

So, the kids actually had everything planned out?

Did they misunderstand the kids?

"Which police station are the kids at now?" Alice immediately asked.

Johnny raised his phone. "Lightstone Sub-Bureau."

"Let's go to Lightstone Sub-Bureau now!" Alice said to the driver.

The driver nodded and sped up promptly.

Meanwhile, in the interrogation room of Lightstone Sub-Bureau.

Two groups of human traffickers sat facing each other and were engaged in a heated exchange of insults.

The three kids sat quietly, observing them. They saw that the police officers had already taken out their batons.

Coco took one from their hands, gave the table a firm knock, and sternly addressed both groups.

"This is the police station! Did the police officers ask you to speak? Can you speak?"

The bustling atmosphere in the room quieted down instantly after Coco spoke.

Obeast and Twig were included in the human trafficking team that had been outwitted by Coco and his brothers.

Seeing Coco's stern expression, Obeast and Twig immediately snapped to reality. Twig leaned in and reminded Coco with squinted eyes, "Little buddy, this is a police station. Your guns don't work here either, got it?"

Part of the reason they fell for the kids' trap was that the kids were armed with cutting-edge weaponry.

They were afraid of getting hurt.

Coco pulled out a silver device resembling an electronic gun from his backpack and aimed it at Obeast's forehead.

A red dot moved from Obeast's forehead down to his chest.

Twig immediately dropped to his knees with a thud and cried, "Help, police officers! They're using advanced weapons to threaten us again!"


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