Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Alice shook her head, voicing her thoughts, "Initially, he did not believe me and withheld his true identity. I can understand that part. But...

"But what?" Josh and Theo questioned in unison, their attention entirely on Alice.

"But what is harder to accept is that he maintained his guard against me all this time. And more astonishingly, he gave Vivian an opportunity," Alice disclosed, saying. "Vivian might have been the one pursuing him," Josh murmured, his voice low.

"That is absurd!" Theo, who had witnessed the close moment between Vivian and Daniel, slammed the table and surged to his feet. His voice resounded with anger, "We are all men here. How can we not grasp male intentions?

"If he was not interested in Vivian, why would he permit her proximity? Today, they even shared a kiss! This is something Alice cannot forgive, and neither can I!"

"Vivian... kissed Daniel?" Josh gasped, his voice quivered with shock.

"Whether the kiss was genuine or not is irrelevant now," Alice replied, refilling her glass. "He had ample opportunities to be truthful with me, yet he never was! I learned the truth from others through relentless rumors...

"Josh, can you comprehend how that feels?"

Josh gazed at her, his lower lip caught between his teeth, unable to find words.

Maintaining calm, Alice continued, saying, "Can you fathom being an unwitting audience on the internet, only to discover you are the protagonist of a recorded group chat?

"Can you imagine gathering your emotions, contemplating a second chance, only to witness him in the hospital room conversing with Vivian, still evading honesty?

"I could bear with his falsehoods before, the constant vigilance, his fear of financial loss... What I cannot accept is his current inability to be forthright!

"He persists in tolerating individuals like Vivian and sustaining this deception..."

Josh's fist clenched, and he murmured, "I never know. I did not know that Daniel would be this way."

The revelation about Vivian hit him the hardest...

He contemplated, "Why couldn't that woman simply let go? Why did she persist in entangling herself?

"Why did Daniel not push her away?"

Alice heaved a sigh, conveying, "Perhaps there is another reason he indulges Vivian."

Inquisitively, Josh directed his gaze at Alice, prompting him to ask, "What is the reason?"

"Vivian possesses knowledge of everyone's identities. She wields her confrontation with me as a threat. He is afraid. Hence, he tolerates her presence..." Alice replied.

As she spoke, her voice quivered, and tears finally welled in her eyes.

As tears streamed down her cheeks, she continued, "He would rather be trapped by Vivian than summon the courage to be honest with me... In his heart, what am I to him? Emotions grew between us, a genuine fondness... How can I genuinely overlook his falsehoods..."

Josh watched Alice, his heart aching, and spoke in a quavering tone, "You... you have fallen for Daniel.....”

Alice managed a smile and confessed, "It is a bit embarrassing, but yes, I have. Hence, his skepticism and misconceptions have wounded me deeply."

Josh's fist struck the table, his gaze ablaze as he proclaimed, "Alice, stay right here. I'm going to confront him! He is just a fool, a complete idiot!"

Yet, Alice seized his wrist, her grip firm. "Josh, do not go. I'm weary and do not want to await his epiphany about trusting me. Let this relationship meet its end today.

"I will initiate a divorce and wish him the fortune of discovering someone he can confide in and truly cherish."

A shade of sorrow eclipsed Josh's visage. He posed a raspy question, "Are you truly yielding?"

"We've reached this juncture. Why delay it till the new year?" Alice glanced at him before articulating, "He concealed truths from me, and one reason likely is that he deemed my standing unworthy of the Kaur lineage. Why should I lower myself and endure condescension in his world?"



Chapter 245

Josh furrowed his brow, contending, "No one in the Kaur family belittles you. We all have a fondness for you, truly..." Send Gift




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