Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia)
Chapter 386 Outmaneuvered by Her

Chapter 386 Outmaneuvered by Her

"See for yourself!"

Cecelia pulled out a bunch of documents from her bag and threw them in front of him.

Benson picked them up and read through the files about the Seyben Group. A sinister smirk appeared on his handsome face. "Oh, Cecelia, you're truly exceptional. You even found out about this?" "Now, you should explain. The shares of the Songo Group controlled by the Seyben Group - were they gifted to you by my maternal uncle or did you acquire them by other means?"

Cecelia stared into Benson's eyes. They locked gazes for a moment before Benson couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny? If you're not sincere about cooperating and have been hiding things from me, then there's no need to continue discussing any partnership. Farewell."

Cecelia's face darkened, and she grabbed her bag, getting ready to leave.


Benson stopped her. "I haven't even spoken yet. Why are you in such a hurry? Sit down and let's talk."

Cecelia sat back down, still visibly upset.

"The shares held by the Seyben Group were acquired through my own legitimate means, and they have nothing to do with anyone from the Songo family. Apart from you, none of them know that I have the shares."

Cecelia stared at him unblinkingly. Her icy gaze made Benson feel uneasy. He awkwardly adjusted his hair and added, "The next thing I'm going to say is for you alone."

Clearly, he wanted to speak privately with Cecelia.

"Why am I not included?"

Though Remington was in disguise as Cecelia's assistant, he still felt an innate duty to protect his woman.

"It's not that you can't join us. I just can't say it in front of you."

Benson rubbed his chin as he spoke. Cecelia looked at Remington and Adam, signaling them to wait outside. Obeying his sister's gesture, Adam left promptly. Remington rose reluctantly, murmuring, "Pretentious." Once they had left, Benson stood up. "Cecelia, come with me."

Cecelia felt he was being mysterious but decided to follow.

She walked alongside him into the inner house, passing through a corridor, and arrived in the backyard.

Beyond a pane of glass, Benson stopped. Cecelia approached to see a middle-aged woman sitting in a wheelchair, seemingly basking in the sun with a blanket covering her legs. After a moment of careful observation, Cecelia exclaimed, "That's your mother, Anisa Quinsey?"


"She's alive?"

Cecelia looked at Benson in shock, realizing that he was even more enigmatic than she had imagined.

So, all along, Benson's act of strategizing everything was it all just to deceive her?

"So, the whole claim of seeking justice for your deceased mother was just a facade. She's not dead; she's very much alive.

"You wanted to collaborate with me, perhaps with the intention to overthrow the Songo family through my efforts, and then reap the benefits, ultimately swallowing the Songo family's assets?" With this speculation, Cecelia's impression of Benson soured, and anger bubbled within her.

"Cecelia, don't think of me so poorly. I sought your cooperation to bring down the Songo family, but I never considered benefiting from it.

"Everything I've done is for my mother. You've seen her; she's alive, but she's been 'dead' once already. She nearly died back then.

"Even though she was saved, she's been living a life worse than death. Her legs were broken, causing severe paralysis in her lower body. Without care, she wouldn't have survived. And who caused this? The Songo family!"

Benson's smile faded, replaced by a serious demeanor. "And yet, my naive mother still holds onto the past, regretting that she couldn't marry Alfred back then. What can I do?

"All I want is to use you to seek revenge on those responsible and ensure they face their deserved punishment!

"You think I'm after the Songo family's assets? I couldn't care less about them! Do you think I'm that desperate for money?"

Looking at the man in front of her, his barely restrained emotions and reddened eyes, Cecelia's gaze sharpened even more.

With the ever-changing situation, she needed to discern the truth from his words. She pondered over Benson's statements. "How much of it is true and how much is false?" she wondered.

Glancing at Anisa in the lounge chair, with her gray hair and disabled condition, being cared for by a nurse, Cecelia could see how much suffering she had endured over the years.

In the end, Cecelia decisively said, "Alright, since you claim to be a dutiful son and that everything you've done is for your mother, I'll trust you this once!

"I can tell you that I have a way to alleviate your mother's regrets and help you take revenge on the Songo family. But, you'll have to show me your sincerity." "What kind of sincerity are you looking for?"

"Transfer all of the Songo Group shares held by the Seyben Group to me. Otherwise, there's no deal!"

Cecelia smiled coldly, her eyes revealing determination. "You said you didn't care about the Songo family's assets at all. Were all those words just empty talk?"

Benson probably didn't expect Cecelia to turn the tables on him like this, leaving him at a loss for words.

After contemplating for a moment, Benson gave a resigned smile and clapped. "Very well! You're truly shrewd!"

"So, you agree?"

"What other choice do I have? I must show my sincerity, right?"

Benson compromised and agreed to transfer all the shares held by the Seyben Group to Cecelia.

Part of his reason was that he increasingly admired and liked Cecelia.

The two returned to the living room, and Cecelia called Remington and Adam back to sign the share transfer agreement.

Looking at the documents prepared in advance, Benson remarked humorously, "Not only is my niece a savvy businesswoman, but she's also like a modern-day Einstein! She even prepared the acquisition agreement in advance!"

Benson probably didn't realize he'd fallen into Cecelia's "trap" and now had no choice but to support her wholeheartedly.

Cecelia signed the transfer agreement on behalf of the LC Group, completing the takeover of the Seyben Group's shares.

The process went so smoothly because she had lawyers prepare a market assessment report in advance. With Remington overseeing things, everything fell into place, leaving no room for Benson to backtrack.

"Thanks for the special consideration, dear uncle! With this document signed, we're in this together."

With the signed document in hand, Cecelia's lips curled into a mysterious smile.

There was no blood relation between this niece and uncle; it was merely a mutually beneficial partnership!

Having secured shares from the Seyben Group and the shares gifted by Fiona, the LC Group was also in touch with a few of the Songo Group's minor shareholders. Once they had over 30% of the shares, they could formally initiate a compulsory acquisition offer for the Songo Group.

After settling the paperwork, Cecelia got back to the main topic. "Alright, let's discuss tomorrow's banquet at the Songo's residence. You've received the invitation, right?" "Yes."

"My initial plan didn't account for your mother. But now, considering her, we might need to make some adjustments. Do you have any special requests?" asked Cecelia.

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