Chapter 336 He Must Get Him

The ward had been guarded from the outside. The ward had been guarded from the outside. When Adam went out, Featheron and Whitegon followed him out with their men.

"Mr. Kevin!" Featheron stopped him at the entrance of the hospital. "Mr. Kevin, you can't leave the hospital for now. The doctor hasn't approved of your discharge! Please go back with me!" Adam knew they stopped him for his good, but he was very worried. "But my sister is injured. I'll be worried until I see how she is doing!"

"If you want to care about Miss Linsey, you'll at least have to make sure you yourself are safe. Don't let her worry about you!"

Adam didn't insist after hearing the persuasion. Featheron was about to take him back when a bullet whizzed past their armpits and hit the metal frame of the door, leaving a hole in it. Both of them realized the danger. Featheron pushed Adam, trying to force him into the hospital. "Go inside! It's dangerous here!"

Adam and these guards ran inside at full speed, and a noise came from behind as another bullet hit the glass.

Featheron said to Whitegon, "You guys escort Mr. Kevin back to the ward! And the others follow me!"

Then Adam was brought back to the ward and protected. Featheron dashed out of another side entrance of the hospital with his men, heading across the road to the sniping spot. He had already deduced that the undercover sniper was high in the tall building across the street, watching the hospital all the time.

He must get the guy today!

Featheron and his team crossed the road and rushed into the building, where Louis was high in a room. With him having failed the mission, he had alarmed the target. He had to leave the building as soon as possible!

Once he was in the building, Featheron asked someone to contact the security guards, telling them to block all the exits.

And he went to the high floors to look for the killer with the others.

In the ward of the hospital.

Adam had come back and lain down, but he felt uneasy.

He was recalling what had just happened. The sniper wanted to kill him, but luckily, the bullet missed him because of Featheron.

But who was the sniper?

Was the person from the Revenant Sect?

The subordinates had timely informed Winger of the incident, and the latter then reported it to Remington.

Remington didn't tell Cecelia about it, but left the Aroma Villa with an excuse, heading for the hospital with his men.

The exits of the building across the road had all been blocked. Adam wanted to sneak out from a remote corner, but the door was locked, and he couldn't escape.

He had no choice but to look for another exit.

Featheron searched for the sniper with his men in the building. Finally, he found the living traces of the sniper in an empty utility room.

They also found bullet shells and cigarette butts on the floor.

The window directly faced the main entrance of the hospital. This meant that the sniper had been hiding here earlier.

But the sniper had escaped from the site. In order to leave the building, the person would go to the nearest exit.

After an analysis, Featheron kept pursuing the target.

Louis found two exits, but they were both blocked, and he couldn't get out. Then he had to move on.

While looking for a third exit, he came across Featheron, who was pursuing him. The two of them met in a hallway, and because of the parcel carrying the sniper rifle in his hand and his covered face, Louis was exposed.

Featheron raised his weapon, firing at Louis.

Louis shielded himself with the rifle box and then ran.

He also had a gun. Then they began exchanging fire in the building.

Fortunately, there were no office workers on this floor. This was an empty office space waiting for business.

They chased and fired at each other for a long time.

Louis rushed into another emergency passage, running down. Despite everything, Featheron went after him.

Outside, Remington hurried over with his men.

They ran into the building. Those on guard told Remington everything: All the exits had been blocked; the criminal had not left, and Featheron was chasing after the person high in the building; the situation was still unclear.

At this point, a gunshot came from a high floor.

Remington frowned and said, "You guys stay here. Once you see the criminal, fire! And the others go up with me!"

"Yes, sir!"

Remington rushed up to the high floors with Winger and his other men.

Featheron pursued for a few more floors. The two of them exchanged fire during the chase, but Louis was very cunning. He had rushed into the large office of a company, where dozens of people were working.

Seeing the weapon in his hand, the workers at the door screamed and ran inside.

"Don't move! Put your hands on your head and squat! Or I'll shoot!"

Louis threatened these people and forced them to gather together. All these workers squatted in terror and put their hands on their heads, not daring to escape.

Featheron dashed in and saw Louis. The two of them confronted each other with their weapons, but the gun in Louis's right hand aimed at the hostages. "Don't come closer! Or I'll pull the trigger!"

Louis shouted, and the office workers cried out in alarm.

"Don't shoot. Don't..."


Only then did Featheron realize that Louis had dozens of hostages. If he dared to move, Louis would spray the hostages with bullets.

When he found that these innocent people had become hostages, Featheron could only try to buy time.

He had just received the news through his earplug that Mr. Nelson and Winger were coming to help him with men.

What he should do now was keep the hostages safe and hold back the criminal!

At the same moment, Remington and Winger had arrived at the door of the office by following the gunshots. They could even see the confrontation through the door crack.

After observing the area, Remington whispered something to Winger, and the latter trotted away.

One of the hostages at the corner of the office wished to run in fear. Louis shouted, "Don't move! Or I'll shoot you. I'm serious!"

Louis fired at the spot close to the hostage's feet. The one lay on the floor, his pants wet.

"Don't hurt them!" Louis warned, "Do you know your situation now? You're surrounded! You have no choice but to lay down your weapons!"

Louis roared grumpily, "Put down your gun! Or I'll shoot them!"

Seeing Featheron unmoved, Louis fired, the bullet hitting a hostage's leg.



The hostage screamed and rolled on the floor in pain.

"Agree to his request! Stall for time!"

Remington's order came from the earplug. Knowing that Remington and his team had arrived, Featheron pretended to compromise, "Don't fire at anyone innocent anymore! I agree to lay down my weapon!" Louis slowly put down his weapon. After he put it on the floor, he raised his hands.

"Kick your gun to me!"

Featheron did as he was told-he kicked his gun to Louis. Now, Winger had smoothly climbed in through the window from the edge of the outer wall.

Taking the chance of less than a second that Louis was distracted by the sliding gun, Winger leaped, aiming at Louis's back.

The moment he fell, Louis realized he was under attack and kept firing.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

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