Chapter 93 A Woman Tricked Him

Cecelia took out a grease-paper package from her arms, carefully giving it over, "Mr. Gordon, do not breathe to look carefully."

Finley focused his eyes on the object in her hand, holding his breath, waiting to see what the good stuff actually looked like. Cecelia approached Finley, leaned close to him, and opened the package more carefully in front of him.


As soon as the package was opened. Cecelia whipped the package up and sprayed the powder all over Finley's face, blocking his eyes, mouth and nose.

"Miss Linsey, you...

Before Finley could finish his sentence, Cecelia had grabbed him by the throat and pressed him to the table.

"Help... Help..."

As Finley called for help, Cecelia used a bamboo tube to blow a small black worm into his nasal cavity.

Her moves were so quick, and she managed to subdue Finley.

Little did Finley expect that a pretty woman would take him right. under his nose.

He didn't even get a weapon out of the back of his waist!

Cecelia had already taken out a dagger and pressed it to Finley's neck. "Mr. Gordon, I'm sorry!"

"You... Don't you dare trick me..."

"What's wrong? Usually Mr. Gordon tricked around. Don't you allow others to do the same thing to you?" "Just now I just used a little honey trap. I did not think Mr. Gordon would really fall for it. Men... are all the same." Cecelia gave a cold snort.

"You lied... You dare to lie to me... What did you just put in my nose? What itches so..."

Finley felt something in his nose. It was itchy and uncomfortable. He wanted to sneeze, but he couldn't get it out.

"Mr. Gordon, I just put a prank bug in your body. You can't get angry easily. Otherwise, it will make you wish you were dead."

Cecelia withdrew the dagger and smiled..

Chapter 93 A Woman Tricked Him.


Well, she got a little bit of expertise in poison, so if anyone bothered her, good luck with that.

"Dare to cheat me! See how I will..."

Mr. Gordon got free and he jumped angrily at her. However, just as he got angry, the worm in his body began to bite him.

The pain came and made Finley fall to the ground and roll constantly.

Cecelia was sitting in the position he had just been in, and she used a dagger to trim her nails.

She had a leisurely posture, but she had that energy to make people submissive.

Finley couldn't bear the pain, and finally, lying on the ground, he began to beg her, "Miss Linsey... Forgive me... I... I don't want that batch of goods... Cecelia said with a smile, "Mr. Gordon, Ljust want to save my sons. As long as they are OK, you will be OK."

"Good... Good... Help me... I'll release them..."

Finley was sweating. He was suffering from torture.

Cecelia heard this, took out a pill and threw it to him. "Take it, and you won't suffer."

No matter what it was, Finley grabbed it and swallowed it. Soon, hist body didn't hurt.

Finley stood up from the ground, immediately turned around and took out a weapon and aimed at Cecelia.

Cecelia had expected that. She said calmly, "That pill just now can only suppress pain for one minute. If you want, just kill me. I

guarantee that after one minute, it will be more painful than just now.

"Besides, no one can save you except me. Your life is my decision. You can shoot!"

"Don't try to lie to me. You think I'm scared?"

Finley didn't believe that, but one minute later, his body began to hurt again, and his hands were shaking and he couldn't take anything. He fell to the ground again..

Finley was really in pain this time, and he had a sense of awe for Cecelia. He didn't dare to do anything more to her. He could only lie at her feet and keep knocking his head to the floor. "Miss Linsey... Oh no... I'll call you madam... Please save... Just

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Chapter 93 A Woman Tricked Him.

"But if I save you, you will turn around and kill me!"

"No... I won't... My life... It is yours..."


Finley had been dealing with all kinds of people for such a long time, and he had never met anyone who could make him afraid and convinced.

Cecelia had broken his routine.

Cecelia found another pill and said, "I'll give you the full antidote in three times. This is the first one. Take it and fake me to my sons. If they have any injuries, I'll make you die!" "Good good..."

Finley swallowed the antidote and didn't dare not follow.

The underground warehouse on the other side was full of shelves. On the shelves were antique treasures of various ages, all of which were Finley's private collections and belongings.

He asked people to detain two children here and wanted to exchange them for the goods.

Two little guys were placed in the corner, with ropes on their bodies and rags in their mouths.

Andres couldn't speak at all, and it was unnecessary to put rags in his mouth. They didn't just do nothing. Cyrus turned his big smart eyes and came up with a good idea."

He tried to move his body, and then kicked the stool on the ground, attracting the guard man's attention. The man saw the child writhing on the ground, pulled out the cloth in his mouth and asked, "Little guy, what do you want to do?"

"Sir, I want to pee. Can you take me? Please..."

With his big innocent eyes open, Cyrus stared at the man with a pathetic look. No one could refuse such a request.

"OK, hurry up."

The man didn't think about it much. Anyway, he was just a five-year- old kid. What could go wrong?

He untied the rope on Cyrus and took the little boy to the toilet.

When Cyrus came out of the toilet, he took advantage of the man's inattention, threw out the rope and strangled the man's neck.

The man reached for him. Cyrus ran up the stairs and jumped down from one side. The rope just tied the man under the stairs, making Chapter 93 A Woman Tricked Him

Cyrus just tied the man and another man found him. The man wanted to catch him.

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However, Cyrus wasn't just a little kid. Although he was young, he had learned martial arts from teacher Filo. He was already a Taekwondo black belt.

His side kick threw the man down, and then a downward kick directly stun the man.


The little guy handled two big men by himself, and then ran back to untie his big brother Andres.

When Andres was free, he gave him a thumbs up.

Cyrus smiled and said, "Andres, let's go!"

Two children were ready to escape, but Andres suddenly stopped and pulled Cyrus.

"What's the matter, Andres?" Cyrus stopped and asked.

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