Chapter 281 The Consequences of Confronting Her

Chapter 281 The Consequences of Confronting Her

"David, how much bribery have you accepted? Can you count it yourself? Just because you are the chairman's cousin, you have been abusing your power, threatening and harassing female employees. Do you think you can just end this with money?"


David's face stiffened; he hadn't expected Cecelia to investigate him and have leverage over him.

Being exposed by Cecelia in public at this moment made him extremely embarrassed, his face turning ashen.

"Stephen, how much embezzlement have you engaged in? Do you have any idea? Aside from luxurious houses and cars, you even arranged for those mistresses of yours to live in the same neighborhood. You have built yourself quite an impressive ha rem!" Stephen listened, cold sweat forming on his forehead. He stared at Cecelia in terror, wondering what else she knew.

"As for the other department heads and management personnel, I won't name each one. You know best what you've done. If you want to leave, leave now while you can! Don't wait for me to hand over the evidence to the police and uncover all of your secrets!"

Cecelia's gaze grew colder and more piercing, her aural

commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Seated at the head of the table, she maintained her composure.

The four ministers who had just left the meeting center were still full of resentment outside.

"Let's see! Without us, the conglomerate will fall apart. She'll have to beg us to come back!"

"Exactly! It's ridiculous to think a little girl could manage the company!"

"Regardless of everything else, we all hold shares in the company. What can she do to us?"

Relying on their seniority, they had cultivated a considerable network of loyal supporters. They believed that after they left, their followers here wouldn't work diligéntly anyway.

The future development of the conglomerate still relied on them!

Dealing with this stubborn bunch, Cecelia adopted a tough approach. "As you've witnessed, I've already dismissed several ministers. This is not a joke! Mr. Mavis, prepare the stock transfer documents. Have them sign it, I want to purchase their shares, offer them the highest price during Linsey Corp.'s prime. If they disagree,

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Chapter 281 The Consequences of Confronting Her so be it."

"Understood!" Ludwig promptly instructed.


Cecelia continued, "My principle has always been simple: if you're capable, you stay; if you're not, you're out! Anyone hindering the company's progress will be removed. Of course, I'll also respect your opinions. Whether to stay or go, it's your decision!"

After Cecelia finished speaking, Ludwig added, "To all management personnel, you'll each receive two agreements: one for resignation and one for continued employment with the Tangerine Group. "If you don't want to stay, you can sign the resignation agreement, and the company will compensate you. If you want to continue, your can sign a new agreement with the company.

"Starting today, with the signing of new contracts, every employee, from management to the grassroots, will be subject to performance evaluations.

"At the Tangerine Group, we won't tolerate any dereliction of duty from now on! We need only those who can contribute to the company's development. Consider your options carefully and submit. the agreements to HR."

After the four ministers were ousted earlier, the other management personnel realized the consequences of confronting Cecelia.

After the meeting, the HR department was crowded with management personnel.

Some unnamed individuals voluntarily resigned, but most chose to stay for their livelihoods.

The four ministers stayed in the HR department and noticed that many of their men resigned. They thought these individuals were loyal to their cause, as expected of their own kind.

They believed that a mass resignation would undoubtedly have a significant impact on the conglomerate.

The four waited for Cecelia to come and persuade them to stay, but soon, someone came with stock transfer documents for them fo sign.

David slammed the table in frustration. "She really doesn't care about our feelings at all. She doesn't intend to keep us at all?"

Stephen sighed. "Ah, let's leave! It's not like we don't have anywhere else to go!"

"That's right. Let's see how she manages the company!"

Chapter 281 The Consequences of Confronting Her


David and the others understood that the conglomerate's stock price was currently low, but the company was willing to buy back their shares at the peak stock price. They weren't fools, the deal was a good


And so, the four signed the stock transfer agreements, completed the resignation procedures, and left the company.

In the chairman's office, Ludwig and Cecelia were discussing their next steps.

"President Linsey, many people have resigned along with them. I'm worried they'll take the customers with them and join rival companies to oppose us. What should we do?"

"Mr. Mavis, you're overthinking it. As long as we cut off their options, no one will want them!"

Cecelia had made up her mind-she was going to bring about a complete overhaul of the conglomerate!

She instructed Ludwig to issue an announcement on behalf of the Tangerine Group to the public.

The announcement explicitly named David, Stephen, and others who were dismissed due to dereliction of duty, along with other resigned employees. It stated that once resigned, they would never be rehired. The release of this announcement meant that David and others had been branded with the mark of dereliction of duty. It was believed that no company would hire workers like them.

With the conglomerate's announcement, those who were hesitant about changing jobs were frightened to the point of reconsidering their decisions to leave. They now knew they had to be cautious and work diligently.

Besides removing those who refused to obey her, Cecelia also had Ludwig secretly investigate the employees. Those who had never gotten any promotion despite their hard work were promoted. Additionally, Cecelia instructed Ludwig to eliminate the employees who got in because of nepotistic relationships in the company. They drafted another announcement that promised three times the bonus at the end of the year to anyone willing to stay and work diligently.

With this announcement, many of those who were tempted to resign due to agitation chose to stay because of the threefold bonus. Those who had impulsively left now regretted their decision but had no chance of returning to the company.

Chapter 281 The Consequences of Confronting Her

With these incentives and penalties in place, the turmoil within the Tangerine Group finally subsided.

Ludwig carried out the work arrangements according to Cecelia's instructions.


From Cecelia's swift and decisive style, Ludwig saw her exceptional leadership abilities-her commanding strategy and wisdom.

"I will leave the rest to you now, Mr. Mavis. I'm counting on you from now on!"

After attending the management meeting, when Cecelia was about to leave, she entrusted Ludwig.

"President Linsey, rest assured, I will steer the Tangerine Group back on track. Just wait and see!"

Ludwig, who was originally managing only a small fund company, now carried the responsibility of managing a massive conglomerate. The task was a challenging one, but Cecelia's words made him high in spirits.

The outside world was rife with news about the downfall of Linsey Corp. and the rise of Tangerine. The conglomerate was about to usher in a new era.

Amidst the transition from old to new, there were bound to be discordant voices, but none could stop the march of change.

After resolving the company's matters, Cecelia went to the hospital. Verda was getting better every day.

During the time Everest took care of Verda, their relationship had evidently progressed.

Cecelia then went to see Cynthia, who had been unconscious for several days and showed no signs of waking up.

Remington had already taken the children back, leaving only Aurora waiting outside the ICU.

After Aurora exchanged greetings with Cecelia, Aurora's expression was filled with concern. "What can we do? It's been days, and she's not waking up at all.' Looking at Cynthia unconscious behind the glass, Cecelia suddenly had a bold idea. "Aunt Snow, don't worry. I have a plan that might help her wake up sooner!" "What plan?"

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