Chapter 288 Waiting For My Brother To Come Back

The sun shone through the gaps in the thick black curtains and fell on his face. He opened his eyes to find that he had survived the most difficult last night. 1/5

The mottled scars and blood on his body had dried up, so he got up to wash his body.

After taking a shower, Adam habitually turned on the TV, dropped the remote control, and went to get himself something to eat.

The instant noodle was ready. When Adam was about to eat, he was suddenly attracted by the sound of a whistle coming from the TV.

He raised his head slowly.

What appeared in front of him was a cartoon. The picture was very delicate and beautiful, and what appeared in the picture was a scene of cherry blossoms in full bloom. The petals of cherry blossoms flutter in the wind, and the falling petals were colorful.

The background music was also very special, it sounds warm, with a bit of sadness.

As the picture moved, the petals were constantly flying, and the camera shifted from the sky to the ground.


In the depths of the sea of cherry blossoms, there were two small figures running. A girl galloped in front, and a boy chased behind. With the whistle in his mouth, the boy blew as he ran.

The girl's laughter was as melodious as a silver bell. She smiled and turned around, and shouted. "Brother, come and chase me..." Wasn't this scene a childhood memory engraved deep in Adam's memory?

Adam was so shocked that he forgot to react. He stared straight at the screen, and the fork in his hand dropped without realizing it. The siblings in the picture were running happily, and the whistle sounded from time to time.

"Sister, wait for me, sister..."

The little boy kept shouting, and the two of them ran to a big cherry tree together.

On the picnic mat under the tree, their mother was sitting, watching

Chapter 288 Waiting For Her Brother To Come Back.

them tenderly and lovingly.

They circled around their mother and the cherry blossom tree, and their laughter never stopped.


But the picture was constantly changing, soon the younger brother was gone.

The elder sister began to look for her younger brother everywhere, calling him to come back quickly. When she came back after running all over the cherry blossom forest, her mother was gone. The girl was alone on the screen, and she covered her face and wept.

The camera zoomed in, rotates, and the close-up of the girl. Not knowing how many years have passed, the little girl has grown into an adult

She hung a wishing card on the cherry blossom tree, and the wishing card had words written on it.

[Brother, I'm sorry, please forgive me]

[Brother, I am waiting for you to come back]

The girl's tears fell on the wishing card. She looked into the distance, like the end of the dreamlike cherry blossom forest, waiting for her brother to come back.

After the animation clip ended, Adam's tears fell uncontrollably.

He covered his eyes and wept bitterly.

After he finished crying and wiped away his tears, he thought of the words 'the Nelson Group' that appeared at the end of the short video just now, he could conclude that this short video must have been made by his sister.

His sister has forgiven him and was waiting for him to go back!

Thinking of this, Adam could no longer calm down. He turned off the TV and changed his clothes to go out immediately.

On the field.

Both Cecelia and Petunia raised their air rifles and got ready to aim at the target.

Cecelia began to test-fire two bullets, wanting to try out the air rifle. But none of the bullets she fired hit the target 10 meters away.

Petunia also tried shooting, but all three bullets hit the target. So the

Chapter 288 Waiting For Her Brother To Come Back.

scores were not bad.

1815 14:09


She noticed that all Cecelia's shots missed the target, so she was happy and proud of herself. It seemed that Cecelia was not a match. for hér. After the test firing, both Cecelia and Petunia concentrated on the game.

In the auditorium.

Jersey sat beside Remington.

There was something wrong between them. Remington glanced at him coldly and said in a warning tone. "Mr. Bowman, you already lost to mé last time, you agreed to leave the Cathail Republic, why didn't you keep the promise and come back again?"

"You just win me by luck last time, it doesn't mean everything. If we compete again, I may not lose to you!" Jersey didn't have the slightest intention to back down.

"You still dare to compete with me?"

"Why not? I want to compete with you again, Mr. Nelson."

"What do you want to compare? Martial arts, Taekwondo? Or..."

"It is said that you are good at driving, so it is better to compete in car racing. I know that there will be a large-scale amateur racing competition in the Center City soon, do you dare to participate in it again?" Jersey looked at Remington provocatively, knowing that he had good racing skills. But it was before he had a car accident. Since then, he has not returned to the game anymore.

It was true that Remington wasn't ready to participate in racing again. Ever since the car accident, his family didn't agree with him having any car- racing anymore. Meanwhile, he had kids and Cecelia nów, so he decided to give up racing as a hobby as well.

But now, Jersey blatantly challenged him, and if he didn't accept the challenge, he would look like a wimp.

"Mr. Nelson, do you have a repercussions? Is that the reason why you are not going to compete with me? Why don't you just admit you are not my counterparty? There was no way he would just admit defeat!

"Come on Mr. Bowman!"

Chapter 288 Waiting For Her Brother To Come Back.


Remington and Jersey looked at each other for a moment, and then. Remington coldly snorted. "We'll see!"

The battle between the men began. Rupert and the others didn't understand why Jersey always challenged Remington..

It was Remington Nelson! How could he be defeated so easily?

After the first round of 40 rounds, the scorekeeper calculated the total score. It showed that the score of Cecelia and Petunia was the same.

Ariella has seen the results and claps her hands in excitement. "Well done Cece! I wish I could like her."

After hearing what she said, Rupert proposed. "That's easy, I can teach you."

"It's fine. Just forget about it."

However, the man didn't care if Ariella was willing or not, he directly dragged her to the training table and taught her to learn how to shoot hand in hand.

On the other side. Petunia took off her protective headphones and sneered. "I didn't expect Miss Linsey's shooting skills to be good." It seemed that Petunia couldn't underestimate Cecelia's strength. This woman was a lot more powerful than she thought.

"Thank for Miss Taylor's bearing with me."

Cecelia said humbly. In fact, she deliberately didn't show her actual skills.

She wouldn't lose to Petunia, but she didn't want to win over her either, or else Petunia definitely wouldn't let this matter over.

Today it was a draw, and in the future, she hoped that Petunia wouldn't come back to trouble her again.

All Cecelia's friends watching the game were surprise and never thought that she would be able to Petunia to a draw. But only Remington knew that Cecelia did not show all her skills.

If she used all her skills, Petunia would not be her match.

"There's the last round of the finals coming up, we'll see in the finals."

Petunia wasn't satisfied with the result of a draw, she wanted to win Cecelia.

Chapter 288 Waiting For Her Brother To Come Back.

"I think we don't need to enter the final, let's stop here. I still have things to deal with"

Cecelia has already been notified by her assistant that she has to leave the training ground. But Petunia stopped her. "Miss Linsey! You can't just leave the game as you want!'Don't even think about leaving until you finish the finals!"

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