Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia)
Chapter 303 Her Identity Exposed

Chapter 303 Her Identity Exposed

Cecelia immediately drove over when she heard something had happened.

Arriving at the place where Esmee Nelson used to live, Cecelia saw Remington waiting outside the door. "What happened?" she asked.

"Esmee Nelson has gone missing!" he replied.

Upon hearing this, Cecelia didn't say anything and walked directly into the yard.

Fredric Ingerwood was inspecting the scene with his team, and he came out and said, "Mr. Nelson, the surveillance cameras have been tampered with and cannot be repaired. We can't see what happened before."

"Is there any sign of a struggle inside?" Remington asked.

"No, everything seems intact. There's even half-eaten food on the table."

Cecelia and Remington went inside the house to take a look. "Do you think she ran away on her own?" Cecelia wondered.

"It's possible," he replied.

"If she managed to escape from here, it means she's clever."

As Cecelia said this, she casually glanced at the table and unexpectedly noticed several scratch marks.

Looking at the table legs, there were also traces of movement. Cecelia boldly speculated, "Maybe she didn't run away; perhaps she was kidnapped!"

"How do you know she was kidnapped?" Remington turned to ask.

"Look here. Under what circumstances would such deep scratch marks be left on the table, so deep that it moved the heavy table itself? It's likely that she was taken against her will from here. So, it's highly possible that an outsider was here!"

Cecelia's first thought was, "Could it be that Maggie Taylor's people kidnapped Esmee?" After all, Esmee was in Cecelia's custody, which was one of the reasons Maggie Taylor couldn't sleep at night. "I won't rule out that possibility," Remington replied.

Remington immediately ordered his men to leave, and he instructed Fredric Ingerwood, "Fredric, you're in charge of preserving the scene and collecting fingerprints and footprints from this room. Let's find out who else has been here besides us."

"Understood, Mr. Nelson!"

Fredric and his team began their collection work right away.

Remington took Cecelia away from the scene. He also assigned personnel to secretly investigate the Taylor Group to see if Esmee had been kidnapped by Maggie Taylor's people.

On the way back to the city, Cecelia received a call from Universal Entertainment. She glanced at the caller ID and said to Remington, "It's from Universal Entertainment, probably about Jimmy Bloom's contract."

Afterward, she answered the call. "Hello?"

"Miss Linsey, have you seen the recent news?"

"What news? Are you talking about the Christie's news or the news about Jimmy Bloom joining Universal Entertainment?"

"No, neither of those. It's about your exposé."

"Send it to me!"

Soon, Cecelia received a news link, and when she clicked it, she was shocked to see that it was an exposé about her true identity.

The news claimed that Cecelia Linsey was not the biological daughter of Gary Linsey, but rather the result of an extramarital affair with her mother, Leila Done. It also accused Cecelia of wrongfully taking over the Linsey Group.

Who would have thought that Cecelia, who wasn't even a celebrity, would suddenly be trending due to this exposé, alongside Jimmy Bloom?

Online discussions were rampant, all focused on Cecelia's background, whether she was truly a Linsey family member, and various speculations about her mother.

[So, she's the result of her mother's affair, not really from the Linsey family!]

[She's just a complete fake heiress!]

[Who did Leila Done have an affair with to give birth to Cecelia? Gary Linsey must be feeling betrayed. One cheats, and the other marries a mistress. They're not good people.]

[Like mother, like daughter. Leila Done was known as a seductress back then, and now her daughter is no different!]

After reading the news and the comments, Cecelia felt a surge of anger.

She could tolerate people questioning her, but couldn't stand them slandering her mother!

"What's wrong, Cecelia? What's the news about?" Remington asked, noticing her troubled expression. He pulled over the car.

"Take a look for yourself!"

Cecelia handed him her phone, and after he read it, his face also darkened.

"These people have nothing better to do!"

He returned the phone to Cecelia and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Remington made a call to have all the negative news about Cecelia removed from the internet, and the trending topics canceled.

He also instructed, "Find out who's behind this exposé and shut down the media responsible!"

With the crisis resolved, Remington held Cecelia's hand and said, "It's all taken care of, don't worry."

"Thank you."

Cecelia thanked him, but her emotions were still low. Remington asked again, "Is this exposé true? Your biological father..."

"Yes, it's true. Gary Linsey is not my biological father. As for who my real father is, I still don't know. All I know is that my mother referred to him as 'L.""

"L isn't an abbreviation for Linsey?"

"I've read her diary, and it doesn't seem to be Linsey."

"Could it be 'L' as in Lyn?"

Cecelia shook her head. She couldn't be sure, but no matter what, her biological father hadn't tried to find her and her mother in all these years, which indicated that he was either dead or a terrible person.

In the city, in a rented apartment.

Ophelia Linsey and Heather Done, mother and daughter, observed the situation on the internet.

They had seen Cecelia's exposé news climb to the top three trending topics and were secretly pleased that Cecelia was receiving backlash.

But why did it suddenly disappear within half an hour?

"Mom, where did it go? Even the original news links are gone!"

Ophelia clicked on the links she had saved, but none of them opened.

Heather, after checking, angrily slammed the table. "That wretch must have used some means to delete all the news."

If it was Cecelia's doing, it meant that she had seen the news and taken steps to remove it.

Thinking of Cecelia's vengeful nature, Ophelia was somewhat worried. "Mom, do you think she'll trace it back to us?"

"How could she? The news was sent to the underground media anonymously. Even if she investigates, she can only trace it back to the underground media, not us."

Considering the current situation, Ophelia was quite concerned. "Mom, what do we do now? She has taken over the Linsey Group, and her influence is so significant. How can we successfully retaliate?" "Don't worry, revenge is best served cold! Once your face and body are fully healed, you can reappear with a new identity. By then, we can change our profession and start over!" "Okay!" Ophelia felt hopeful about the future.

Remington had just finished dealing with Cecelia's scandal when he received a call from Captain Shawn. "Hello? Captain Shawn?"

"Mr. Nelson, please come over as soon as possible. We've discovered a murder case here, and the victim might be Esmee Nelson." "What?"

After ending the call, Remington told Cecelia about it, and she was shocked.

Had Esmee Nelson been murdered?

"Quick, let's go and see!" Remington immediately drove to the crime scene.

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