Chapter 274 She Is Not Qualified at All

Chapter 274 She Is Not Qualified at All "I know."

Maggie Taylor, as one of the directors of KLCS, had the right to decide who to let in and who not to let in.

Cecilia came here for no other reason than to squeeze into the upper class celebrity and noblewoman tier, but there was no way she was going to give her that chance! as s 15:13

With Cecilia's approach, many more murmurs popped up from the crowd.

"She's not one of our members, is she? The invitation list doesn't have her name either, what is she doing here?"


"That woman flirts around, she must be trying to get into our KLCS." "All divorced and still flirting around, everyone should keep an eye on their own men!"

I don't know who mentioned this, the married women immediately tensed up, a woman who was single and as beautiful as a leprechaun was undoubtedly a potential threat to them.

The women looked at Cecilia with an extra layer of defence, especially Ivone, Camelia and Winnie in the crowd, who were disgusted by the sight of Cecilia.

Why is she everywhere?

Cecilia walked indifferently, Camelia was the first to greet her. "Cecilia, why are you here? Walked to the wrong place, right?"

"I heard it's KLCS charity day, can't I come?" Cecilia asked rhetorically.

Winnie grimaced, "You are not our member, outsiders are not. welcome here."

Maggie Taylor and Petunia's mother and daughter were watching. coldly from the sidelines, seeing that Winnie and the girls were dealing with Cecilia, their mother and daughter did not need to take the lead for the time being.

Being able to tell that the whole room was not welcoming her, Cecilia said in a cool tone, "I came to ask Mrs. Long what it takes to join?"

Ivone, as one of the council members, had a high and cold attitude, "Cecilia, KLCS is different from ordinary organisations, you can't join just because you want to, even if you have a high value and good Chapter 274 She Is Not Qualified at All

conditions, you still can't join if you can't pass the consent of our council. If you don't believe me, you can ask the people at the scene, who would agree?"

"I don't agree." Winnie was the first to speak up.

Camelia followed closely behind, "I don't agree either."

The voices of disagreement grew, even Petunia raised her hand.

Cecilia was equal to the opposition of everyone in the room, all these women excluding Cecilia from KLCS.

lass 15:13


Camelia felt great joy and raised her chin in triumph, "Cecilia, this is the result of everyone's decision, no one welcomes you, get out of here!" Winnie sneered back, "Yeah, get out of here!"

In the crowd, Maggie Taylor and Petunia, both mother and daughter, looked at the isolated Cécilia with cold eyes.

Seeing her being ostracised by all the noblewomen, broadwomen and celebrities in a downcast manner was really painful.

Even if she didn't do anything, someone else would deal with her for them!

Facing the rejection of all the women in the room, Cecilia remained indifferent, as quiet as an immortal statue standing in the wind and rain.

Unless she wanted to leave on her own, who was qualified to kick. her out?

"She wouldn't be so brazen as to have to wait for our chairman to come, right?"

"Even if the chairman comes, so what? She doesn't stand a chance!"

In the midst of the crowd's murmuring, KLCS's president Karen's car pulled up outside the event site, and someone spotted Karen getting. out of the car and called out, "Our president is here!" Everyone turned their heads to look at the entrance, and Karen, dressed in a black dress, walked up the red carpet, surrounded by

her men.


Everywhere they passed, the members spontaneously greeted her, and Karen waved cordially to everyone. Chapter 274 She Is Not Qualified at All


Coming into the crowd, Karen stopped, "Why are they all standing here? Flasn't the event already started?"

Winnie, relying on their good relationship with Karen, went forward and said, "President, you've come at the right time, there's an uninvited guest at today's event, the kind that can't be chased away." As Winnie spoke, her eyes looked towards Cecilia, Karen also looked towards Cecilia beside her, "You mean her?"

"Yeah, she came here uninvited, everyone didn't want her here, they told her to leave and she's still sticking around." Winnie added in disgust.

Ivone also spoke up, "President, this woman still wants to join our KLCS, I don't think she has the qualifications at all, her character is not good and she doesn't deserve to join the KLCS."

Camelia concurred, "That's right, a woman with bad character like her has no qualifications to join, she should be expelled immediately!"

The surrounding women were waiting for a good show, their president was here, if the president personally ousted her, let's see if she rolls!

Karen looked towards Camelia, a faint anger was hidden in the bottom of her eyes, but did not show it, "Miss Xue has a point, people with bad character are indeed not qualified to join, they should be kicked out immediately!"

Camelia and Winnie and the others all looked at Cecilia with smug eyes, and heard Karen call out to someone, "Come on! Get them out of here!"

Everyone waited for a good show, only to see two bodyguards come up and directly hold Camelia's arms, pulling her out.

Pulling me for what? You should go pull her!"

Camelia shouted anxiously.

Winnie looked to Karen, "President, your people got it wrong! Should've got rid of Cecilia!"

Ivone chortles, "Why don't you guys let go of my daughter! You've arrested the wrong person, do you know that?"

Karen's gaze was cold, "There's no mistake, come here! Throw Mrs. Xue, Miss Xue and Mrs Xue out of KLCS." Chapter 274 She Is Not Qualified at All

A few more bodyguards came and held Winnie and Ivone separately, pulling them out as well.

Ivone was confused and shook off the bodyguards, questioning, "President Chu, you've got it wrong! I am a permanent member of the KLCS! Are you not clear about our Xue family's status in THE Centre City?"

"I'm well aware that from now on, you're no longer!"

Karen waved her hand, and the bodyguards obeyed the order and drove the three women out of the venue.


This action could be said to have shocked everyone's jaws, who would have thought that Karen would kick out the three members of the famous Xue family together?

For the sake of one Cecilia, Karen even openly offended the Xue family?

Even though there are many criticisms in people's mind, Karen's action is a warning to the others, no one dares to ask for Cecilia's expulsion again.

After driving away the three women, Karen walked straight to the stage and stood in front of the microphone.

"Firstly, I would like to welcome all the ladies and ladies and wives. who have come to our annual KLCS Charity Day. Next I will formally announce one thing, that is, welcome Miss Cecilia to officially join our KLCS and become a member of our big family. Everyone give her a round of applause!"

Karen applauded, but there was very little applause from the stage, and everyone found it incomprehensible for Cecilia's behaviour of parachuting into the club.

Maggie spoke up, "President, as we all know, new members must be voted unanimously by the council before they can join, why did you just let her join without asking our council members for their opinion?"

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